What is a Cytek M70?

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What is a Cytek M70?

Post by EvilGrins »

I've got this very basic map which is a little weird. Titled DM-Arena, it looks decent but fairly blank.

No weapons, no health, no armor... decent map to use arena mutators on.

But, that's only when I launch it under Deathmatch. If I double-click on the map file to launch it, it opens in UT and suddenly there's weapons...

...as you can see listed in the Talk Texture top of that screenshot.

Checked the map with my mapping tool, but other than a .uax file, there's no .u file for a weapons-pack.

Meaning the weapons are directly embedded onto the map, despite not being seen anywhere when playing under Deathmatch.

How is that even possible?
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Re: What is a Cytek M70?

Post by OjitroC »

The gametype is Marines.MA_Survivor, which I have not come across before. There are 8 PlayerStarts and 36 Pathnodes - nothing else apart from ligths - so no sounds, no weapons, no health, etc.

Cytek M70 is a Cytek machine gun - this and other Marines weapons is found in Marines.u as is the Marines.MA_Survivor gametype plus a Marines.MA_Deathmatch. The former is a subclass of LastManStanding. There is also a MA_Mutator and this, plus the MA_Survivor gametype, swap default UT weapons for Marines weapons or, if there are no weapons in a map, gives them to the player(s). The Cytek M70 should replace the Pulse Gun.

No idea why the bots are using only the Pulse Gun and the Cytek M70 - perhaps a problem with the code?

Launching the map directly will launch the gametype - playing the map as a DM evidently does not, hence no weapons.
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Re: What is a Cytek M70?

Post by EvilGrins »

Still seems weird that the weapons aren't seen in-game.
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Re: What is a Cytek M70?

Post by OjitroC »

EvilGrins wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2024 1:15 am Still seems weird that the weapons aren't seen in-game.
Indeed - I'm a bit confused though - it looks like part of the Marines Mutator is working as it gives the players weapons but appears to give default UT weapons rather than Marines.u weapons. The chat from the bots is the source of the confusion as it refers to the Cytek M70 and I assume that this does not actually appear, that is none of the bots are using one? I assume that you have Marines.u, otherwise I don't think any weapons other than the Enforcer would appear whichever way the map is started.

It may be that there is a conflict with a mutator that you run or that part of the code of the Marines 'gametype' is not working correctly. Perhaps the log gives more info (particularly if you comment out
Suppress=DevLoad under [Core.System] in your UnrealTournament.ini)?
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Re: What is a Cytek M70?

Post by EvilGrins »

I do have it, but according to my mapping tool it's not connected to the map... which is why I think someone may've embedded it directly into the map.

The weapons look like UT weapons, but what they're firing aren't UT projectiles.

I've got a few other maps like this.
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Re: What is a Cytek M70?

Post by OjitroC »

I looked at the map and at Marines.u using UTPT. Your mapping tool hasn't reported all the required packages - Marines.u, Lock.umx and the texture packages Slums, UTech1 and UTech2 are among the external packages needed to run the map.

There is no mutator embedded in the map - at least, if there is then it will be hidden (code in a light or brush) - this is possible but unlikely as the brushes and lights are small in size and all are roughly similar in size.

As previously indicated, the gametype is in Marines.u and so this would presumably be called when the map is run by clicking on it.

I did look at the Marines.u package, as I say, but did not check the meshes of the Marines weapons. Doing that just now, I see that the meshes of the weapons are from Botpack, UnrealI and UnrealShare with altered projectiles, sounds, etc, etc - hence why they look like UT weapons.

The Marines.u gametype/mutator looks to be running correctly as a number of weapons have been given to the player going by your screenshot above. So everything would appear to be working OK.
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Re: What is a Cytek M70?

Post by Barbie »

EvilGrins wrote: Thu Oct 03, 2024 9:17 pm Meaning the weapons are directly embedded onto the map, despite not being seen anywhere when playing under Deathmatch.

How is that even possible?
DefaultGameType of that map is Class'Marines.MA_Survivor'
Looking at that class we find:
function AddDefaultInventory()

Code: Select all

function AddDefaultInventory( pawn PlayerPawn ) {
	local Weapon weap;
	local int i;
	local inventory Inv;
	local float F;

	if ( PlayerPawn.IsA('Spectator') || (bRequireReady && (CountDown > 0)) )
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekMG");
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekBenelli");
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekPistol");
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekRifle");
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekM70");
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekShotgun");
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekFlamer");
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekBazooka");
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekShader");
	for ( inv=PlayerPawn.inventory; inv!=None; inv=inv.inventory )
		weap = Weapon(inv);
		if ( (weap != None) && (weap.AmmoType != None) )
			weap.AmmoType.AmmoAmount = weap.AmmoType.MaxAmmo;
][code]function AddDefaultInventory( pawn PlayerPawn )

	local Weapon weap;
	local int i;
	local inventory Inv;
	local float F;

	if ( PlayerPawn.IsA('Spectator') || (bRequireReady && (CountDown > 0)) )
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekMG");
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekBenelli");
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekPistol");
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekRifle");
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekM70");
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekShotgun");
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekFlamer");
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekBazooka");
	GiveWeapon(PlayerPawn, "Marines.CytekShader");
	for ( inv=PlayerPawn.inventory; inv!=None; inv=inv.inventory )
		weap = Weapon(inv);
		if ( (weap != None) && (weap.AmmoType != None) )
			weap.AmmoType.AmmoAmount = weap.AmmoType.MaxAmmo;
that adds these weapons to players as default inventory.

Interestingly this map is listed as MA (Monster Arena) at UnrealArchive
OjitroC wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2024 7:56 pm There is no mutator embedded in the map - at least, if there is then it will be hidden
No, there is no custom code in that map.
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