Pre-release of fnb spaceport maps (ctf4, dom, dm/tdm)

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Pre-release of fnb spaceport maps (ctf4, dom, dm/tdm)

Post by FraGnBraG »


i'm looking for feedback on these 3 maps...

I'm not too keen on doing any more to these (i'm onto other projects now) but i will fix bugs if they are bad enough.
if they are "clean" enough i will go ahead and upload to MapFactory or someplace in the next week or so.

dm + dom seem okay as 4-team matches as well, imo ...

many thanks in advance :)

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Re: Pre-release of fnb spaceport maps (ctf4, dom, dm/tdm)

Post by Red_Fist »

Well it is like a combination of Pyramid, spacenoxx and Hyperblast and Morpheus, all I can think of is if you put a normal grav area fighting inside area.Otherwise I didn't catch or see any problems for the DM.

The only other thing i can think of is to make that center beam area where the gravity thrusts you down to die if you get too close, or get pushed into.

and it has the spaceport look.I was also thinking if there was 4 movers one on each corner for additional gameage.

Very cool, lighting turned out the way I like things to look, maybe much darker on the bottom center area, for fun sake.
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Re: Pre-release of fnb spaceport maps (ctf4, dom, dm/tdm)

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Tried the CTF4 with 19 bots plus me, bots humiliated my red team! I didn't think that there would be THAT much resistance so I kept my base wide open and when I finally found it, the flag was already captured 3 times! :loool:

Visuals, stuning! Some of those elektro-commercial thingies look amazing (especially the reflection of them)

The pickup on the satelite is a wildcard, or a simple chainsaw? I mostly got chainsaws there :( .

As always, your maps are amazing and this is no exeption, well done FnB!
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Re: Pre-release of fnb spaceport maps (ctf4, dom, dm/tdm)

Post by Creavion »

I really wonder what is going on with map-factory. Who was the guy who e-mailed the owner a while ago? I dont think I would like to host my files on mediafire. Somehow to unsafe for me (who knows how long the stuff remains there), also you`ll never know how many people downloaded your files.
Anyway: The generic space-city-shape is already really awesome. I gonna check the map later or tomorrow. If I have anything further to say about it, I will let you know.
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Re: Pre-release of fnb spaceport maps (ctf4, dom, dm/tdm)

Post by FraGnBraG »

Red_Fist wrote:Well it is like a combination of Pyramid, spacenoxx and Hyperblast and Morpheus, all I can think of is if you put a normal grav area fighting inside area.Otherwise I didn't catch or see any problems for the DM..
hmm, well for years it had about 5 or 6 gravity zones from top to bottom (their might be a pic of that somewhere on my website). The "street level" was normal grav, with the gravity decreasing as you went up or down from there (there are 7 levels, sorta). I reduced it to just one killzone and then the one big-ass zone where i tweaked the gravity to a more "zippy-float" for the whole map rather than many different LG settings (I also had direction zones out in space that launched you around to get redeemers and other such nonsense). The _problem_ with that was performance related and not gameplay related (although it is disturbing to have your air-control taken away from you, lol!) I gained maybe 10-15 fps "outside" by getting rid of all those huge zone portals.
Red_Fist wrote:The only other thing i can think of is to make that center beam area where the gravity thrusts you down to die if you get too close, or get pushed into.
that's not a bad idea except i liked the fact i could just jump across the middle to the opposite quadrant. A killing beam would prevent that...
iirc there's a trigger/actor for killing pawns, maybe i could try that - make it a tall collision cylinder around the beam. i don't really want to build BSP in that map any more so a zone is not an option... thanks red_fist :) if it works you get a credit, lol!
Red_Fist wrote:and it has the spaceport look.I was also thinking if there was 4 movers one on each corner for additional gameage.
one thing you won't find in this map is any movers - it has always been a jump/LG map, that said, with double speed and jumpboots you can fly so far in one jump that you should easily reach those platforms when youre down in the loading area...
Red_Fist wrote:Very cool, lighting turned out the way I like things to look, maybe much darker on the bottom center area, for fun sake.
i removed about 25-30% of the light actors in the last development period due to UE1 continously smacking me for that shitty bsp, lol! it got to the point where adding just one or two extra light actors (didn't matter where) and boom! lightmap crash... so then log log log, delete delete delete, unlit unlit unlit, etc, until it would became stable, until next time i added a light (rinse repeat) heh, great mapping lessons for noobs in this one about how not to make a ut map, lol!

Anyways thanks for having a look :)
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Re: Pre-release of fnb spaceport maps (ctf4, dom, dm/tdm)

Post by FraGnBraG »

GEx wrote:... The pickup on the satelite is a wildcard, or a simple chainsaw? I mostly got chainsaws there :( .
maybe you're the lucky guy who always gets a chainsw, lol! or maybe no bots showed up to take it. I've picked up many different powerups from all the Xwildcard locations however i've noticed that bots don't always go stright for the xpickups, they sometimes just run past them. That said, when an armed masterful or adept bot has doublespeed (and you don't) and he decides to attack you, then you're pretty much dead :satan:

I think the thing about this map as CTF4 (compared to it's CTF ancestor from long ago) is it is not predictable or consistant. The old CTF map was too open and easy to cap (the bots were quite horrible as well). With CTF4 you have to focus on the team that's leading which allows the other two to sometimes catch up.

You can beat the map real easy against bots, no matter how strong you make them. Bots are easy to out-smart. if there were a few humans in the mix i think you'd be in big trouble... big trouble :shock:

Thanks for having a look :)
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Re: Pre-release of fnb spaceport maps (ctf4, dom, dm/tdm)

Post by Red_Fist »

What I mean about the center beam is only at the bottom level(s)to thrust you downward if you get too close the the edge.

about the movers I was just thinking as another way to get up top and be sneaky while others are jumping around not paying attention, put sniper rifles by each mover.Sort of like a sight seeing sniper tour of shooting LoL while you get a nice smooth ride.

Also about the normal grav, like an area for hallway fighting, kinda like hyperblast curved hallway area and other "inside" areas

Oh, it's all good right now but those are just some added things I thought up.
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Re: Pre-release of fnb spaceport maps (ctf4, dom, dm/tdm)

Post by UnrealGGecko »

You know the ''distribution'' setting? I have it turned on and for some reason, in both your CTF4 maps (this one and GOMP) it turns into a regular match for some reason (it works normally with other ctf4 maps though). What could cause this?
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Re: Pre-release of fnb spaceport maps (ctf4, dom, dm/tdm)

Post by AliveTillFragged »

OMG I have tO PLAY this map before i get back to medical hostel yahoooooooooo
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Re: Pre-release of fnb spaceport maps (ctf4, dom, dm/tdm)

Post by FraGnBraG »

You know the ''distribution'' setting? I have it turned on and for some reason, in both your CTF4 maps (this one and GOMP) it turns into a regular match for some reason (it works normally with other ctf4 maps though). What could cause this?
oops - damn, i already released and archived :loool:

you know in the ctf4 GOMP release I think there's 2 maps - one xpickups and one "normal weapons". I'm nowhere near my ut99 pc so i wonder if you tries both versions with the "distribution" on?

afaik the actor set up is the same as in other ctf4 maps by other mappers, including the "crossroads" demo map...

maybe xpickups is affecting ctf4 somehow? i know xpickups does not function with some other mutators (like LG/insta) i get crashes if i try that...

i'll see if i can figure it out...
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Re: Pre-release of fnb spaceport maps (ctf4, dom, dm/tdm)

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Yeah, sorry I only tried the xpickuped GOMP (and accidently deleted the normal one).
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Re: Pre-release of fnb spaceport maps (ctf4, dom, dm/tdm)

Post by Creavion »

Large morpheus like jump speed-map with a lot of space to move around on a lot of floors/levels and with nice shiny windows.
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