Soul Harvest 2

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Soul Harvest 2

Post by Dr.Flay »

UMOD and Non-UMOD versions.
Soul Harvest

Soul Harvest is a little addition to deathmatch, in the form of a mutator. Traditionally, when you kill someone in Unreal multiplayer, you score a point for the kill. However, Soul Harvest gives you the point for the kill, but also provides an additional point if you can do what's required. It works like this: The way it works is this. When you kill someone in Soul Harvest, they die and a soul is spawned. This soul starts to slowly rise at the rate of about half a foot per second. To get an additional point for the kill, you must harvest the rising soul by simply running over the soul and picking it up. When you harvest a soul, a yellow message stating your feat will appear to all players, and everyone in the vicinity will hear a choir voice.

This type of gameplay has many advantages. It reduces the effectiveness of snipers and campers. If you are sniping at someone far away, then chances are you will not be able to reach them in time to capture their soul that is rising into the air. This mod encourages close action and tight gameplay, so that players may harvest souls after they kill their opponents.
There are three ways you can play Soul Harvest:
BotMatch: To play Soul Harvest against Unreal Tournament's bots, go to "Start Internet Game", and select "Mutators", and add "Soul Harvest" to the mutator list. Configure your bots, then click "Start".
Joining a Multiplayer Game: Open up GameSpy, and find a server with a running an Soul Harvest mutator.
Serving a Multiplayer Game: To play Soul Harvest against Unreal Tournament's bots, go to "Start Internet Game", and select "Mutators", and add "Soul Harvest" to the mutator list. Then click "Dedicated".

Title: Soul Harvest
Date Created: November 25, 1999
Author: Mike Lambert (Mongo)
Homepage: Pipeline Productions
Description: Unreal game modification where you must harvest the rising soul from dead bodies to score points.

Copyright (c) 1999, Mike Lambert
You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this modification, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic medium that is sold for money without my explicit permission!
You MAY distribute this level through any electronic network (internet, FIDO, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file and leave the archive intact.
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Re: Soul Harvest 2

Post by UTDeath »

I like Soul Harvest but what was changed from the previous one?
You cannot kill what is already dead.
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Re: Soul Harvest 2

Post by Dr.Flay »

No idea. I guess it's just the internal revision number.
The files are named as I got them. I can't think straight anyway. I should be in bed long ago.
Don't know why I'm here. I just told Crev I was finally going to bed, then ended up here.

Maybe i'm haunted/possessed ?

I'll collect all the zombie options from my monster folder later. (some are too fast for my taste. especially in dark maps)
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Re: Soul Harvest 2

Post by JackGriffin »

Just to be truthful my tombstones mod totally ripped this idea off. It's simple and effective when the reward is good enough that it can change the entire game.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
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Re: Soul Harvest 2

Post by Feralidragon »

This is basically Kill Confirmed kind of gametype.
I made a map once where the dead player's soul would return to you. Probably still have it somewhere...
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Re: Soul Harvest 2

Post by papercoffee »

There was once a game mode for Quake3 Arena ...I can't remember well the name ...head hunter maybe soul huinter or something like this.
For every kill you made was a glowing skull dropped whichsoever you have to collect. This skull behave like a chain and you dragged them along the map with you ...You got only the point for the kill if you could arrive safely (without getting killed) in a team base (oh I think it was team based) and you had to run through a pentagram to get the points.
Now comes the main twist ...who ever could kill you on your way back to your base, got your head and your collected skulls.
Good players who got greedy could fall easy pray to other lucky one.
Camper couldn't win this game mode... because, no skull no point.
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Re: Soul Harvest 2

Post by Dr.Flay »

:mrgreen: Head Hunters 13

HeadHunters Classic UT Readme

Visit the official HeadHunters for UT web site at: for instructions and the latest

Produced by Demiurge Studios in cooperation with Tarot Games.

email all bug reports and suggestions to


1. Unzip file into a temp directory
2. Open up Windows Explorer, find the file HeadHunters-XX.umod and double click
on it
3. Follow the instructions on your screen
4. Connect to a server and start baggin' heads



- Choose HeadHuntersClassic as the gametype.
- Choose a map. (DOM maps are at the end of the list. When playing on DM maps the altars will appear in random locations.)
- On the rules tab, put in how many altars you want.
- Start killing and grabbing heads!
- Sacrifice them at an altar to get points.


F. A. Q.

How do I setup my own HeadHunters Server?
- Easy:
1. Run UT.
2. In the menus go: Multiplayer->Start New Multiplayer Game.
3. Under Game Type, pull down to HeadHunters Classic
4. Setup rules, under "Rules" tab
5. Hit "start" or "dedicated" depending on the type of server you want.


Version 1.3 (build 12) (6/10/00)
- Bot Support!!! (No, really. They go after heads and sacrifice them)
- Play on DM or DOM maps.
- Number of altars is configurable
- Bug Fixes

Version 1.2 (build 11) (4/6/00)
- Had to ditch new altar model.

Version 1.2 BETA 1 (build 10) (3/30/00)
- Bot Support!!!
- Cool new sounds and alerts
- New altar model
- Built-in server browser
- Better optimized net code (lag-free play
- Even bigger and brighter heads
- Heads drag around using super-cool IK
- Bug Fixes

Version 1.1 (build 9) (1/28/00)
- Fixed "Alter" to say "Altar". Thanks to Zach Smith for that one.
- "Alters Per Point" setting was not saving, now it does.
- used to givestemporary frag when killing, so players could win by killing
someone when they have 1-fraglimit frags
- Hear sacrifice sound even if you don't make the sacrifice if you're near the
person. It goes through the 3d sound engine.
- Generally easier to see heads now because...
- Heads Glow
- Larger heads
- heavier heads (bounce less)
- Change scoring message to say "...for X points"

Version 1.0 (build 8) (1/27/00)

BETA 3 - (build 8) (1/26/00)
- Fixed fraglimit bug
- Players were getting "headshot" accouncement everytime, fixed that.
- Fixed spelling of SACRIFICED

BETA 3 - (build 7) (1/26/00)
- Added "Alters Per Point" option in the rules menu
- Made heads bouce less
- Players no longer Gib, they will ALWAYS decapitate.

BETA 2 - (build 6)
- Sadly, removed server browser tab. It wasn't working and quite a hack to begin with
Players will have to use GameSpy or other util to find HeadHunters games

BETA 1 - (build 5) (1/19/00)
- Fixed head replication bug for real.
- Added "Heads Carried" icon that matches the HUD. It appears under the health/armor

Build 4 (1/18/00)
- Added HeadHunters to server browser
- Changed game type from HHGameInfo to HHGameInfo
- Added Tarot Games to umod info

Build 3 (1/16/00)
- Client-side head not disappearing error fixed
- HEAD BELT! Not perfect but at least the heads are there.

Build 2 (1/15/00)
- Added sounds
- Enlarged "Heads" indicator at top of HUD
- Players now decapitate when they die

Build 1 (1/12/00)
- First build, the basics work

Current Known Bugs:
- Does not work well with non-human player models
Current Features Not Yet Implemented
- New altar model
Head Hunters UMOD
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Re: Soul Harvest 2

Post by Hook »

JackGriffin wrote:Just to be truthful my tombstones mod totally ripped this idea off. It's simple and effective when the reward is good enough that it can change the entire game.
Do you actually have a stand-alone "Tombstones" mod?
=Hook=(Member# 626)
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Re: Soul Harvest 2

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medor wrote:
Hook wrote:
JackGriffin wrote:Just to be truthful my tombstones mod totally ripped this idea off. It's simple and effective when the reward is good enough that it can change the entire game.
Do you actually have a stand-alone "Tombstones" mod? ...

Just a simple set of awards for killing people various ways. This is designed to be modular but bear in mind that awards can stack, meaning if you enable headshot bonus as well as (for example) longshot bonus then the awards will combine. You can deal with this in the ini by adjusting the awards.

The reward sections:

1) Longshot and Super Longshot
This set of awards is for distance kills. By specifying a range limit you can enable a reward for kills that exceed this. There is a long range shot with a small bonus and a super long range shot with a larger bonus. Also the award sounds can be changed in the ini file to anything you want as well as both distances and amounts of awards and also the message your clients will see when they get the awards.

Set the distance limits depending on the sniper rifle you use. I have them set very high for sniper rifles with no range limit so draw it way back if you use regular sniper.

2) Drop Weapons
This is a simple pinata-type mutator that will cause killed players to dump their weapon inventory on the ground.

3) Translucent bodies
When a player is fragged their body will become see-through. I just like this visually, especially on a crazy server with bodies falling all over. It makes sorting players out much easier.

4) Headshot bonus
Gives awards of extra health, ammo, and frag bonus (configureable, use any or all) for headshots. Useful on a sniper server to give extra points for headshots.

5) Tombstones
When you kill a player they will spawn a tombstone at their death site that will stay for a limited time. If you can get to it before it goes poof you can claim their soul and receive an award of health. Amount of award and how long the stone will stay is configureable.

6) Random Awards
When a player dies there is a 10% chance they will drop one of five items: HealthPack, ShieldBelt, Armor2, UDamage, or JumpBoots. Anyone may claim that gets to it first.

I included source code with comments so feel free to use anything in here that excites you. You may extend, alter, or rework this mod however you like. See me if you need any help.

Mapvote: RewardMod.UTmod

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Re: Soul Harvest 2

Post by EvilGrins »

While I don't have it handy, as I'm at work, there's a mutator called EXPLOSIVEMODE which is kinda also designed to work against snipers.

Works 2 ways:
1) If you gib someone at close range, not a sniping thing obviously, they explode with a redeemer blast.
2) If a sniper gets a headshot on you, it launches a redeemer directly at them.

I used to deliberately hunt down mutators that worked against snipers. They annoyed the crap outta me.
medor wrote:Replace Skaarj with EvilGrins :mrgreen:
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