Thievery - Tenth Anniversary Community Edition

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Thievery - Tenth Anniversary Community Edition

Post by Dr.Flay »

It's been creeping around in the shadows for 10 years, and finally the ultimate "Stealth-em-up" is back.
A re-packaged Thievery, with more than a few changes.
Same as the previous versions, it is still "Beta" and has a few issues (can't have everything).

The forum contains info on how to easily create a "fresh" UT install on your desktop, from your current installed copy :tu:
Mod Changes:
o Aesthetics - won't be a surprise if I said any more.
o Updated credits/intro - thanks to all.

ProMod Integration (single player and multiplayer):
o Flash and crack exploits fixed.
o Behindview disable toggle.
o FrobWake delay configurable.
o New sound system.
o Configurable lockpick sound radius.
o Sensitivity locked when paralysed.
o Scaling bow damage (pullback).
o Moss fixed.
o Silent movement for thieves based on speed threshold
o Chest resupply time increases based on guard player count
o Breath potions provide temporary immunity against crack clouds (not an antidote)
o New Flashbomb system with less punishing falloff vs distance
o Experimental fix to stop playermodels warping up/down on rope arrows and ladders
o Doublejump fix, consecutive jumps don't increase player speed
o Catfall potions are soundless to drink, now last 15 seconds rather than 20
o Some general Blackjack code fixes
o Blackjack KO radius changes based on Thief visibility, making guards in full light less likely to be downed
o Firebolts move faster and explode in a tighter radius
o Flares gutter down when thrown
o Speed potions parabolically reduce in speed towards a 0 count.
o Reduced scoreboard (no AI shown) test in action
o Mantle landing now silent
o Potion effects no longer stack, barring health and breath potions.
o Using invis is now soundless
o Moss, vine, ruse arrows may be used without breaking invisibility
o Backpedal speed fixed, walking backwards is now silent
o Para is fixed due to the backpedal change, and is now more effective
o Crack cloud reduced to 25 second duration (down from 45)
o Breath potions now cost 30
o Ruse arrow is invisible and inaudible to guards while in flight
o Other defensive arrows don't make a firing noise

o Flares/Firebolts now burn moss.
o Water now makes moss grow.
o SpyOrbs replace scouting orbs.

GameType Changes:

Thief Match:
o Explosive loot added.
o Poisonous potions added.

o AI now use correct footstep packages.

Included Maps:

o Th-Airship
o Th-AncientRuins
o Th-Apprentice
o Th-Aquatone
o Th-Archery
o Th-Asylum
o Th-Bourgeois
o Th-Breakout
o Th-Breandor
o Th-CityMuseum
o Th-CrowsNest
o Th-Cult
o Th-Dante
o Th-DarkCathedral
o Th-Darkened_Enlightenment
o Th-District
o Th-Eulenburg
o Th-Flats
o Th-Folly
o Th-Gerome
o Th-Grange
o Th-HighwayInn
o Th-KingsOfTheDesert
o Th-Korman
o Th-LordBeck
o Th-Mensch
o Th-Nostalgia
o Th-Payback
o Th-SheriffsHome
o Th-SkeltstonHead
o Th-SoulsHarbor
o Th-Spider
o Th-Stronghold
o Th-Theatre
o Th-Villa
o Th-Warehouse

Map Changes to pre-fixed maps (TME etc):

All Maps:
o Non-combatants now all civilians.

o Fixed gem exploit permenantly.
o Fixed some lighting.

o Removed crack arrows.
o Fixed door jamming with bolts.

o Reduced loot amount.

o Exit bug should now be fixed.

o Reduced routes to library.

o Moved guards inside.

o Fixed two minor texture errors.
o Reduced safe lock picking time.

o Fixed exit zone.
o Fixed map exploit.

o Altered bot pathing upstairs.

o Fixed vent exploit.
o Fixed zone portal on elevator.

o Modified objectives to tell where exit is.
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Re: Thievery - Tenth Anniversary Community Edition

Post by Vankuss »

Can I play this in Practice against and with bots?
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Re: Thievery - Tenth Anniversary Community Edition

Post by Dr.Flay »

Yes, but I believe there are some AI issues being brought up by a few people.
The official forum has people who know more. I haven't tried this version yet.

BTW. The code is now officially up for grabs, if anyone wishes to carry it on.
The AI and weather system are probably worth it alone !

...The old horse pawn I've got for thievery is awful. When it dies it lays on it's back with it's legs in the air !
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Re: Thievery - Tenth Anniversary Community Edition

Post by papercoffee »

Dr.Flay wrote: ...The old horse pawn I've got for thievery is awful. When it dies it lays on it's back with it's legs in the air !
Pictures? ...this sounds awkwardly funny :mrgreen:
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Re: Thievery - Tenth Anniversary Community Edition

Post by Dr.Flay »

I am sure I have some. I remember doing the screenshots because they looked so stupid :lol2:
It took me ages to get them to work as I did not know it was for Thievery (no readme).
...boy was I disappointed !
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Re: Thievery - Tenth Anniversary Community Edition

Post by papercoffee »

wait, somehow I can remember some pictures you did show us about the dead horse ...was it in the fun thread?
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Re: Thievery - Tenth Anniversary Community Edition

Post by Dr.Flay »

There you go. Yup thanks for reminding me. It was in the "screenshots for fun" thread :tu:
I got the screen-grab as finding this scene in front of me was priceless :shock:

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Re: Thievery - Tenth Anniversary Community Edition

Post by papercoffee »

"She is still warm..."

Those are the ugliest dogs I've ever seen in my life... :mrgreen:
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Re: Thievery - Tenth Anniversary Community Edition

Post by Dr.Flay »

So wrong on many levels :barf:

Shame the author never finished it.
Shame the author didn't look for an existing horse model.
Shame the author did not study animal biology.
just shameful.
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Re: Thievery - Tenth Anniversary Community Edition

Post by chief »

Okay, so first post here and I'm bumping an incredibly old thread but I was updating some of my uploads over on ModDB and came accross this thread when looking for another, so figured I'd reply...
Dr.Flay wrote: Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:15 pm Shame the author didn't look for an existing horse model.
Shame the author did not study animal biology.
Actually the author (me) had a very good looking horse going following a commercial (DigitalTutors) horse modelling tutorial, until (unbeknownst to me) Maya flipped out and turned the horse into a nearly flat plane of merged vertices. My only fix (aside from re-doing the entire thing from scratch) was the scale and extrude tools and... well... play-dough horse :mrgreen:

I also included it in the Twentieth Anniversary Edition mutator in its' 10th anni' form for fun (but you can disable it as a feature) :wink:
Dr.Flay wrote: Wed Jul 04, 2012 9:55 am ...The old horse pawn I've got for thievery is awful. When it dies it lays on it's back with it's legs in the air !
That was actually deliberate as I knew there'd be some players who may object to dead horses lying around the place, but no one can get upset about how I did it because it's so laughable :lol:
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Re: Thievery - Tenth Anniversary Community Edition

Post by Dr.Flay »

Welcome to the forum Chief.
Yeah it sucks when you put in the work and the tools you use end up borking it.
I wanted to use it in the western maps and mods for Unreal and UT, because a cowboy without a horse is no cowboy.

I am puzzled by "some players who may object to dead horses", because . . . . they do die . . . and it doesn't matter which way up they die, they still look dead. Very very dead.
I would suggest that people that have an issue with dead things in a game where you kill, probably should be playing other games.
Dead humans laying around are just as bad as dead hoses, dogs, cats, cows or any other living being.
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Re: Thievery - Tenth Anniversary Community Edition

Post by papercoffee »

Well could always go for ass-ploding horses.
Like, you just touch them and they gibb around like a massively overcooking Gulaschkanone.
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Re: Thievery - Tenth Anniversary Community Edition

Post by chief »

papercoffee wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:48 pm Well could always go for ass-ploding horses.
Like, you just touch them and they gibb around like a massively overcooking Gulaschkanone.
That would certainly be an interesting feature.

One funny thing was that if you spawned UT weapons the horses would go on the rampage shooting up the place (or at least anyone not on their team).

I actually used that ability to make a rider (re-meshed redeemer with the firing disabled).
Dr.Flay wrote: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:13 pm I would suggest that people that have an issue with dead things in a game where you kill, probably should be playing other games.
There is that, but even other games round the period (the horse pre-dated the tenth anni. edition by some years) tended to avoid any form of animal cruelty. An example that springs to mind is Swat 3's cats. If you shoot one you don't injure it, but it instead roars like a lion and you get insta-killed 8)
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Re: Thievery - Tenth Anniversary Community Edition

Post by rjmno1 »

download please for that new modified mod. :tu:
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Re: Thievery - Tenth Anniversary Community Edition

Post by chief »