Any tuts on Character model making and import?

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Any tuts on Character model making and import?

Post by TheOverLord »

I've been tinkering with building some models. I have one Hammerhead shark for a current group map project (not animated or anything yet. It's not even anything more than a textured brush), but I also want to make some other ones. The problem is that most of what I've found are all really basic tuts just about skinning. I want to build, bone, texture and animate my own models for players and other things. I have been unsuccessful in locating a tutorial for UT99 that is both descriptive and detailed about how and what to do to get a model made in Maya/Max/whatever into UT as a playable character. I've seen the Alien Queen model... something similar to that.

I just need the direction. Can some one point me down the right path for this? Do you know of a good tutorial somewhere? Most of the stuff I've found is either incomplete or the programs don't even work. I'm really tired of weeding though so many useless and broken websites. It seems that something like this should have a million topics on it but I'm having no joy. I have modeling software and understand how to rig and texture a model but as far as getting it out of "X" program with textures and animation and into UT as something useable seems to evade me.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
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Re: Any tuts on Character model making and import?

Post by AlCapowned »

The UDN has a pretty good ActorX tutorial for 3ds Max/Maya, despite being outdated:

You can get the latest official version here:

There's also a Gildor's unofficial (but Epic-approved) version of ActorX for 3ds Max/Maya 2012 and later:

Unfortunately there aren't any tutorials that cover the entire process (as far as I've found). I've released a few playable characters for UT, so I'll try to answer any questions you might have. I don't know much about Maya or Blender, though.
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Re: Any tuts on Character model making and import?

Post by papercoffee »

Most of the time did I hear the usage of Milkshape for modeling characters, because of the direct UT support.
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Re: Any tuts on Character model making and import?

Post by Dr.Flay »

Yes I think perhaps AlCapowned, you may be able to give him the advice, as it occurs to me that if the shark model suits, then the code and animation from the devil-fish could be used.
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Re: Any tuts on Character model making and import?

Post by TheOverLord »

AlCapowned wrote:The UDN has a pretty good ActorX tutorial for 3ds Max/Maya, despite being outdated:

You can get the latest official version here:

There's also a Gildor's unofficial (but Epic-approved) version of ActorX for 3ds Max/Maya 2012 and later:

Unfortunately there aren't any tutorials that cover the entire process (as far as I've found). I've released a few playable characters for UT, so I'll try to answer any questions you might have. I don't know much about Maya or Blender, though.
Kinda what I've run into. I have some different versions of ActorX but I don't think I have Goldor's. I need to brush up on my 3d skills, but I'm still a lot more comfortable in Maya. I have v3 and v2010. One of those should work fine. I also have Max 3 and 2011. I've just forgotten most of Max.
I'm sure I'll have a few questions for you. I appreciate the help. One question... What's the max poly count you shoot for on your models?
papercoffee wrote:Most of the time did I hear the usage of Milkshape for modeling characters, because of the direct UT support.
I was looking at that. I had a version years ago when it was free. It still might be worth the $35 if it doesn't have a huge learning curve that takes up all of my time. Maybe export from Maya to Milkshape? I might try something like that if it allows it.
Dr.Flay wrote:Yes I think perhaps AlCapowned, you may be able to give him the advice, as it occurs to me that if the shark model suits, then the code and animation from the devil-fish could be used.
That would be perfect for the shark. It would save a lot of time if I could use an existing animation. I guess I'll need to see how the devil-fish is rigged so I can add the same amount of bones and whatnot. I'm not sure if I can import a UT model and check out how it's built. Maybe that's what Milk Shape is good for? I'll need to do some more research.

Thanks for you're input, everyone. If and when I get it all working and figured out I'll try to make a detailed tutorial so others have the opportunity to learn what I've struggled to find. Perhaps the community will turn out some really cool new stuff then. We'll see.
I'll keep everyone posted as to my progress. It seems that I have a lot of UT fish in the pan (Pun intended) right now, but I'll get them all done.
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Re: Any tuts on Character model making and import?

Post by papercoffee »

TheOverLord wrote: I guess I'll need to see how the devil-fish is rigged so I can add the same amount of bones and whatnot.
Isn't the devil-fish vertex animated?

There are no ...fishbones :ironic:
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Re: Any tuts on Character model making and import?

Post by AlCapowned »

I think aiming for the polycount of some of the more detailed Unreal creatures (ie. the Queen with 864 polys) is a safe bet. The engine can handle more, but after a certain point high poly models will stick out like a sore thumb.

The devilfish is vertex animated, so you would have to rig and animate it all over again. The skeleton from the Uglyfish model that I exported from Unreal 2 for a UT2004 invasion pack might suit your model, though.
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Re: Any tuts on Character model making and import?

Post by Dr.Flay »

I have noted the lack of watery creatures we have to play with, and it also occurs to me that maybe there is another Unreal shark worth importing.
UT2004 player models have been converted, but not the simpler pawns like the shark.
Would the 2K4 shark not be quicker to port ?
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Re: Any tuts on Character model making and import?

Post by AlCapowned »

Do you mean that shark in XEffects? It would need a few extra animations, but that would be doable because it already has a skeleton.
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Re: Any tuts on Character model making and import?

Post by Dr.Flay »

I never saw it in UEd so I don't know. Just had a look in the UnCodex and then for a screenshot but I can't find any pictures.
It is the only shark I have seen in 2K4. A sandy, pale-brown, or yellowish thing.
Looks like the Gen Mokai version of a shark.
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Re: Any tuts on Character model making and import?

Post by TheOverLord »

Well, my first attempt ever is kind of a let down, I think. There are some poly separation issues. Overall I guess it's a good start. Here is a little fraps capture in game:
It is vertex animated. I originally made the model in Ued, then used MashMaker to export it out to 3Ds Max, worked my trial and error "magic". Made a quick texture and UV mapped it in Max and finally got it to work in game with a 3ds2unr and ucc make. Kind of a pain, really. I've never liked the console.
It shows up in UEd as a "effect" and not a "deco". It can't be resized/scaled but it can be moved around. Maybe there's some script or code (which I know zero about) that needs to be changed to get it right. Who knows. It took forever just to get that damn thing working. lulz.

I'll be happy to hear any advice or criticisms on it.
Here are the files if anyone wants to poke around in them.
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Re: Any tuts on Character model making and import?

Post by Chamberly »

Look at those cute sharks! Wiggle wiggle!! LOL :)
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Re: Any tuts on Character model making and import?

Post by TheOverLord »

I guess I need to make a different model in something other than UEd. I've played around with different ways to import it but it always comes out the same.