UnrealTournament.info changes

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UnrealTournament.info changes

Post by JackGriffin »

Recently you might have read that Dane was taking some extended time off. He was going to close everything but I asked him if I could take it over since I really enjoy the layout and there is some great information sitting there. In short, we worked it out and the site will be staying with me doing the upkeep. UnrealGecko will be brought in shortly in the same capacity as he is here (full moderator) so there will be good continuity between the sites. There have been (and will be) no changes to the established rules and the site will remain as it is with the exception of improvements to make it more user-friendly (For example I added Youtube tags yesterday).

Additionally there will be a server brought up this weekend running under the .info banner. I will set it up as a Halloween theme server in the short run until I get time to configure it properly into a multi-gametype established server. I posted in the contest thread that I would be happy to set up a column for the mapping contest to give everyone a chance to play their maps online and work out and final tweaking they might need to do. When the contest is finally done it can then host the maps in a single spot, allowing people to play them as fast as they like to vote on their choices.

My health is doing OK and this is somewhat of a perfect fit for me right now. Our rainy season is about to start, the salmon are already in the bay waiting for the creeks to swell so they can swim up and spawn. This will confine me indoors for the winter and running the .info site will fill that time. Since it's essentially "turn-key" I don't have to dedicate any effort to setup and it won't require much time to keep it up. This is double true now that Gecko has so graciously offered to help.

I started posting some of my unfinished mods and various bits and bobbles as I find them so you might see something that interests you. Feel free to stop by and take whatever flips your switch. I have a lot more to upload and I'll be doing it for the next couple of weeks anyway.

Site link is in my sig. Thanks for reading :tu:
So long, and thanks for all the fish
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Re: UnrealTournament.info changes

Post by UnrealGGecko »

It's the least I can do to help out, as that site is also for me a great place to visit and show off (so to speak) ;)
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Re: UnrealTournament.info changes

Post by ShaiHulud »

Thanks for stepping in chaps, that's noble of you.
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Re: UnrealTournament.info changes

Post by Dr.Flay »

I would seem the appropriate site for you to take charge of, as your projects and shared work already sit comfortably together.

Hopefully Dane can get some focus and direction, then come back to UT as the fun hobby it is supposed to be.
In his absence could I ask that you add a little Danish flag / icon somewhere in the corner of the site ?
He will be back later, and it will be nice to have a reminder, and for those who are not yet visitors.

Retiring from a hobby is different to retiring from a vocation or job.
Can you retire from enjoying playing card games and socialising with friends ?
Not really but you can demote it to "one of those things I do"

Jack, you have tried in vain to extract yourself from the Unreal world, but as you are painfully aware, extracting the Unreal from the person is a whole different ball-game.
We don't have an "Unreal Anonymous" or 12 step program.
:( No we just have other games, which may fill a different need in us, and even various UT wannabes, but they all lack something, or take it too far.
Tetris is the ultimate example. You can remake it many ways and make it look shiny and add multiplay, but the best tetris variants are as close to the original as possible.
The Japanese games makers know this, and look at street-fighter as another example. Still exactly the same game it always was, but more refined.

Unreal, UT, UT200x, UT3 all offer different experience, but all give us a set of sandboxes full of crazy.
UE1 annoyingly is one of the quickest and easiest to throw some crazy ideas at, and make them stick.
Because we think in terms of small mutators etc. it means we have a palette of crazy to paint our Unreal world.
The modern games are more capable in many ways, but small changes or mods seem to often cause havoc.

Personally, should I finally play Day-Z for example, I would be quite content running around as a rabbit, or flitting round players heads as a butterfly without a care in the world.
...well other than being the best paid spotter in the game :satan:
In the Unreal games I get to be almost any monster or character from many games, or shoot at them. The only proper sandbox games out there, have no game-type or objectives, and are just full of idiots showing-off, so back to the Unreal series I come.

Congratulations on your promotion Kelly :tu:
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Re: UnrealTournament.info changes

Post by papercoffee »

Good to know that unrealtournament.info is not going down.
Every closed forum is a loss for the whole UT scene. We need every single one of them.

Ohoho and our Gecko is a workaholic, huh?
:mrgreen: ...well ... the rough sea is calm.
I think there is not much to do on all the boards.

I'm certain the Dane will return.
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Re: UnrealTournament.info changes

Post by JackGriffin »

@Flay: I *really* enjoyed DayZ, probably more than UT. In fact I'm thinking about having a small section of the forum dedicated to things I scripted for my DayZ servers. I did quite a lot actually, making an entire missions package for Napf and a customized currency system at the traders that used gems (and a whole lot more). Alas it just takes way too much time to keep the servers running. Two 40-man DayZ servers is close to a full-time job and is nearly impossible to do as a player/admin. You almost are forced to get server staff to keep up. Not to mention too that it's so easy to play 10 hours straight before you realize it. I can't commit like that any more.

@paper: I don't know if Dane will come back this time or not. I wouldn't be surprised if he takes a nice, long vacation. His issues require a lot of his time and it may be a while before it gets resolved. That being said it will always be his place, I'm just minding the store.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
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Re: UnrealTournament.info changes

Post by RocketJedi »

yup good forum thanks for keeping it alive!
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Re: UnrealTournament.info changes

Post by UnrealGGecko »

papercoffee wrote:Ohoho and our Gecko is a workaholic, huh?
:mrgreen: ...well ... the rough sea is calm.
I think there is not much to do on all the boards.
Me? A workaholic? Nope! :mrgreen: It only takes about 15 minutes to browse through all of the UT forums I visit, so it's no problem for me. :tongue:
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Re: UnrealTournament.info changes

Post by Radi »

15x5 times a day:-D hehe
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Re: UnrealTournament.info changes

Post by Dr.Flay »

Indeed the more Day-Z I watched, the more I realised it is as likely to suck the time away as games like WoW.
Hence my comment about gooning around as a bird, rabbit or butterfly.
I could amuse myself leading lost bambis to safety, or perhaps wander around as "Fido" the friendly zombie
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