RELEASED... DM-KilnWorks3993

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Re: RELEASED... DM-KilnWorks3993

Post by Red_Fist »

"The darker patch in the 3rd pic is an elevated platform above the "..............................................

Was not the reason of the post, pick any map that has lights on the ceiling shining at a floor like you have, your lighting looks fine.

And sekktor just means it's worthy of being used on a sever without messing everyone up,,,usable.
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Re: RELEASED... DM-KilnWorks3993

Post by browndl »

Red_Fist wrote: Sun Feb 18, 2024 11:23 pm "The darker patch in the 3rd pic is an elevated platform above the "..............................................

Was not the reason of the post, pick any map that has lights on the ceiling shining at a floor like you have, your lighting looks fine.

And sekktor just means it's worthy of being used on a sever without messing everyone up,,,usable.
I just try to honestly respond to the comments as I read them. If I misunderstood your post I apologize. I did not say anything contrary to your idea or your offering it, your post referred to a render that had some dramatic tonal differences in it and all you spoke of was the lighting, I tried to respond relative to what you were saying. But since you seem to want me to understand- I really still don't know what you wanted to communicate... My screen grabs do not include players, so how do you know whether my lighting would or would not function as you describe it? To me your post simply came off as someone who had looked at the screen grabs and decided the lighting should be done some other way. But, just so you know, the over-the-head ceiling lights each have 6 lights- 2 very close to the light fixture that are very bright yet with very small radii to make the light fixture lamps texture seem really bright. 2 more lights a little lower, a little less bright, and with a slightly larger radii to illuminate the light fixture even more. Finally 2 more a little lower much less bright but with a larger radius to cast light around the area. All in an attempt to make the lighting seem somewhat realistic. It may not be perfect, but I think it works for now. It accomplishes what I intended. The effect may not translate through the screenshots but I think it works pretty well in game.

While admirable, I don't think sekktor needs you defending him. I meant what I said, that was one of the nicest things he has said to me. I appreciate what he has to say even if I sometimes do not appreciate the way he says them. I have become very aware of how to improve my bot pathing due to his posts in some of my map threads and I am grateful for that as my pathing has greatly improved due to his input.
UT99 DM-EchoCanyons:DM-WaterTreatment1565:DM-DSKilnWorks3993:DM-DSWashNDry:DM-DSRedDawn:DM-DSBacktoSchool:DM-DSTowerBridge:DM-DSDeadeyeCanyon:DM-DSSectionn8Refinery:DM-DeckardsRevenge:DM-DSStudio:DM-SniperTown:DM-ReturntotheKillingFields:DM-Wastelands:DM-TurboGen23:DM-LongForgotten:DOM-Dockside:CTF-enMakhana:CTF-UrbanSniper:CTF-CanyonWars:CTF-DSTowerBridge Unreal Badlands CiderTown UT99 Infiltration DM-INF-MagnumDocksDeluxe:DM-INF-MagnumDocks2:DM-INF-ReturntotheKillingFields:DM-INF-CityStorageLotA][:DM-INF-ColumbianDrugLord:EAS-INF-DS-RailBridge:DM-INF-ACityBlock:CTF-INF-SavageKillersHeadQuarters:CTF-INF-Capital:CTF-INF-ComplexB UT2003/04 DM-PineValley:DM-Koltoff:CTF-PawnsKeep:CTF-Ardimus Rainbow Six RavenShield AlleyStrike
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Re: RELEASED... DM-KilnWorks3993

Post by Red_Fist »

"looked at the screen grabs and decided the lighting should be done some other way.

No no no, it's an idea to try as-in, mapping forum, nothing more nothing less, as a different style of lighting FOR THAT STYLE OF LIGHT. (in case you want to try it sometime)

Hogwash, I am not defending him, I am explaining to you what he meant.

You should not be so defensive around here. don't worry,,,be happy.
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Re: RELEASED... DM-KilnWorks3993

Post by browndl »

Red_Fist wrote: Mon Feb 19, 2024 7:51 am You should not be so defensive around here. don't worry,,,be happy.
You are right. Thanks for reminding me.
UT99 DM-EchoCanyons:DM-WaterTreatment1565:DM-DSKilnWorks3993:DM-DSWashNDry:DM-DSRedDawn:DM-DSBacktoSchool:DM-DSTowerBridge:DM-DSDeadeyeCanyon:DM-DSSectionn8Refinery:DM-DeckardsRevenge:DM-DSStudio:DM-SniperTown:DM-ReturntotheKillingFields:DM-Wastelands:DM-TurboGen23:DM-LongForgotten:DOM-Dockside:CTF-enMakhana:CTF-UrbanSniper:CTF-CanyonWars:CTF-DSTowerBridge Unreal Badlands CiderTown UT99 Infiltration DM-INF-MagnumDocksDeluxe:DM-INF-MagnumDocks2:DM-INF-ReturntotheKillingFields:DM-INF-CityStorageLotA][:DM-INF-ColumbianDrugLord:EAS-INF-DS-RailBridge:DM-INF-ACityBlock:CTF-INF-SavageKillersHeadQuarters:CTF-INF-Capital:CTF-INF-ComplexB UT2003/04 DM-PineValley:DM-Koltoff:CTF-PawnsKeep:CTF-Ardimus Rainbow Six RavenShield AlleyStrike
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Re: RELEASED... DM-KilnWorks3993

Post by sektor2111 »

Other feedback concerning map's mechanics.
Let's say that if nothing is activating "looping" doors yet - less "players" entered, those will be blockers. Actually by using "TimedTrigger" without repeating for ignition their looping, things are more normal - they start looping at once with game's start. The two "Lifts" as reported by MapChecker which are actually doors, don't need combos, it's a normal ground and "Artificial Player" (aka Bot) has no problem with that. This way LiftCenter goes in wall at once with door - not a big problem in this case because... LiftExit-s are connected each-other with a shorter path than crossing through LiftCenter (rendering it as useless) - a combo is hard-coded with 1000 UU distance + an ExtraCost. LiftExits are connected shorter and Bot will use this direct path instead crossing through full combo.

For the other sort of problems (like brushes not on grid) I cannot call them problems. If we apply the "fix", it will mess up some hallways locking access with some wall, that's why I said that map is good as geometry, game flow, you can feel a DeathMatch with high skilled Bots.

One more thing... I changed Multiskins[2] for that SuperHealth to another Texture from the same package which was source for that "wet" Texture. That seldom crash has gone, it did not crash anymore.
My conclusion is for any of my future map. Basically geometry can be executed in 469 because that Editor has some adds that are helping. I could see how fast can you put paths in maps. And then... completing related items and whatever Textures in 436 + linking paths in 436, actually finishing the rest of stuff in 436. I think this way some objects will get set as in original UT and result will be normal instead of creating links in Textures at properties that are nowhere in prior versions.
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Re: RELEASED... DM-KilnWorks3993

Post by browndl »

Thanks secktor2111. That is all sound advise that I will put into practice. It is much appreciated.
UT99 DM-EchoCanyons:DM-WaterTreatment1565:DM-DSKilnWorks3993:DM-DSWashNDry:DM-DSRedDawn:DM-DSBacktoSchool:DM-DSTowerBridge:DM-DSDeadeyeCanyon:DM-DSSectionn8Refinery:DM-DeckardsRevenge:DM-DSStudio:DM-SniperTown:DM-ReturntotheKillingFields:DM-Wastelands:DM-TurboGen23:DM-LongForgotten:DOM-Dockside:CTF-enMakhana:CTF-UrbanSniper:CTF-CanyonWars:CTF-DSTowerBridge Unreal Badlands CiderTown UT99 Infiltration DM-INF-MagnumDocksDeluxe:DM-INF-MagnumDocks2:DM-INF-ReturntotheKillingFields:DM-INF-CityStorageLotA][:DM-INF-ColumbianDrugLord:EAS-INF-DS-RailBridge:DM-INF-ACityBlock:CTF-INF-SavageKillersHeadQuarters:CTF-INF-Capital:CTF-INF-ComplexB UT2003/04 DM-PineValley:DM-Koltoff:CTF-PawnsKeep:CTF-Ardimus Rainbow Six RavenShield AlleyStrike