TUTORIAL: Bad Mover Collisions

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TUTORIAL: Bad Mover Collisions

Post by Feralidragon »

TUTORIAL: Bad Mover Collisions

So, many of you when were about starting a new map, or editing an existing one for the first time, you certainly made a big happy laugh when the things were looking good, while you were building some brushes, adding some lights, inventory and decoration.

Suddently, you wanted to do your own lift, or another moving thing that would include a mover, but then you cry when your mover has a bad collision, like colliding were the collision couldn't exist, or doesn't colliding when the mover has to collide.

But there are good news to solve the situation and place a big smile on your mapping faces :D

For my own experience, there are at last 3 issues that origin bad collision on movers, and you must know that the collision of the mover is a collision per poly, this means, each polygon has its collision, like brushes, and unlike meshes that have a simple cylinder has collision detection.
So, the 3 issues are:

When you edit an already built mover:

Well, this is a stupid thing to do, and a thing that I already did :tongue: .
Well, on a few words, if you edit an existing mover, you can change its surface and textures, and its 3D shape too, but whatever you do, you can't change its initial collision.
It's probably a Ued bug, and its solved by simply you to do your own mover and not edit that one, or you can edit all the shape of the mover, and create a new one by the "Intersection" method.

When you use the 2D Shape Editor to create a mover:

If you are creating a mover at the 2D Shape Editor (built-in in Ued), you will probably have bad collision on the final product, and I don't know why that happens, because it shouldn't happen for sure, but well, you know that Ued2.0 it's just a Beta release, what do you expect? :tongue:
But, it's solved too: create normally your mover shape on 2D Shape Editor, like you want. Then add it to the map as a normal Add Brush, then use "Intersection" method to make your mover from that Brush, then delete your Brush, rebuild geometry and be happy with your mover. :wink:

When your red brush builder is scaled less or more than 1.0:

Sometimes you forgot that you had just scaled your red brush builder, like X=2.0 Y=1.5 Z=0.8 for example. And the issue is another Ued bug for sure, because when you build your mover with a scaled builder, the mover will look like good scaled, but the real thing is: if you scale your builder to X=0.5 Y=0.5 Z=0.5, then the mover will be 2 times smaller like you want, but the collision will stay like if the builder was on it's default scale X=1.0 Y=1.0 Z=1.0, and the result is a smaller mover with the double of collsion detection, what means bad collision.
This is very simple to solve: when you want to build a mover, right click on the red brush builder, and a Pop Up menu will appear, go to "Reset", then click "Reset Scaling".
Then, to have a smaller mover, just dimension the red brush builder with all other ways available, without scaling it.

And that's it, I hope you enjoyed the tutorial, and please make any corrections to what I meant wrong or add something that you might know to contribute to this tutorial. :tu:
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Re: TUTORIAL: Bad Mover Collisions

Post by Dare »

Maybe this should be in the Tutorial forum?
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Re: TUTORIAL: Bad Mover Collisions

Post by Feralidragon »

Dare wrote:Maybe this should be in the Tutorial forum?
Maybe later, for now it stays here on Mapping, because this tutorial is about mapping :wink:
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Re: TUTORIAL: Bad Mover Collisions


verry nice tut :tu:
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Re: TUTORIAL: Bad Mover Collisions

Post by look_of_hell »


good tutorial i can test now
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Re: TUTORIAL: Bad Mover Collisions

Post by Creavion »

Dare wrote:Maybe this should be in the Tutorial forum?
No, its right here.
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Re: TUTORIAL: Bad Mover Collisions

Post by pigmejov »

good tutorial :tu: :tu: :!: :gj:
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Re: TUTORIAL: Bad Mover Collisions

Post by Raynor »

Nice, I'm sure more than few people will find that useful.
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Re: TUTORIAL: Bad Mover Collisions

Post by Myth »

Yer, for example me.
Now I know what did I do wrong when I built a fancy mover whit alot of detail. Intersected it whit a scaled brush. I was so angry back then because I kept falling through I and worked on it for hours. ^^
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