RoninUnrealFX - Canada's # 1 International Unreal/UT Clan

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RoninUnrealFX - Canada's # 1 International Unreal/UT Clan

Post by [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX »


Official Clan Name: The RoninUnrealFX International Clan Federation for Unreal & Unreal Tournament
Casual Clan Name: RoninUnrealFX
Clan Initials: RUFX
Clan Motto: 75% clan, 25% federation, but 100% clan attitude!
Clan Slogan: Canada's # 1 International Unreal & Unreal Tournament Clan
Clan User Tag: [~]RUFX[~]<Username>, [RUFX]<Username>, RUFX|<Username> & RUFX<Username>
Clan Leaders: [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX, [~]RUFX[~]Delacroix & [~]RUFX[~]RaianTheFallen
Clan Headquarters: London, Ontario, Canada
Clan Availability: International-wide (everyone is welcome!)
Current Status: Average-sized...looking for active, dedicated clan members
Type of Clan: Just For Fun & No Cheating
Supported Unreal Games: Unreal, Unreal: RTNP, Unreal II, Unreal II: XMP, Unreal Tournament, UT2003, UT2004 & UT3
Supported Gametypes & Mods: Everything! Instagib included! :)
Supported Languages: English (although the forum and CMS comes with a variety of language packs to help the non-native English speakers out)
Xfire Clan Page:
Steam Clan Page:
GameTracker Clan Page:
TeamSpeak 3 Server:


RoninUnrealFX is an Unreal & Unreal Tournament clan that is hosted/located in London, Ontario, Canada. We are a "just for fun" clan and a no-cheating clan. The goal of RoninUnrealFX is to bring entertainment to those who like to play Unreal & Unreal Tournament in a relaxed way! We DO NOT play for money at all as a clan! (Privately, members are allowed to join fight-for-cash clans if they so wish, but RUFX will never become one).

Although this is a dedicated Unreal & Unreal Tournament clan, some of us like to play other games to give us a short break if needed. NOTE: this does NOT mean we are a multi-gaming clan, this clan is designed *ONLY* for Unreal & Unreal Tournament fanatics, new and experienced. Once every month or so, we usually have mini clan events (meaning only a select few can battle the game out through a vote) albeit we plan to increase the frequency of these.

We are an international clan that accepts members of all nations, races, orientations, shapes and sizes. We do not care whether you're Caucassian, Black, or Asian, nor do we care if you're Canadian, American, Polish, German, Austrian, Austrailian, etc. This IS a completely non-discriminative clan with the sole aim to bring Unreal & Unreal Tournament fanatics a new degree of entertainment, and if you believe you can contribute to this goal in any way/shape/form, or you just want to to have some quality fun -- then you're welcome to join in on the fun!


We allow anyone to join the clan if they are 14 years or older!

Unlike most other clans that require Xfire to be mandatory…in RUFX, it is 100% completely optional, although, it is required that you either use *BOTH* the forum, or MSN/Xfire. We *HIGHLY* recommend using Xfire, but if you have had bad experiences with it, no problem! Understood and comprehend! :)

Like we said above, this is a *NON-PROFIT* Unreal & Unreal Tournament clan…meaning: We are NOT in for the money, nor do we make ANY MONEY AT ALL!! We are in the game only for pleasure and enjoyment, not greed… ^^


We have two missions for this clan, as we did back in 2002/2003 during the PlanetUnreal Terraformers time period:

- To have fun no matter how badly (or how good) that we played
- Mini clan events (meaning only a select few can battle the game out through a vote)


On October 30, 2002, the (now defunct) PlanetUnreal Terraformers [PUT] clan was founded, mainly to take advantage of Unreal Tournament and the "soon-to-be-released" (at the time) Unreal Tournament 2003. The clan was run by 2 of my (now deceased) best friends and myself. The clan was private at the time, hence there is a high chance you might have never heard of it. There was about 8-10 clan members during it's 7 and a half month time span, mostly in their teens, but there was one 24 year old in here, running the main UT and UT2003 server for our clan matches). Due to extreme circumstances, it was shut down in mid-June, 2003. I quit the UT scene for 2 years, returned in early 2005, and the rest is history.

However, around June or July 2008, I re-founded the PlanetUnreal Terraformers under a new name, the RoninUnrealFX clan. The first round was a complete failure, and was on temporary shutdown up until December 2008, when it was revived. Since the second round began...RoninUnrealFX took off from the ground, adding RoC|Rossi on September 11, 2009, and Alucard on December 12, 2009. It grew to a "small clan" status...with a big heart and a passion for Unreal and Unreal Tournament! On July 1, 2011, the clan grew to "average/typical clan" status, along with a brand new website 100% rewritten from scratch, along with the v4.0 update!

However... The updates were far from over. Due to various reasons (including, but not limited to: personal condition of some members, including the founder; hacker attack at the main server, etc.) the clan was effectively almost disabled from action. In fact, our website was in limbo, so was the forum and most notably, VarkOS No. 1 (RoninMastaFX's personal server). This however did not stop the heroic efforts of Delacroix who recruited a total of 4 (!!) new members, played an important role in revising the clan's code of conduct and constantly *bug* me into not giving up on RUFX... could you possibly believe that for over 2 months I lost interest in the clan overall?! I still can't believe this happened. Well... thanks to the thorough reconstruction of the clan much thanks to the aforementioned individual, now a CEO and my own reborn flame for RUFX, we're back... as GENERATION FIVE!


Glad you have taken interest in joining RoninUnrealFX! To find out more information about registration, click on the link at the top of the post to go to the main clan website. After that, click the "Forum" tab, where it’ll direct you to the forum portal. Then, go to the actual forum by clicking the forum button, and under the “Guest Section” category, look for the “Recruitment” subforum, and read both of the stickied threads within that subforum! ^^ It’ll tell you exactly what you need to do, and exactly how to do it, along with some critically important information to your arsenal! :)

Right, we think you know how to do it now! We’ve given you lots of information! :) However, if you’re STILL stuck, email me (roninmastafx [at] gmail [dot] com), and I will help you guide through the proccess. ;) :)

Again, thank you for taking interest in RoninUnrealFX. We look forward to having you in our clan! :mrgreen:


Governing Triumvirate:

RoninMastaFX [ŔöŋıŋΜλšŧλFЖ] - Head CEO & Founder

Delacroix|AlbertWraith Commander / Second-in-Command CEO

RaianTheFallen|KneeSocks - Third-in-Command CEO

Support Staff:

AlucardHead Administrator

RoC|RossiSuper Moderator, Hardcore League

EisWiesel - Clan Member, Redirect Supervisor

Wraith Society:

Master Unreal - Super Moderator, Wraith, Hardcore League, Content Creator Extraordinaire

ebd - Wraith, Content Creator Extraordinaire

Artifex - Wraith, Supporting Server Administrator, Content Creator Extraordinaire

TeamXlink - Wraith, Dreamcast UT Specialist


Unreal & RTNP:

Coming soon...

Unreal II & XMP:

Coming soon...

Unreal Tournament:

Standby for a future edit for the implimentation of the GameTracker server banner...

Unreal Tournament 2003:

Coming soon...

Unreal Tournament 2004:

Coming soon...

Unreal Tournament 3:

Coming soon...



NOTE: Voting is 100% completely optional and is only "just for fun". However, it does improve our rank! What you do with it is your business. ;)
Last edited by [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX on Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:57 pm, edited 42 times in total.
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Re: [~]RUFX[~] RoninUnrealFX - Ronin's United - Recruiting

Post by [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX »

Pardon the bump, but if anyone is interested in joining my clan, you're more than welcome! It's leaded by a 10 year Unreal/9 year UT vet, so you are assured that you're in good hands. :P :)
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Re: [~]RUFX[~] RoninUnrealFX - Ronin's United - Recruiting

Post by Prot »

I may be interested if it doesn't P.O. the wife.

I used to be quite into CTF, and clanned a ton, but I am not, nor ever have been 'uber'. I may hit you up. I don't see many clans offering UT play in Canada so it would be cool.
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Re: [~]RUFX[~] RoninUnrealFX - Ronin's United - Recruiting

Post by [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX »

Just an F.Y.I....the site went through massive renovations, and is virtually all new! Come check it out! :) We are also looking for recruits as well, so don't be shy; join RoninUnrealFX! The Canadian Unreal & Unreal Tournament Clan!

I can be contacted at: roninmastafx [at] gmail [dot] com
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Re: [~]RUFX[~] RoninUnrealFX - Ronin's United - Recruiting

Post by [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX »

RoninUnrealFX Clan Website 3.0 has launched! :mrgreen: We are on a brand new host (hosted by aLeX/EisWeisel), and we have a brand new forum (completely rewritten from scratch, designed to mimic the 2.1 forum)! Enjoy! :mrgreen:

Take care,


Update # 1: Updated first post! :mrgreen:

Update # 2: Added TeamSpeak 3 Server Information!

Update # 3: Removed Ventrilo Server Information and expanded the Extended History section! :)

Update # 4: Added the "Vote For Us" section. :mrgreen:

Update # 5: Fixed the "spacing" problem in-between each section. ^^


Pardon the triple bump. :oops: Got some important news to tell y'all! :D

RoninUnrealFX now has it's very own Unreal Tournament server! The server is located in Montréal, Québec, Canada, and has a player limit of 14! :mrgreen:

More servers for other Unreal/UT games are coming within the next 1-6 months...and: not only Unreal/UT game servers will be hosted...but for other games as well! :D However...that doesn't mean Unreal & UT isn't our main games anymore...they still are, and non "Unreal/UT RUFX clan servers" will only be available to our clan members and other players for other pastimes if they want. ^^ Note: limited servers for other non Unreal/UT games will be hosted via RUFX itself, so the main games to see our servers would be Unreal/UT series, OpenTTD, Chris Sawyer's Locomotion, Battle Realms, and other FPS games that will be listed on the clan website in the future. :)

Anyway, that's all I have to say for now! More news within the next 1-6 months. :)

Take Care,


Raian The Fallen has joined RoninUnrealFX! :mrgreen: I hope you have fun here man. :)


RoninUnrealFX now has it's own UT2004 server, along side our current UT server! :D However, due to maintenance on both servers, they will be offline for 24-48 hours. Both servers will come online shortly after the maintenance has been completed! :)

Many thanks! :)


P.S. Merged some posts together. This makes this thread look MUCH cleaner! :)
Last edited by [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX on Tue Aug 17, 2010 5:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: RoninUnrealFX - Canada's # 1 International Unreal/UT Cla

Post by [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX »

Last post, since I've done 4 (technically almost 7, however 3 were combined), and people will be getting annoyed by this, so I shall stop posting after this post to balance the flow a bit better. =)

Anyway, LOTS of up-to-date and very important news involving RoninUnrealFX needs to be told, so here I (finally) go! :mrgreen:

1) [~]RUFX[~]RaianTheFallen has been upgraded from Administrator status to CEO status! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: What does this mean? Well, essentially him and I now run the clan *together*. I'm sure that RUFX will do *MUCH* better now that two people are running it (rather than myself previously... ^^ ) With this said, RoninUnrealFX will continue running *EXACTLY* the way it was from before (from the days where I used to run it solely by myself ^^ ), but in the future (perhaps 1-3 months time), expect some improvements to come out! :D Also, because of RaianTheFallen becoming a CEO, 50% of the work has been set to him, the other half will be continues to be run by myself. For now, RaianTheFallen will run virtually *ALL* the small stuff, until he feels more comfortable running what he really prefers to run/control. :) ^^

2) RoninUnrealFX now supports GameTracker and Steam, we have our own clan page on these sites (with Xfire being the default/main one still :) ^^ )! :mrgreen: Me and Raian figured that this would add some publicity for RoninUnrealFX, expanding into these 2 very popular sites. :D Him and I have a good feeling about the membership getting a slight increase within 3-6 months time (maybe a year if we're unlucky ^^ ). ;) :mrgreen:

3) *BOTH* the UT and UT2004 servers that I currently host for RUFX *WILL* have a redirect put in around the 20th of August. Also, the UT2004 server will be 100% definitely online on or before September 1th, 2010. My greatest apologies for the UT2004 server delay (and the UT server delay as well!) :oops: :(

4) Victor Delacroix is now a member of RoninUnrealFX (as of July 18, 2010)! Congratulations for choosing RUFX as your main/default Unreal/UT clan! :D We hope you feel comfortable being in our clan! :)

5) We now have a Wiki! :mrgreen: With that said, an improved Downloads section and a (modified) Pastebin v2.0 will be coming within the next 3-6 months! :D Why install a copy of Pastebin on our website? well, for 2 reasons: security, and it'll be modified so only RoninUnrealFX members may post their snippets and code and what not within the Pastebin. :) Also, thanks to the (new) owners of Pastebin, they will be making a "specialized" version for our clan to have a "hierarchy" implemented and an administrator panel, plus other cool features that won't be in the regular Pastebin code posted on their website! :mrgreen: Cheers Pastebin devs! :mrgreen:

6) The forums have been updated from MyBB 1.4.13 to MyBB! :D Around 40 new features have been implemented with the v1.6.x series, and a shit-load of bug fixes as well! :) Come check it out one day...everyone is welcome, whether you're in RUFX or not! :D

Thanks everyone for reading/listening. Take care! :)

Best Regards,


Good news everyone! :mrgreen: RoninUnrealFX has a brand-spanking new UT server (designated at RUFX UT Server # 2 ^^ ) that is located in Los Angeles, California, USA. :D Also, we have not forgotten about the UT2004 server...for the past 3 days I was (and still am!) uploading close to 15 GB of custom content for UT2004, that was delayed by 1 and a half months (due to rl issues ^^), but no worries, the UT2004 server *WILL* be on before Saturday, August 21, 2010! :mrgreen: Also, 2 Unreal 1 servers are being planned (one strictly for Co-Op, the other strictly for DeathMatch/DarkMatch/CTF/Domination ^^). Both servers *WILL* require the 227g patch, so be prepared! :) However, that might not come for another 2-6 months time (maybe sooner, but I 3/4 doubt it ^^ ), so don't get too anxious for them... ^^ Also, a U2XMP server is also in the works, as well as a UT2003 server! The 2 UT3 servers will come most likely sometime during 2011. ^^

So yeah, RoninUnrealFX plans to have a grand total of *10* servers for the Unreal/UT community, and about 5-10 other servers for the other supported non-Unreal games! (NOTE: the Unreal/UT scene is out *BIGGEST* time consuming games in the clan, composing roughly 75% of our time... ^^ )

Thanks again everyone...hope to see you on the RUFX servers one day! :mrgreen:

Best Regards,
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Re: RoninUnrealFX - Canada's # 1 International Unreal/UT Cla

Post by [~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX »


First of all, I'm back into the main Unreal/UT scene once again after almost 8-10 months in "The Underground"! :mrgreen:

Second of all, our website (was once again) was completely redone from scratch! However, unlike previous versions of the clan website, the main CMS, Blog & WIki systems uses Drupal, an AIO universal CMS! :) The choice was made by yours truly after the server beign transfered from EisWiesel's server in Paris, France to my home server on my *BRAND-NEW* uber-powerful home connection here in London, Ontario, Canada! :tu: :wink:

With this said, our server list has shrunk significantly from before, due to "The Money Well" not only ran short, but it was severed from my bank (due to PayPal being jerks and stealing money from me secretly! :gj: ). Nonetheless, I have a server of my own, and everything is resuming back to normal now =)

Also, registrations are now open once again as of July 1, 2011! If you wish to register, read the first post of this thread! =)

Take care for now, and God bless! :)

Best Regards,
[~]RUFX[~]RoninMastaFX, [~]RUFX[~]Raian the Fallen & The RoninUnrealFX Clan
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Re: RoninUnrealFX - Canada's # 1 International Unreal/UT Cla

Post by Delacroix »


Today, in exactly 4 hours and 30 minutes from the moment I posted this, a Clan Event is scheduled, that means: 22:00 GMT+1.

Notable highlights:

* beta testing of a new, yet to be titled, map by myth.
* alpha testing of BasicBathroomSE by RoninMastaFX & Master_Unreal
* sneak peek of a new clan-exclusive character, Albert Wesker from Resident Evil 5 (currently voice pack only). Next week's clan event will feature both Albert and Half-Life 2's G-Man in both model and voice form!

Everyone is welcome to join in!

See you guys online.
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Re: RoninUnrealFX - Canada's # 1 International Unreal/UT Cla

Post by Delacroix »


Another clan event is scheduled in 3 hours time from now, or to be more precise: 22:00 GMT+1. Everyone is welcome!


CLAN EVENT CANCELLED. VarkOS server is offline, reasons unknown. Apologies.
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Re: RoninUnrealFX - Canada's # 1 International Unreal/UT Cla

Post by Delacroix »

An update & Clan Event notice

In two hours time from the moment this is posted, a clan event will take place. Everyone is very welcome!

Please note that server IP was changed due to technical reasons behind VarkOS being offline the last time around. Now, the server is active and will remain active for the clan event!

See you guys online.
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Re: RoninUnrealFX - Canada's # 1 International Unreal/UT Cla

Post by EvilGrins »

Oh great, the Canadians are attacking...
Image Image Image Image
I for one look forward to being governed by our fearsome Canadian overlords.
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Re: RoninUnrealFX - Canada's # 1 International Unreal/UT Cla

Post by Delacroix »

Actually I'm Polish, we also have at least 2 Americans and at least 1 (maybe 2) German(s) in the clan. It's Canadian-based, but effectively international.
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Re: RoninUnrealFX - Canada's # 1 International Unreal/UT Cla

Post by Delacroix »

An update & Clan Event notice

A clan event is in progress to celebrate the Clan entering Generation Five. Everyone is very welcome!

Please note that server IP was changed due to technical reasons behind VarkOS being offline the last time around. Now, the server is active and will remain active for the clan event!

New server IP:

See you guys online.
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Re: RoninUnrealFX - Canada's # 1 International Unreal/UT Cla

Post by Delacroix »

Clan Event Notice

Due to the server being back online, we are resuming our Clan Events on each Sunday. In 40 mins from now, a Clan Event will take place. Consider yeselves invited, everyone!
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Re: RoninUnrealFX - Canada's # 1 International Unreal/UT Cla

Post by Delacroix »

Merry Bloody Christmas

... and consider yeselves invited for a clan event, ladies and gentlemen! In 1h time from now, on exactly 5 AM my time (GMT+1), a Clan Event begins!