Well, I expect that happen in next 2 months or less.
Auto merged new post submitted 4 hours 48 minutes later
60. Box Selection can start anywhere
In 469e when you do Box Selection, Editor not start do random actions, if you accidentally start selection at actor or brush.
In 469d (first part of video) that make problem, since you need find empty place for start box selection. And if you forget that, random things can happen.
In last part of video I show how it act in 469e.
Auto merged new post submitted 5 hours 13 minutes later
61. Mouse Cursor at Box Selection end
In 469e mouse cursor will appear where you end selection. not where you start as be before. That feature optional and can be turn off in the ini file.
In first part I show how it be on 469d and before.
On last part how it act in 469e.
Such feature prevent you move mouse in real-world, since cursor not teleports back, where selection started.
Auto merged new post submitted 7 hours 22 minutes later
62. Properly Duplicate Movers on KeyPos not Zero
469e able properly duplicate movers, if they not on KeyPos zero.
In first part I show how it be in 469d. Mover positions ruined.
In last part, on 469e, I show how it act in 469e.
Auto merged new post submitted 10 hours 8 minutes later
63. Measure size or distance via Box Selection
in 469e you can measure size or distance via Selection Box.
Auto merged new post submitted 5 hours 56 minutes later
64. Select vertices for edit in 3D viewport
In 469e you can select brush vertices for edit, in 3D viewports as well.
Auto merged new post submitted 10 hours 33 minutes later
65. Select non-coplanar surfaces and brushes with them
In 469e you can easy select all non-coplanar surfaces and all brushes to which belong these surfaces.
That allow easy track and fix broken brushes, which can ruin BSP otherwise.
New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e
I get dizzy when I see such a brush. 

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"If Origin not in center it be not in center." --Buggie
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e
I would love to able to use curved surfaces like this, but i know the engine has problems with it.
Is there any way these non-coplanar surfaces can be allowed in a map without causing problems with the BSP? The textures seem to render fine, but im guessing the main issue is when other brushes cross these curved planes.
Is there any way these non-coplanar surfaces can be allowed in a map without causing problems with the BSP? The textures seem to render fine, but im guessing the main issue is when other brushes cross these curved planes.
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e
Then Tessellate them. Such surface is broken muat be not used. Want curved surface - make curve surface, not broken one.
Proper curved surface use few (or a lot) triangles.
Auto merged new post submitted 11 minutes later
66. Proper Render Meshes in Ortho Viewports if Camera Far Away
In 469e Editor render meshes in 2D viewports properly, not matter how far your camera located.
In first part of video I show how it be before. You barely can recognize what mesh where, since it LOD morphed, like it be far away on screen, and too small, for detail matter.
In last part I show hoe act 469e in such case,
Such fix allow easy operate with meshes and actors on big maps.
Auto merged new post submitted 7 hours 13 minutes later
67. Can hide Event Lines
In 469e you can hide event lines in editor, if they annoy you.
Before it be not possible, and make really messy view on some maps, where a lot events.
Auto merged new post submitted 9 hours 7 minutes later
68. Show Skew and Angle for Texture Align
In 469e Editor can show skew and angle for selected surface, so you can how some tricks done in exists maps.
Auto merged new post submitted 9 hours 30 minutes later
69. Mover Show Polys now properly show texture align
In 469e fixed broken display of texture align when you use Mover - Show Polys.
In first part I show how it be before, on example of 469d.
In last part - how it act now in 469e.
Now you can properly align surfaces on complicated movers via Show Polys.
Auto merged new post submitted 5 hours 16 minutes later
70. Added Horizontal+ FOV mode
In 469e added Horizontal+ FOV mode, which make FOV of screen calculated more suitable for widescreen resolutions.
Auto merged new post submitted 7 hours 50 minutes later
71. New Console Commands
In 469e you can easy change teams or switch from player to spectator or vice-versa, via new console commands: RED, BLUE, GREEN, GOLD, SPEC, PLAY.
Proper curved surface use few (or a lot) triangles.
Auto merged new post submitted 11 minutes later
66. Proper Render Meshes in Ortho Viewports if Camera Far Away
In 469e Editor render meshes in 2D viewports properly, not matter how far your camera located.
In first part of video I show how it be before. You barely can recognize what mesh where, since it LOD morphed, like it be far away on screen, and too small, for detail matter.
In last part I show hoe act 469e in such case,
Such fix allow easy operate with meshes and actors on big maps.
Auto merged new post submitted 7 hours 13 minutes later
67. Can hide Event Lines
In 469e you can hide event lines in editor, if they annoy you.
Before it be not possible, and make really messy view on some maps, where a lot events.
Auto merged new post submitted 9 hours 7 minutes later
68. Show Skew and Angle for Texture Align
In 469e Editor can show skew and angle for selected surface, so you can how some tricks done in exists maps.
Auto merged new post submitted 9 hours 30 minutes later
69. Mover Show Polys now properly show texture align
In 469e fixed broken display of texture align when you use Mover - Show Polys.
In first part I show how it be before, on example of 469d.
In last part - how it act now in 469e.
Now you can properly align surfaces on complicated movers via Show Polys.
Auto merged new post submitted 5 hours 16 minutes later
70. Added Horizontal+ FOV mode
In 469e added Horizontal+ FOV mode, which make FOV of screen calculated more suitable for widescreen resolutions.
Auto merged new post submitted 7 hours 50 minutes later
71. New Console Commands
In 469e you can easy change teams or switch from player to spectator or vice-versa, via new console commands: RED, BLUE, GREEN, GOLD, SPEC, PLAY.
- Godlike
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e
Is black now also a zone color? (Area is accessible in game.)
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"If Origin not in center it be not in center." --Buggie
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e
No. But if you use dark render, then some colors can look enough dark for you think it is black.
Auto merged new post submitted 3 minutes later
btw, even on your sshot I see it is not black. ColorCop tool say it is #10020F.
Also it depends from game brightness as well. I use 1.0 (max) in this example. Possible you use lower value. In such case all colors be more dark. Auto merged new post submitted 3 minutes later
btw, even on your sshot I see it is not black. ColorCop tool say it is #10020F.
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e
I used "Software" as renderer and choosing another one turned out that the "black" is a dark violet.
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"If Origin not in center it be not in center." --Buggie
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e
72. Enlarge map without floating Inventory in air
In 469e you can specify base point, from which happen location scale. This prevent ground items goes in air, since their location count not from center, but from lowest point.
Such feature configurable and you can choose what point use - bottom, top or center.
In first part of video I show hoe it be in 469d, when enlarge map make inventory goes in air.
In last part - how 469e act.
Auto merged new post submitted 6 hours 12 minutes later
73. Proper texture Align on Revolved Shape
In 469e when you use 2D editor for make revolve shape, it make proper align on that shape.
In first part you can see how it be in 469d.
And last one - how in 469e.
In 469e you can specify base point, from which happen location scale. This prevent ground items goes in air, since their location count not from center, but from lowest point.
Such feature configurable and you can choose what point use - bottom, top or center.
In first part of video I show hoe it be in 469d, when enlarge map make inventory goes in air.
In last part - how 469e act.
Auto merged new post submitted 6 hours 12 minutes later
73. Proper texture Align on Revolved Shape
In 469e when you use 2D editor for make revolve shape, it make proper align on that shape.
In first part you can see how it be in 469d.
And last one - how in 469e.
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e
Ok wow ...that's an extreme time saver73. Proper texture Align on Revolved Shape

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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e
That is a HUGE timesaver! I can spend upwards of an hour trying to line up the textures on a curved 16-sided pipe!
I think im gonna stop working on my current map until 469e comes out. There are just too many helpful features added to UnrealEd.
I think im gonna stop working on my current map until 469e comes out. There are just too many helpful features added to UnrealEd.
- Godlike
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e
Well if you think it is good, just wait little more, we have what surprise you definitely 

- Godlike
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e
What I really would look forward to is making the portal-zones more intuitive. 

- Godlike
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e
74. Ability tessellate shapes (or no) from 2D Editor
In 469e in 2D editor you can control tessellate base shape or no.
Auto merged new post submitted 2 hours 23 minutes later
Instructions here: viewtopic.php?p=148685#p148685
In 469e in 2D editor you can control tessellate base shape or no.
Auto merged new post submitted 2 hours 23 minutes later
If you actual active mapper - consider join to beta test group for get early access to 469e and provide useful feedback in return, while use it.
Instructions here: viewtopic.php?p=148685#p148685
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Re: New features and changes of upcoming patch 469e
"surprise" is related to this, did you find a solution? https://ut99.org/viewtopic.php?p=121635#p121635
And why color value of the 1st. zone always blue (RGB 41,56,124; HEX:29287C). It´s hardcoded?
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