What programs to begin making a map?

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What programs to begin making a map?

Post by Timeless »

I want to start making a map, but I'm sort of overwhelmed by all the different programs that are being thrown around. I know that UnrealEd is the standard one, but I've also heard of 3dmax and a host of programs for scripting, etc. What are all the programs I should download to begin and where can I get these programs?


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Re: What programs to begin making a map?

Post by Myth »

If you don't know how to map, then delete all those addon programs and use ONLY Unrealed 2.
Once you are a more advanced user of Unrealed 2 you'll know which programs would be usefull.
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Re: What programs to begin making a map?

Post by Pandemonium »


to make a map for UT'99 you only need UnrealEditor2.0 (whitch is included in the game. Just open the Unrealed.exe in UnrealTournament/System).

If you want to make own textures you need a photo-editing program such as Photoshop (expensive) or GIMP (free download -> google)).
Some high-poly meshes cannot be created with UED easily, therefore you need a modeling-program such as 3DS-Max or Maya. But these programs (max and maya) are very complex and should be used if you already CAN create good maps (whitch takes usually a long time). But it's not necessary to make meshes like that to make a good-looking map.. :)

Scripting is also not necessary for a multiplayer-map. For scripting you need knowledge of programming (java, c++) and the windows-wordpad..

So, first of all, start messing around with the UnrealEditor2.0

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Re: What programs to begin making a map?

Post by Shade »

In our downloadlist you will also find "UnrealEd 2 Tutorial" and "UT Mapping Tutorial" (In the "Tutorials"-Section)...maybe it helps. ;)
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Re: What programs to begin making a map?

Post by Anderson »

http://www.birrabrothers.com/drac/ued2.html this is a great tutorial, has most everything you will need and then some. if not on there, as said before, http://www.wiki.beyondunreal.com :)
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Re: What programs to begin making a map?

Post by Timeless »

Excellent. Yeah, I'm start with UnrealEd, and we'll see how far that goes. I got a copy of Photoshop Pro from my friend, but it will probably be awhile until I use that.

Shade, that download list is awesome :tu: I have been looking for the music to UT for years, and finally got it. Gonna start reading the tutorials, and props to the site!
