Variable pings when reconnecting?

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Variable pings when reconnecting?

Post by Tim-_- »

I cba to dive into all the technical details myself right now, so I figured I'd ask here to see if anyone already knows. There seems to be some weird issue with certain server providers where people will connect to a server and maintain a steady 80 ping, and then if they reconnect it'll be a steady 30 ping afterward. Any idea what would cause this? My first thought is maybe their routing is almost random, but if there's something that can be done to keep it optimal, I'd love to know!
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Re: Variable pings when reconnecting?

Post by Chamberly »

Loading everything in the game for the 1st time and then it's all settled on the 2nd?

Sometimes it might be some little tricks behind the replication system. Other than that, not sure.
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Re: Variable pings when reconnecting?

Post by Dr.Flay »

Data flows like water through the net. It takes the path of least resistance, and the conditions are always changing.
Reconnecting could have removed or added any number of hops between client and server.
The only way to check would be to use a trace-route program several times to see the variance.

Re: Variable pings when reconnecting?

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billybill wrote:Are you sure someone is not streaming some torrents in the other room? I know I've had this sometimes when I run the commandline -pktlag and forget thats what the shortcut does! I didn't think changing of routes was very common if that's what you mean, certainly not sudden like you say but one day it might be 30ms higher to a location than it was the day before and stay like that. How often is it happening?
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Re: Variable pings when reconnecting?

Post by Tim-_- »

It doesn't seem to affect everyone so the most logical explanation is the routing. Maybe we can set up UberTunnel and see if that helps.
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