MH Gold and package editing questions

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MH Gold and package editing questions

Post by worstmousyever »


I would like to ask a couple of questions regarding MH gold and package editing:

1. How do I properly edit the MHgold package to customize it (editing and SAVING scripts, charging texture and sound files within the package?
2. How do I create a brand new package out of it that I'll be able to rename it (e.g. MousyMH)?

Thanks, any help would be appreciated. I have no coding experience but can follow reasonably written instructions with swapping, editing textures and sound files.
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Re: MH Gold and package editing questions

Post by TigerTheGreat »

Well, the cleanest way would be to export it in full. Using the 469's batch export options. You export all of it: scripts, textures, etc, that belong in MHgold.u

And then you have it out in the open, in a subfolder of the UT directory, called MHGold. Rename it to MousyMH and customize everything within at your discretion. Placement of textures, sounds or meshes in the source tree must reflect what the .uc files say in their import sections so you'll have to make some adjustments.
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Re: MH Gold and package editing questions

Post by Eternity »

IIRC, some classes in that package contain direct references to the package itself, therefore renamed package won't be working properly unless those references are fixed...
In order to do this and to create new package - coding experience is required.

In this case it is not the best MH game controller to start with, because there are more advanced and customizable ones that allow to configure a lot of settings via server-side ini config, such as client HUD appearance (all textures, fonts, colors, text messages, sounds, radar textures and settings, score board and server info data, etc.), with no need to edit any package content, so that any admin could have easily created their own unique server with special look, using one the same package set, producing no multiple slightly modified package versions that then will spread over net and would just differ from each other, e.g., by the used logo texture inside...
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Re: MH Gold and package editing questions

Post by worstmousyever »

Delacroix wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 11:43 am Well, the cleanest way would be to export it in full. Using the 469's batch export options. You export all of it: scripts, textures, etc, that belong in MHgold.u

And then you have it out in the open, in a subfolder of the UT directory, called MHGold. Rename it to MousyMH and customize everything within at your discretion. Placement of textures, sounds or meshes in the source tree must reflect what the .uc files say in their import sections so you'll have to make some adjustments.
If I've done the batch export, have edited the code, added/changed textures as desired, how do I recompile the package? Using UnrealED 2.0 as it came with version 436 gives out many different errors about missing content in classes and etc even if I simply decompile and then attempt to recompile the package without any changes being made at all   
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Eternity wrote: Wed Nov 22, 2023 12:14 pm IIRC, some classes in that package contain direct references to the package itself, therefore renamed package won't be working properly unless those references are fixed...
In order to do this and to create new package - coding experience is required.

In this case it is not the best MH game controller to start with, because there are more advanced and customizable ones that allow to configure a lot of settings via server-side ini config, such as client HUD appearance (all textures, fonts, colors, text messages, sounds, radar textures and settings, score board and server info data, etc.), with no need to edit any package content, so that any admin could have easily created their own unique server with special look, using one the same package set, producing no multiple slightly modified package versions that then will spread over net and would just differ from each other, e.g., by the used logo texture inside...
Would you be able to suggest/refer me to better MH game controllers?
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Re: MH Gold and package editing questions

Post by papercoffee »

MH2 Gold was good in its days ...but yes people have developed it further to be better.
Have you tried Monster Hunt 613?
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Re: MH Gold and package editing questions

Post by worstmousyever »

papercoffee wrote: Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:39 pm MH2 Gold was good in its days ...but yes people have developed it further to be better.
Have you tried Monster Hunt 613?
I will check it out, thanks.

also does anyone know what is meant by 469 'batch export' options? and if it's possible what are the instructions to possibly recompile it?   
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papercoffee wrote: Thu Nov 23, 2023 5:39 pm MH2 Gold was good in its days ...but yes people have developed it further to be better.
Have you tried Monster Hunt 613?
MonsterHunt 613 is the original, base version of MH, while MH2Gold is a big update to the game type with many improvements and features, why would you suggest MH 613 then?
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Re: MH Gold and package editing questions

Post by sektor2111 »

worstmousyever wrote: Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:18 pm MonsterHunt 613 is the original, base version of MH
No, it is NOT. MH503 has actually more life-time than 613, version 500 was not that great and it was updated later. X years servers were hosting 503 which also was a no way resulting in a rework mainly called MH2 MHGold and even MH3 in various places which is not like a "MH3" anyway.
Me one I had X reasons to do a bunch of work in a MH2 type because... for me game was more important than colors painted, heavy load, messing up ordered monsters, ignoring the true skill, and many more "in game" funky issues due to raw replacements. Finally because I did not get desired results due to errors from stock specifically naming UnrealI and Unrealshare packages I went later to adjust conformed versions with more sanity checks and enforced with XC_Engine. That's why I ended MH subject and I'm not interested to play in public MH servers running various "colors" and the same bugs. It's up on you how much you understand what issues are coming when monsters and players are used On-Line. Not to forget that I did not forgot Bots.
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Re: MH Gold and package editing questions

Post by worstmousyever »

Thanks for the replies so far, but sadly my question remains completely unanswered and I am stuck in stage of not finding the right way to export (fully)
the content of a pacakge, nor a working way to recompile it back together.
the various tips and guides I've looked at online (involving UCC for example) didn't yield any useful results.

Regarding the coding, I am not a total noob at it, if I am able to edit and save the code, I would at least be able to work with something,
currently I am not even at that stage.

@Delacroix your advice so far seemed the most promising, but I would need to know how exactly does ver 469 allow a batch export, in fact when trying to
use the UnrealED version that comes with 469, it was unable to even open the package (via actor browser) while the 436 UnrealED is able to open it.

@Eternity , that elusive more advanced and customizable controller sounds like a great idea for something for me to look at, but sadly your advice is not
helpful unless you provide a reference to said controller, while in the mean time I am stuck with MH2Gold which I would like to begin working with.

@papercoffee thanks but the advice isn't relevant to the question.

@sektor2111 it seems like you are using the topic to vent about your own frustrations about things that are agein irrelevant to the thread? MH2Gold has much more
features than MH 613, so regardless of which is newer, the package I would like to be working on at the moment is MH2Gold, unless perhaps some of the previous
responders might recommend something specific that can fulfill my needs.

We have multiple MH servers that are online by folks that have been around for years, customized to their desires. And then there are many generic servers.
My idea is to slowly customize my server to have a unique identity and game config, which ultimately shouldn't be all that hard to do, as it mostly involves
minor tweaks and a choice of game settings.
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Re: MH Gold and package editing questions

Post by sektor2111 »

worstmousyever wrote: Sun Dec 03, 2023 7:57 am it seems like you are using the topic to vent about your own frustrations about things that are agein irrelevant to the thread?
Actually no, you asked what sort of MH version should be used for your needs - for editing. I mentioned that for my needs I had to rewrite X pages - the base was MonsterHunt2v3, maybe you have a different view, if bad things that are happening later in game are not a big deal and then... use "Gold" if you think that is gold... I spent a few years exactly on this subject - editing a normal MH package... So, Good luck ! Me one I'll close any MH discussion because all the time when I pointed fingers on the target, the response was "my frustrations" which later were asked how to get fixed...
I think Source-Code for MonsterHunt2v3 and/or MonsterHuntGold is available somewhere... if you cannot find it you can ask Gopostal aka Kelly for it. For exporting said Package me one I would go for a more easy way - taking source code directly... ...
And here is all embedded - mod and source-code... ...
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Re: MH Gold and package editing questions

Post by papercoffee »

@worstmousyever ... unt-2-gold
Here is the source code available as well.
@JackGriffin <= this is gopostal btw. maybe if he sees this he can help you. He is inactive but pops up sometimes to mock us :P
I was just the guy for the graphics of the leader board and can't say much about the coding.