Omni-Man skin for Male Soldier model

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Omni-Man skin for Male Soldier model

Post by Koolflux »

Years ago, I made a skin for the Male Soldier player model for Jax, a character from the Mortal Kombat series. That was my first time ever making a player skin.

So now I want to share another player skin I've just made. This time, it's Omni-Man (aka Nolan Grayson), the Viltrumite character from the Invincible comic series as well as the animated series based on the comics. The skin is team-colored as well (pictured in the second image).
Omni-Man team colors.jpg
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Re: Omni-Man skin for Male Soldier model

Post by EvilGrins »

That's nice.

Although, given the hands not being able to change color I might've opted with trying to make them the same color as the shoulders and upper arms.
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Re: Omni-Man skin for Male Soldier model

Post by EvilGrins »

I've found a good home for him...
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