GameSpy closing down

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Re: GameSpy closing down

Post by Dr.Flay »

Don't worry people !
The idea is not to have to rely on 333networks.
The masterserver system is available for other admin to host more.

You will notice the U* config and defaults have several masterservers, and we intend to keep that reliability.
One of the Masters at Oldunreal is being tested, and you should be able to add that soon.

Heartbeats/uplinks are still accepted at Qtracker and Telefragged (GameRanger) masters, but you need an app to see the servers.
Servers can and should uplink to several masters.
I recommend GameRanger over Qtracker, as the client is incredibly small compared to any of the others (and there is no "Buy now" button on the site).
Scott Kevill at GameRanger understands what Unreal gamers need and can help with any questions you have with the telefragged master.

We hope to be able to provide you with all results ingame, and those who already use 333networks will have noticed they already see more servers, and faster.
Not only do we hope to have a robust system again that does not rely on 1 master, it will be in the control of the community.

Let me remind you. Over at Oldunreal you will see they proudly boast no less than 5 masterservers ;)
Even if Epic do support UT99, what happens when it breaks again ?

Use the power of 3 for a faster-master ;)
Take the 333networks master system, and keep at least 3 masters online.
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Re: GameSpy closing down

Post by ShaiHulud »

I haven't been in contact with Flak again yet. I'm a little bit confused because [ZSZ]Evil_Dragon's findings differ from my own. Perhaps someone else can run the same tests and post their results here.

My UnrealTournament.log file shows this:

Code: Select all

Log: Resolving
Log: Resolved (
Log: Resolving
Log: Resolved (
ScriptLog: UBrowserGSpyLink: Master Server is
ScriptLog: UBrowserGSpyLink: Couldn't connect to master server.
Log: Resolving
Log: CheckConnectionAttempt: Error while checking socket status.
Log: Resolved (
ScriptLog: UBrowserGSpyLink: Master Server is
Contrast with his (sorry, I'm assuming you're a he ED):

Code: Select all

Log: Resolved (
ScriptLog: UdpServerUplink: Master Server is
ScriptLog: UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
Log: Resolved (
ScriptLog: UdpServerUplink: Master Server is
ScriptLog: UdpServerUplink: Port 7779 successfully bound.
So, a few questions: why UBrowserGSpyLink (my vanilla UT copy) vs UdpServerUplink (his UT copy)? Why different ports? He was able to connect to the Epic MS, I wasn't - but were his Master Server settings manually updated? If not, why don't they match mine? Is this a version thing? I'm running GOTY.
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Re: GameSpy closing down

Post by maximdymok »

Maybe you could try to block GameSpy's IP in your firewall and then test to see if it reverts back to Epic's master?
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Re: GameSpy closing down

Post by Dr.Flay »

It is a common mistake.
You can uplink to any valid URL and it will bind (try using and it works).

Currently the only valid uplinks to anything useful are;
(Until we know different, I have left the currently broken Epic master in the config)

Code: Select all

ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900
ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900
ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900
ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900
ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27500
ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900
And the current downlinks that work.

Code: Select all

Telefragged (GameRanger), Qtracker and Multiplay use a desktop client to list the servers. This is why it fails if you add them as downlinks. (telefragged)
Even if you don't use their software personally, I would advise you register your servers with those networks so you can attract more players.
The client software will only be required for players and optional for servers.
NOTE: Software such as GameRanger can help you host games if you have problems with Port Forwarding on your router. If you are struggling to host games then this maybe your easiest option.
(UPDATE) GameRanger currently only shows UT in the Mac version. I will let you know when this changes.

Hopefully soon we will be able to confirm that will also be usable for UT99.
2 more official 333networks masters are currently being tested with the latest version of the software :tu:
Last edited by Dr.Flay on Wed Apr 23, 2014 8:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: GameSpy closing down

Post by Sp0ngeb0b »

With all due respect to 333networks and your continueing work to provide alternate masterservers, which I really appreciate, I'm still 100% convinced that our number 1 priority has to be Epic's own masterserver. Why? Simple: Because the majority of the players (new- as well as old ones) won't take the trouble of manually researching and updating their masterserverlist, and will therefore, sooner or later, stop playing. Of course, there are ways to informing them and also automatically updating their masterserverlist, but I don't really see the reason investigating into this while the smoothest way would simply be to get Epic's server going again. For me, Shai's results are really really clear, and I don't really get why there's so less interest in them from others. Unfortunately, since I'm still in Australia, i can not confirm his testing. But from the results he posted, in combination with Flak's pms, it seems obvious to me that Epic has no interest in dropping the support and therefore all we have to do is to communicate with them. We all need to understand that 'commenting something out' in the UT.ini has in fact no impact on the actual game behaviour, as UnrealTournament seems to receive a live masterserver list from Epicgames itself, each time it is started. Therefore, it will always receive the gamespy masterserver, no matter what you specify in the ini. By blocking gamespys masterserver in his firewall, Shai showed that epicgame's masterserver, as soon as gamespy's is going down, won't automatically funtion as it is supposed to. If we want to avoid a longer period of 'No standard masterserver', we need to point that problem out to Epic. A further idea would be, to also include the new masterservers in the msg to Epic/Flak, so they might wanna consider to add them to the live masterserverlist. If they do, all players will automatically also use these as their masterserver, which will avoid the need to use any 3rd party mods.
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Re: GameSpy closing down

Post by Darkelarious »

The only way to make sure that people are not dependent on a single source/master, is to provide as many as possible. I updated the list of supported games and present you the first two stable master servers. Hopefully the first two of many, independent hosts.
Masterserver | Discord Channel
Oh, and we still are ready to receive donations. The url works, right? It doesn't seem to be doing anything...
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Re: GameSpy closing down

Post by noccer »

Sp0ngeb0b wrote:We all need to understand that 'commenting something out' in the UT.ini has in fact no impact on the actual game behaviour, as UnrealTournament seems to receive a live masterserver list from Epicgames itself, each time it is started. Therefore, it will always receive the gamespy masterserver, no matter what you specify in the ini.
Well, that is not the whole truth :D

Try these settings and see what happens.

Code: Select all


Do NOT set any other masterserver or comment them out with ;

The setting bKeepMasterServer=true will force your UT to ONLY use the masterservers that you have enabled.
bKeepMasterServer=false lets UT update to the correct masterserver and overwrite the first one (the enabled one with number [0]

The correct one is:

Code: Select all

It is most likely that epicgames and gamespy share the utserver list and catch it from each other.


You may update the list by

ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900

which is equal to

ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900

For sure, running 333networks software :)
Last edited by noccer on Tue Apr 22, 2014 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

>>You can't steal any ip (v4)adresses, there are exactly 4294967296 of them, and they will still exist when you wrote down all of them, or are stored in a (master)servers database ;)<<
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Re: GameSpy closing down

Post by rsbloom44 »

Not sure if this has been posted:

Flak Apr 15 @ 11:50am
UT3 does use Gamespy, but we're moving the master server in-house. No Unreal Tournament games will be affected.
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Re: GameSpy closing down

Post by ShaiHulud »

Sponge echoes my own sentiments about this. I agree that it's great that we'll have alternatives and fallbacks, but while the opportunity exists for us to maintain official EPIC Master Server support - seamlessly, without anyone having to make any changes to their client configuration whatsoever - I think that has to be the route we pursue most emphatically, while also encouraging those who are working on the 'unofficial' (if I can put it that way) replacement servers.

Realistically, as Sponge points out, if the only future for online UT is via third-party Master Servers, player numbers are going to dwindle drastically. The people who are interested in these things - what do we call ourselves? The UT diehards? :D - we know about them, we know where to comes for news about them. But it doesn't matter how much we shout about them on this forum, or any other UT forum, those communities only server a small proportion of the UT player pool, and any potential future player pool. The majority are not going to hear about the replacement servers unless they happen to stumble across mention of them somewhere. But even then, I doubt many would go to the trouble of updating their INI files to support them. I also think, while we have this short window of time before May 31st, that work should begin on a server mod for updating the Master Server lists of visiting clients where consent is given to do so. Things are starting to drag, and if we put that off until the last minute, it's going to be too late to catch players before the big switch off (if that happens).

But returning to the discussion about the EPIC Master Server, I'm still confused. I really need someone else to sanity check my findings. I'm also confused about the separate entries in the UnrealTournament.ini file which mention Master Servers, and what purpose each serves. So, in my UT.ini file I have:

Code: Select all

ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900
ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900
ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900
The further down I have:

Code: Select all

I don't know why there are two lists, why the servers names are different, why the ports are different - I need someone to educate me here.

Again, if I open my hosts file - which, on my system (Windows Vista) is located at:

Code: Select all

and add an entry at the bottom:

Code: Select all
Save the file and start UT, I always get:

Code: Select all

Master Server Failed: Connecting to the master server timed out:
By the way, to edit the hosts file you need to run your text editor of choice as administrator. The hosts file comes from the UNIX world, it's a sort of simple local DNS resolution file, it used to be a favourite way of blocking ad servers when you were web browsing online. The entry above tells your system to divert any communications with "" back to your PC - which of course does not have a Master Server running on it, so the communication fails. But the point is to definitively block the gamespy master server, to make absolutely sure that UT isn't able to use it at all, and to force it to try other entries instead. But those other entries never work for me. I've tried the bKeepMasterServer flag, and other ports and every other combination of settings that has been suggested here, and I just can't get the EPIC master server to reply to me at all. It's perfectly likely I'm doing something stupid or missing something obvious, so that's why I need someone more knowledgeable than me to look at what I'm doing and say either "yes, this is a real problem, we need to talk to EPIC" or "no you bloody fool, you need to do x,y and z instead".

Edit----------------- by papercoffee

As a quick addendum: the *will* seems to be there from EPIC to support UT... I just don't know whether things are actually happening there the way that they *think* that they're happening. It's as if they've pressed a few buttons and assumed it's all running as intended, but that no-one has actually fired up a copy of UT99 to test that things are actually working correctly.

No double posts please!
Last edited by ShaiHulud on Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: GameSpy closing down

Post by noccer »


This is only for servers, the UPlink - SHOW your server

ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerPort=27900

And this is the Downlink, only for your local ut browser - VIEW all servers


Did you ever restart your PC after entries in the hosts file? Might help.
Last edited by noccer on Wed Apr 23, 2014 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

>>You can't steal any ip (v4)adresses, there are exactly 4294967296 of them, and they will still exist when you wrote down all of them, or are stored in a (master)servers database ;)<<
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Re: GameSpy closing down

Post by ShaiHulud »

Ah, I see, thank you for the explanation!
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Re: GameSpy closing down

Post by UnrealGGecko »

A mysterious fellow named |187|LastWord gave us a link over at Hook's: ... #post_1946
Hope that it's a useful one...
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Re: GameSpy closing down

Post by papercoffee »

Yeah ...but I'm concerned that for Epic is UT equal any UT ...Flak wrote at the UT3 forum that "UT" would be safe.
They doesn't have a UT99 section there anymore and they answer every time very vague.

Right now I'm not absolutely convinced that they mean UT99 as well.
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Re: GameSpy closing down

Post by Dr.Flay »

|187|LastWord seems to be more confused than most !
Love the opening statement :lol2:
How he thinks he is responsible for persuading Epic to continue support, I have no idea.
They have also posted the wrong Epic master, as the unreal master was definitely switched off (that is why Oldunreal re-hosted it).
They also seem to miss the point that the UT master is actually on, but broken.

I have emails from Flak stretching back to last year covering this problem (and thankfully did not get those copy & paste replies, which I have seen in other forums already).

I can tell you now, Flak will not say more in an email than she is prepared to write in the Epic forum (her contract will not allow it).
The first we will know about it will be in the Epic forum, not via email.

I think I know who is responsible for Epics new master, as he has visited Oldunreal to check up on the situation.
This person shambled in to get some details :wink:
....Oops, I've just checked what Smirf told him, and I think he needs a bit more info !

We do have "" in the default, so the "" one must have popped-up later.
Last edited by Dr.Flay on Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: GameSpy closing down

Post by noccer »

Dr.Flay wrote:|187|LastWord seems to be more confused than most !
Well, so many players can make people very confused ... .165:7777/ ... .226:8888/

Sooo many players that never stop playing .... Yes Cha, i hate these cheatlike fakeplayershite :D
BlacklistBlacklistBlacklist :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

But at least in 1 point he is right, the epic master should just work and all is most likely fine. A little bit redundancy ist just better.

>>You can't steal any ip (v4)adresses, there are exactly 4294967296 of them, and they will still exist when you wrote down all of them, or are stored in a (master)servers database ;)<<
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