A re-packaged Thievery, with more than a few changes.
Same as the previous versions, it is still "Beta" and has a few issues (can't have everything).
The forum contains info on how to easily create a "fresh" UT install on your desktop, from your current installed copy

http://www.moddb.com/mods/thievery-utMod Changes:
o Aesthetics - won't be a surprise if I said any more.
o Updated credits/intro - thanks to all.
ProMod Integration (single player and multiplayer):
o Flash and crack exploits fixed.
o Behindview disable toggle.
o FrobWake delay configurable.
o New sound system.
o Configurable lockpick sound radius.
o Sensitivity locked when paralysed.
o Scaling bow damage (pullback).
o Moss fixed.
o Silent movement for thieves based on speed threshold
o Chest resupply time increases based on guard player count
o Breath potions provide temporary immunity against crack clouds (not an antidote)
o New Flashbomb system with less punishing falloff vs distance
o Experimental fix to stop playermodels warping up/down on rope arrows and ladders
o Doublejump fix, consecutive jumps don't increase player speed
o Catfall potions are soundless to drink, now last 15 seconds rather than 20
o Some general Blackjack code fixes
o Blackjack KO radius changes based on Thief visibility, making guards in full light less likely to be downed
o Firebolts move faster and explode in a tighter radius
o Flares gutter down when thrown
o Speed potions parabolically reduce in speed towards a 0 count.
o Reduced scoreboard (no AI shown) test in action
o Mantle landing now silent
o Potion effects no longer stack, barring health and breath potions.
o Using invis is now soundless
o Moss, vine, ruse arrows may be used without breaking invisibility
o Backpedal speed fixed, walking backwards is now silent
o Para is fixed due to the backpedal change, and is now more effective
o Crack cloud reduced to 25 second duration (down from 45)
o Breath potions now cost 30
o Ruse arrow is invisible and inaudible to guards while in flight
o Other defensive arrows don't make a firing noise
o Flares/Firebolts now burn moss.
o Water now makes moss grow.
o SpyOrbs replace scouting orbs.
GameType Changes:
Thief Match:
o Explosive loot added.
o Poisonous potions added.
o AI now use correct footstep packages.
Included Maps:
o Th-Airship
o Th-AncientRuins
o Th-Apprentice
o Th-Aquatone
o Th-Archery
o Th-Asylum
o Th-Bourgeois
o Th-Breakout
o Th-Breandor
o Th-CityMuseum
o Th-CrowsNest
o Th-Cult
o Th-Dante
o Th-DarkCathedral
o Th-Darkened_Enlightenment
o Th-District
o Th-Eulenburg
o Th-Flats
o Th-Folly
o Th-Gerome
o Th-Grange
o Th-HighwayInn
o Th-KingsOfTheDesert
o Th-Korman
o Th-LordBeck
o Th-Mensch
o Th-Nostalgia
o Th-Payback
o Th-SheriffsHome
o Th-SkeltstonHead
o Th-SoulsHarbor
o Th-Spider
o Th-Stronghold
o Th-Theatre
o Th-Villa
o Th-Warehouse
Map Changes to pre-fixed maps (TME etc):
All Maps:
o Non-combatants now all civilians.
o Fixed gem exploit permenantly.
o Fixed some lighting.
o Removed crack arrows.
o Fixed door jamming with bolts.
o Reduced loot amount.
o Exit bug should now be fixed.
o Reduced routes to library.
o Moved guards inside.
o Fixed two minor texture errors.
o Reduced safe lock picking time.
o Fixed exit zone.
o Fixed map exploit.
o Altered bot pathing upstairs.
o Fixed vent exploit.
o Fixed zone portal on elevator.
o Modified objectives to tell where exit is.