UT Server Host Discussions

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UT Server Host Discussions

Post by Shade »

Here you can post your experience with the hosts you have already used for UT servers and discuss about them, to make the decision easier for new server admins in future.

(Which host is good, which is bad, why, special features etc)

This might help you:
Name - addy of website link
features offered
what game type you have, Camper/monsterhunt/Freezetag/Sniper/CTF/ect.

Hosted in what country
Global System
Global redirect
ftp access
Good Support
use of Bots in Server
use of monsters
web admin
quick response for admin support

any dis-likes about the host, (not to be used for flaming)
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Re: UT Server Host Discussions

Post by [JAG]Teabag »

Initially it will seem I dont like this host, however this host is just different to what we "were" used too, we were used to doing everything ourselves via ftp, when we rented from these people we belived it was going to be the same.. we didnt notice any advertising saying different or advertising saying there was restictions... maybe it was just the package type we rented...
there system is very good, once you get your head around how it works. (after using ftp)

Name - http://clanservers.multiplay.co.uk/
features offered host many games including UT99
what game type you have, Our Clan is a Camper Clan

Hosted in what country, UK also Europe
Global System, Yes
Global redirect, Yes
ftp access,
NOT WHAT WE EXPECTED.. only to upload Large files for the host to install for you
Good Support, seems to be.

use of Bots in Server,
unfortunatly no... apparently they effect load balancing of there servers
use of monsters, Not sure we dont use them... best enquire before you rent if you want them.
web admin, Yes.. already to use

quick response for admin support,
they have irc live chat and offer support there.. or they offer a ticket system from the website.

futher info

there "system" is set up for newer Games, to make things easy for people to run servers,
there system is very easy to use for new admins, however if you are used to having FTP access, to control your own server ( upload files and make changes instantly, often as you like, this host may not be for you) we was unaware of this when we rented our server.
we have custom items which we needed locking down as they had custom config files, they were able to do this for us, everything is running as it should.
there system is totally web based to make any changes to config files, select mutators everything.... you have loads of things there ready to just click and select what you want in your server, anything not there you just upload and its added. you can ask to keep certain things not for global share if you wish.
they are able to have custom servers on there system, they just needed to kick there system in the right places to make is work accordingly.

like i say, easy to use... theres no need to convert any files to .uz for redirect they do it all for you.. things seem to be done the next day... frustrating when your trying to set the server up and check for issues....
regards what type of server you want, they offer many different packages, you need to see what suits your needs.
you also get a voice chat, included in the price.

Now we are used to there system its nice and easy to use, in some ways nicer to run than via ftp. you actually have more control than you initially think, it just takes some getting used too.
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Re: UT Server Host Discussions

Post by RocketJedi »

Name - http://www.gameservers.com
Server address ,
Web address http://www.werdland.com
features offered - FTP, Web, Team Speak, Mail service, multiple domain parking, and many many more features.
what game type you have - Rocket-X , Siege, JB, BR

Hosted in what country - United States (New York, New Jersey) (Chicago,IL)
Global System yes
Global redirect yes
ftp access yes but only 2 accounts allowed
Good Support - Being an I.T professional who has worked in big Data centers Their support is average. They don't seem to listen or read competently when it comes to support tickets. Other wise great service somewhat quick responses.
use of Bots in Server - Yes I don't see why this would be an issue?
use of monsters - Yes ^^
web admin - yes from the game server as well as Control panel for stopping restarting server as well as SQL support
quick response for admin support - Somewhat good responses depending on the issue.

any dis-likes about the host, (not to be used for flaming) No real issues with host.

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Re: UT Server Host Discussions

Post by TheDane »

Qwerty wrote:Name - http://www.gameservers.com
Server address unreal:\\
Web address http://www.theairelite.com
features offered - FTP, Web, Team Speak, Mail service, multiple domain parking, and many many more features.
what game type you have - Rocket-X CTF & Instagib CTF

Hosted in what country - United States (New York, New Jersey)
Global System yes
Global redirect yes
ftp access yes but only 2 accounts allowed
Good Support - Being an I.T professional who has worked in big Data centers Their support is average. They dont seem to listen or read competly when it comes to support tickets. Other wise great service somewhat quick responses.
use of Bots in Server - Yes I don't see why this would be an issue?
use of monsters - Yes ^^
web admin - yes from the game server as well as Control panel for stopping restarting server as well as SQL support
quick response for admin support - Somewhat good responses depending on the issue.

any dis-likes about the host, (not to be used for flaming) No real issues with host.
I have used gameserver for years and find them top of the line both in performance and in support. I can add to the info about gameserver that you are not bound to any specific location but are free to chose different locations both in the US and in Europe, and even freely switch server location 4 times each month if you like.

I'd also like to add that my account is not limited to 2 ftp accounts, i currently have 14 ftp account spread on 4 servers, i havent asked them so maybe it's a bonus for beeing a good customer?.

About their support, yes its average, but compared to other gameserver hosts it's in top. I have used other hosts through the time, but as this is not about flaming i wont express my regrets about them hehe
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Re: UT Server Host Discussions

Post by VRN|C-18 »

host name - http://www.gameservers.com
server address -
web address - http://www.vrn-klan.org
features - ftp, web administration, team speak, mail service, domain providing (limited), clanpay <------ clanmembers or funders can support payment.
game type - bunnytrack.
host location - the host allows multiple locations. our server is located in england.
global system - yes.
global redirect - yes.
unlike qwerty stated you have the opportunity to set up and configure additional ftp accounts.
support - great, quick and competent service, if a problem persists: they provide forums.
bots - however you configure the server.
monsters - out to custom configuration, just like bots.
web administration - the host service provides the user with a control panel which even allows numerous functions, that have been mentioned by qwerty already.
maybe also mention the price. gameservers asks 1.24 USD per slot for a public server, for a passworded private server it is .79 USD per slot.
you can choose your location. when i began using their service every slot was + .50 USD if the server was located in Europe. since the demand from the european continent increased they only ask the 50 cts. for Germany (Frankfurt), Australia (Sidney) is even + 1 USD (US DOLLAR). in addition to these prices you get off certain percentage when you pay for 6 months, a year, etc etc.

somebody pm me the redirect data of gameservers.com please? at the moment i use ut-files, they however turned out to be unreliable at times^^
peace and good luck with finding the host that meets your standards.
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Re: UT Server Host Discussions

Post by RocketJedi »

guys you are posting TWO YEARS after I made this initial post.. of course somethings have changed :P I have been with gameservers since 2003 that's why some of my accounts were limited.

I have since changed to a new webhost and new game server ip ( I got a cheap xmas deal in 2009 for 20 slots @ 15 a month :D
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Re: UT Server Host Discussions

Post by dmask »

hi all,
im going to rent a server and looking around for the host, im in europe (italy) and im looking gamservers and ngz.

as i can see the 3 years ago posts gameservers got "global redirect - yes"
how this works today? anyone got a gameservers host? can you please explaing how to enable it?

ps. ngz got redirect too, according to the server rent form, i dont know german but seems to be so.

Re: UT Server Host Discussions

Post by UT99.org »

medor wrote:redirect gameservers is 5 dollars /month
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Re: UT Server Host Discussions

Post by Chamberly »

Anyone know a cheap server hosting in the US? The one I'm currently with will be going out soon.
------Now Unavailable------
My current hosting:
Name - C-oPs Gamehost, http://www.c-opsgamehost.com/
Servers: Voice servers, game servers... if I can remember, there is more.
Game types: I've went from Snipers Freestyle 1v1, snipers freestyle (with more open slots), xloc, and so on. Currently it's on Xloc now.
All customizable. Set up your server just as you want it!

Hosted in USA.
Global System: Yes? (Sry wasn't sure what this mean.)
Global redirect: Yes? (Sry, wasn't sure what this mean either.)
Ftp access: Yes
Good Support: Yes
Use of Bots in Server: Yes - they are just added when I'm in.
Use of monsters: yes - added when I'm in just to entertain some peeps when they love to kill.
Web admin: yes - I installed SWA.
Quick response for admin support: yes - via support ticket AND teamspeak3!

After going through some technical difficulties, I only pay $7.50 monthly for 12 slot and free redirect. I never had much trouble (for setting up the server but when I did I asked for help and they did great! Except mods in questions when I didn't know how to install it and I basically learned a lot how to set up server here.) or seening any DDOS attack. The website says they are closing but I rather want this to continue. Can stop by on their teamspeak and ask for C-oPs Canny ( ts3: or visit their website ( http://www.c-opsclan.com/) (if you plan to purchase or some... (If they get enough, they would keep the business open I guess.)

Copied from their site: "Buy & Manage TS3 here: [C-oPsGameHost] 8 Slot Minimum $0.30 a slot" :rock:
Last edited by Chamberly on Thu Jul 30, 2015 8:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: UT Server Host Discussions

Post by UT99.org »

billybill wrote:Just to let everyone know, if you are thinking of changing game servers host or getting a new one. Gameservers.com have a 25% off sale at the moment. My advice pay in bulk 12 months to get the cheapest option. Set your server to private if you don't want to deal with people raving on about being banned and how unfair it is.

You will have 5 days to decide if its worth keeping or request a refund. They give you 100mb of free webspace that you can use as a redirect, I believe located in the US somewhere.

Has web-based control panel that lets you turn on or off the VPS so you don't have to deal with linux interface. Automatic startup script that prevents the game running twice or being unable to stop the process (exclusive to gameservers). Automatic scheduled restarts. View server log from the webbrowser.

Clan-pay where you put a button on your website showing how much you need each month and where strangers or members with their own clanpay accounts can put in what you need

Settings up server:
- It's still a good idea to replace the tiny server textures with the cd1 ones, they give you plenty of space on the server itself (Have to ask if you need exact numbers).

- Disable all worldlogging, if you are planning to use stats then you will need to mess with the port changing that gameservers.com are infamous for

Get it before it ends because I don't know when that is!

P.S out of curiosity would I be able to use a referral link here in future if i were to post things like this?
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Re: UT Server Host Discussions

Post by Hook »

Yes, a good idea - Our servers are Hosted at GameServers.com - love it! :tu:
See above posting. :gj:
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Re: UT Server Host Discussions

Post by Dr.Flay »

I would like to invite all geeks and server admins with any information on DDOS defence or services, to please post any tips, guides or links.

Searching this forum you will find the odd reference to DDOS, but little help.
A separate dedicated thread may be more suitable.
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Re: UT Server Host Discussions

Post by Chamberly »

Replying again... I hope this have nothing to do about against the silly "do not necro bump".

Name - http://www.fragnet.net/
Features offered: CP Panel, Full Access on everything, including a free Mumble server (about 10 slots I think. I hardly use this...)
AND You can select what Patch to upgrade: 451, 451b, etc. and install certain mod: ACEv08g, MapvoteLA13, and NPLoader (Easy install, you just add the line to the .ini yourself.) Extremely easy use of commandline!
What game type you have? I'm just hosing Siege, and DM. Before I had Bunny Track on it, and it run just fine. I can change it to however I like, including MVX.

Hosted in what country: My server is located in Atlanta, GA
Global System: You can host wherever they have offering for you.
Global redirect: I didn't get redirect with this. I'd have to ask.
Ftp access: Totally, full access.
Good Support: I don't think I've even done this yet!!! (Oh wait now I remember. Yea.)
Use of Bots in Server: Normally the bot come with UT, don't see how it won't work.
Use of monsters: Same with above.
Web admin: If you want to use it, install it. I don't use it.
Quick response for admin support: They will reply within about 24 hrs, can't remember much since I don't use much.
Any dis-likes about the host: They won't open port (6667 for example), I asked why and they didn't reply, just closed it. lol.
Additional: Windows operated. However they do support DoS Protection in Sweden, as mentioned on their site. I'm unsure how this goes.

Separate topic:
I also came across Clanwarz ( http://www.clanwarz.com/ ) and I find them very fishy because of certain thing:
1. They do not have a 100% complete clean UT99 install. They have some kind of custom stuff added in along with some other maps that isn't default. Seriously, what the heck.
2. The guy constantly ask me what I want to install. I told him several times, I can install things on my own. I'm just up to questions.
3. They only have Linux support, and no other software that they would use to set up Windows. (Ok, this isn't fishy but it's what they have.)
4. I also saw that you can use other people's redirect or whatever else and they said it will override your current redirect. I may be wrong tho lol. (Redirect is provided free along with your purchase tho, and you can set up your own.)
5. The support is kinda icky. Well I only spoke to someone named "Jay" and he just multi-tasking a lot. There were 1 time that I had told him I saw something weird, and what it was that he set up Unreal server for me instead of UT99. lol... and for some reason, I don't feel that this host is safe.

Only thing I have experience these were using a trial (7 days) set up.
It sounds good otherwise (if they have the default UT99 set up for the server and added windows support.)
These guys also mention they offer DoS protection support by blocking an IP for 24 hrs... I may got this info wrong but they said something.
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Re: UT Server Host Discussions

Post by Feralidragon »

Chamberly wrote:Replying again... I hope this have nothing to do about against the silly "do not necro bump".
12. Do NOT post in threads which are 2 weeks old or older ("necrobumping"), unless you have something useful to add or a pertinent question to make.
I think the rule is clear as crystal. If it's not, let's just say that your necro-bump is legit and within the rules, as you added on-topic stuff to it.
As for the silliness of it, just imagine some guy coming along and bumping lots of very old topics for no good reason, making the new ones (which are generally far more important in the forum activity) sinking into oblivion...
oh wait, that already happened around here and it wasn't just 1 person, but several, and hence the creation of the rule, so I wouldn't call it "silly" given that it was literally forced into the rules by the users actions themselves. :wink:
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Re: UT Server Host Discussions

Post by Chamberly »

Feralidragon wrote:
Chamberly wrote:Replying again... I hope this have nothing to do about against the silly "do not necro bump".
12. Do NOT post in threads which are 2 weeks old or older ("necrobumping"), unless you have something useful to add or a pertinent question to make.
I think the rule is clear as crystal. If it's not, let's just say that your necro-bump is legit and within the rules, as you added on-topic stuff to it.
As for the silliness of it, just imagine some guy coming along and bumping lots of very old topics for no good reason, making the new ones (which are generally far more important in the forum activity) sinking into oblivion...
oh wait, that already happened around here and it wasn't just 1 person, but several, and hence the creation of the rule, so I wouldn't call it "silly" given that it was literally forced into the rules by the users actions themselves. :wink:
Yeah, thanks.