I answer to your question in quote - it is not goal of this patch - alter bots AI.
Auto merged new post submitted 5 minutes later
I not sure about valhallas avatar, But FNN + BP not compatible with cowfix for sure. Find out it recently.
So I guess it simply not work, same as nalifix.
It not make anything bad, however, just not work.
Auto merged new post submitted 10 minutes later
From description it must not affect bots behavior, however, source stripped, so i can't say this for sure.
AFAIK it is another NewNet. Any NewNet not compatible bettween each other.
So if you use FNN, you must not use Ultimate NewNet.
What version SmartStockBots you run? Please say size of file SmartStockBots.u.
In general I suggest left only stock packages + FNN.
Ensure there no bug. On my server it work fine with that set.
And start add packages back until bug not appear.
i can't say what it can be from packages list.
Also it can be some mutator, not listed in packages or Actors. You need check that too.
Unfortunately I can't do this work for you. Only you can done that.
Auto merged new post submitted 12 minutes later
This also can be some items in bots inventory.
For start need check bare minimal setup - FNN + bots and nothing more. No any mutators.
If bug happen here, Post your FNN setup.
Also if you load some stuff via additional ways, like map vote - you need list it here too.
Auto merged new post submitted 17 hours 13 minutes later
You use auto adjust skill on bots. There exists bug in UT code:
https://github.com/OldUnreal/UnrealTour ... ssues/1489
Skill of bots can grow up without any limits with ruin any maths, which expected it be in some range.
Auto merged new post submitted 2 minutes later
- Fix bugged stuff, caused by overflow bot skill. See:
https://github.com/OldUnreal/UnrealTour ... ssues/1489
- Fix travel to AlternatePath - as distance used AlternatePath.CollisionRadius so mapper can tune that
- Clear Destination too for ClearStateOnDeath. Less dumb death on woot maps.
- Improved handle some weird cases, like double run mutator and so on.
Updated in first post: