YouTube tutorials

Any kind of tutorial regarding U-Ed and mapping belongs here
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YouTube tutorials

Post by browndl »

Not trying to sound my own horn, I just want to make these available. I am also not saying I know everything about the editor, sadly I do not. I only want to offer some simple tutorials that may be a help to newcomers with mapping as it seems difficult to find info lately. I have a few now as I have only just started producing them. Hopefully the collection will grow as time passes. If you have a suggestion for a topic let me know, if I know how to do it I will certainly give it a go.

Many years ago I came across UT99 and discovered the editor and that started me on the path to learning Photoshop and 3D Studio Max which eventually led to the career that I have had for the past 17 years. So I thought I might try and give something back. I believe UT99 is still a great place to begin that amazing journey into all sorts of design. Maybe I can in a small way add to your adventure.

UT99 DM-EchoCanyons:DM-WaterTreatment1565:DM-DSKilnWorks3993:DM-DSWashNDry:DM-DSRedDawn:DM-DSBacktoSchool:DM-DSTowerBridge:DM-DSDeadeyeCanyon:DM-DSSectionn8Refinery:DM-DeckardsRevenge:DM-DSStudio:DM-SniperTown:DM-ReturntotheKillingFields:DM-Wastelands:DM-TurboGen23:DM-LongForgotten:DOM-Dockside:CTF-enMakhana:CTF-UrbanSniper:CTF-CanyonWars:CTF-DSTowerBridge Unreal Badlands CiderTown UT99 Infiltration DM-INF-MagnumDocksDeluxe:DM-INF-MagnumDocks2:DM-INF-ReturntotheKillingFields:DM-INF-CityStorageLotA][:DM-INF-ColumbianDrugLord:EAS-INF-DS-RailBridge:DM-INF-ACityBlock:CTF-INF-SavageKillersHeadQuarters:CTF-INF-Capital:CTF-INF-ComplexB UT2003/04 DM-PineValley:DM-Koltoff:CTF-PawnsKeep:CTF-Ardimus Rainbow Six RavenShield AlleyStrike
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