TUTORIAL: Unreal Tournament Audio & Visuals Tweaking Guide

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Re: TUTORIAL: Unreal Tournament Audio & Visuals Tweaking Gui

Post by Chamberly »

Ok so I somehow just noticed that my UT folder got infected. That's what I'm going to call it for now. I think it started to do that after I was messing around with opengl/d3d9 option and set s3tc=true or whatever. I didn't like how the players are looking 'tarded (you know, skating and stuff) haha but gee......... I don't really know how does this happen. :nonono:

So I downloaded the s3tc fix, but my windows 7 keep stopping it and give me an error so I can't fix it (I tried the compatibility mode for Win xp sp3 and still don't work.)??? I'll go back with my old d3d9.ini and see if it stop the problem, if not, I'll have to drag the original textures out of the UT cd... and if not.... I'm reinstalling UT and keeping the old settings... it looks so weird. :omfg:

Unless I can do the fix manually, that would be nice.

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Re: TUTORIAL: Unreal Tournament Audio & Visuals Tweaking Gui

Post by papercoffee »

Skating player-models happen if a server is using the s3tc textures and the client doesn't.
maps made with the s3tc textures are also bad ...and shouldn't be used online.

s3tc should be used only client side ...server admin should only install the textures from CD1 to keep maximum compatibility with all clients.
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Re: TUTORIAL: Unreal Tournament Audio & Visuals Tweaking Gui

Post by Chamberly »

Oddly I fixed it by restoring to my old d3d9 because the s3tc=false. If opengl have s3tc=false, it will use d3d9's settings... ODDLY.
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Re: TUTORIAL: Unreal Tournament Audio & Visuals Tweaking Gui

Post by Dr.Flay »

So are you saying that the newer renderer would not change to "false" or that changing it back to "false" made no difference ?

Not sure why nobody just hosted a pack with the fixed textures, rather than using a patcher.

On my Win7 PC I avoided the borked textures on CD 2 by using the fixed alternatives from UTTexures.
The small low-spec small pack they have, makes a good replacement for the originals if you are not interested in the hi-res versions.
However if you keep S3TC switched off, then you can just drag the textures from CD1 and avoid needing the fix.
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Re: TUTORIAL: Unreal Tournament Audio & Visuals Tweaking Gui

Post by Chamberly »

I really don't know what OpenGL verison I'm using, but it said I have 252KB filesize of my openGL and idk which version it is.
But seriously, when I changed the D3D9's ini s3tc to false... the weird skin thing stopped... Interesting bug. B/c my opengl.ini was already had the s3tc=false.

Any idea if there is going to be any manual s3tc fix like the .exe that I tried from the front of the topic (page 1?) or a new .exe for win 7 compatibility or something?
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Re: TUTORIAL: Unreal Tournament Audio & Visuals Tweaking Gui

Post by EvilGrins »

Skating isn't an infection, it's a sign of memory overload... at least in my experience.

Try oldschool fix: How long since you rebooted your system? Are you one of those that leaves their computer on all the time??
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Re: TUTORIAL: Unreal Tournament Audio & Visuals Tweaking Gui

Post by Chamberly »

I know EG. It's a bug. There is nothing of memory overload or anything. I don't abuse my system as much other do (streaming, multitasking awhile playing ut having 10 other program open most of the time, etc. lol)

I didn't install the 2nd CD, and I didn't install the fix for the s3tc because I never intend to use it. So as it was mentioned in the first page, there is a fix for it. So in general... it's a bug. Try it out before asking me anything else. :P
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Re: TUTORIAL: Unreal Tournament Audio & Visuals Tweaking Gui

Post by Carbon »

Can someone explain the "ParticleDensity" setting to me? I have had it on "0" forever but saw an old tweaking thread today where one guy had it on 6. :?
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Re: TUTORIAL: Unreal Tournament Audio & Visuals Tweaking Gui

Post by Chamberly »

Just leaving a note, especially for me: Please remember to put the femaleskin1, etc. textures back into the texture folder. AnthChecker will kick. LOL.
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Re: TUTORIAL: Unreal Tournament Audio & Visuals Tweaking Gui

Post by Dr.Flay »

I know most of the settings with a "0" are set on automatic, but I can't find any reference to how this is being used.
If "0" is not "off" then I would leave it.
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Re: TUTORIAL: Unreal Tournament Audio & Visuals Tweaking Gui

Post by Carbon »

Dr.Flay wrote:I know most of the settings with a "0" are set on automatic, but I can't find any reference to how this is being used.
If "0" is not "off" then I would leave it.
Thanks for the reply.

It sure seems like it is not an 'on/off' function though. The 'density' makes me thing it is a gradient, not an absolute. But if so, then yes, why 0? You are probably right. Only one real way to find out, right? Off to test I go! I will set it for 100 and see what happens. :)
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Re: TUTORIAL: Unreal Tournament Audio & Visuals Tweaking Gui

Post by MrT4rg3t »

Glad I found this site. Was able to get UT99 up n running and looking n sounding good. THANK YOU! :gj:
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Re: TUTORIAL: Unreal Tournament Audio & Visuals Tweaking Gui

Post by Mnichu »

You should definitely got paid for this guide(if u wasnt 8) ). Solved the problem of incostant speeds which was very painfull to me and also got rid of "too smooth mouse".

Thanks a lot dude! Cheers :D
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Re: TUTORIAL: Unreal Tournament Audio & Visuals Tweaking Gui

Post by Gustavo6046 »

I DONT HAVE S3TC (far) :cry:
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Re: TUTORIAL: Unreal Tournament Audio & Visuals Tweaking Gui

Post by Carbon »

Gustavo6046 wrote:I DONT HAVE S3TC (far) :cry:
What does this even mean? You won't get help with this kind of vague post.

Anyhow, everything - and I mean everything - is in this guide. Read it from start to finish (all pages) and there will be no questions.