[Discussion] The Errorist Network / 333networks forums

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Re: Invitation for The Errorist Network / 333networks forums

Post by Wises »

Higor wrote:Skinless ppl getting worried over a cheeky name, typical "first world problems".

PD: Somebody had to say it...
Reaches for Onezy & WetWipes :D w00t.

aside from the name I think that its a good service to provide ,

my little 't' in a post back there << was just for chuckles and was tbh the first thing which comes to mind in this day and age.

the comment about it being dark.. was that it did not render to well on my screen.. as PaperCoffee Pointed out.

keep up the good work..
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Re: Invitation for The Errorist Network / 333networks forums

Post by Syntax-Error »

billybill wrote:I'm sorry but after Wises, chamberly and noccer I am the fourth to point out the bad taste of that name
You probably misread noccer... as he never said that...
noccer wrote:in a game where you KILL people with WEAPONS like AK47 in Maps like DM-PARIS and DM-WorldTradeCenter
errorist is really not a bad name ;)

I seriously start to doubt your intentions billybill, as I have trouble finding a constructive part in your "conclusions" and comments.

You mention "re-branding", although no-one else mentioned this was happening, so I wonder what you are talking about and where you are referring to.
I have no clue why I should re-brand anything.

The thread title reads "Invitation for The Errorist Network / 333networks forums!"
The topic on my board, which I pointed you to and the explanation I gave should have been enough to understand that it is 1 board, shared by 2 different websites.
I also explained how it became "errorist" in the first place...

But to explain for the last time: My nickname in Unreal is Syntax-Error. I was called the Errorist by one of the other players.
Since I run multiple Unreal servers, I started to call it The Errorist Network, because I found it funny how it sounded.

If you have any problem with that, I don't mind, atleast I know my intentions are sincere.

My simple website was already active on http://www.errorist.tk, that's why I have chosen to run the board on the subdomain "forum.errorist.tk", nothing strange about that, since this is often done by websites. From my main "website" the first link under "Quick Links" on the right site of the website points to the forum. In the left menu the link "Forums" explains we started to offer a forum and shows a link to it. On every page, the news box is shown, which also mentions the forum is launched and has a link to it as well. I don't think people would have trouble to find it. :lol:

Still.... I don't understand your problem.
billybill wrote:Looks like it's on an off-shore anonymous free domain too, rather than on your main one... I do wonder
Which "main one"? I'm sorry to see you can only see what's on "the dark side" (refering to Star Wars).

On the other hand I wonder what is worse...
A ".tk" domain which I got for free, or you mentioning on your website (http://www.oceaniaut.com) "When I find the bitcoin account I signed up with I will add it to this page." where you ask for donations and announce that you are "probably not off offering a game server rentals". The fact that Bitcoin is often used by criminals for money laundering and criminal activities, does not give me a positive feeling to say the least, let alone that I would need my creditcard info to pay for your services...

Besides... If you would have taken the time, you would have known that the tld ".tk" (dot.tk) is quite populair, but also free (as in, costs nothing to register).
If you had looked even furter, you also would have known that the registrar for ".tk" domains is a Dutch company, based in the Netherlands: http://www.dot.tk/nl/aboutdottk.html

The main reason I decided to register a ".tk" last year was simple: It costs nothing!
I don't ask anyone for money or donations and I don't have advertisements on my website and forum...

I have several servers (VPS's) geographically spread, which I use for my hobby.

My hobby:
- Experimenting with Linux servers
- Running Unreal servers
- running a Master Server
- Create PHP scripts & websites
- Test stuff to see how things work.

...And help out if I can, like I did for 333networks when they had to do maintenance on their servers: I completely hosted the main website and masterserver for aprox. two weeks until maintenance was done. I would do that anytime again if needed (I have 1 server running a full copy as standby server :)).
I did this to help someone, not to gain any income. I didn't ask for money, I didn't get any money for it. I was glad I could help.

You can check my Unreal servers or website and forum, but you will see I ask no money, nor do I ask for donations.
Reason for that : I don't need it.

When I opened the thread here about unrealtournament.info going down, people started saying that it was a shame that it was down and started to ask about a similair board. So.. I installed it, created some topics and stuff and invited everyone... with a post on my board "we value your feedback" asking to tell me what people are missing, so I can look into that and add it to my board.

What is wrong with that?
If you don't want to visit, then don't.
If you do want to visit, you're more than welcome to.

But until now...
I have no clue what your intentions are, since you haven't asked me one single question about it.
You just start with conclusions which have poor arguments...

My intentions are simple: I try to offer a board for people who asked for that sort of board.

And what did you do...?

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me:

- Email: syntax [at] errorist [dot] tk
- ICQ: 31119018
- MSN: syntax123@hotmail.com
- IRC: irc.synirc.net - #TEN

Wises wrote:aside from the name I think that its a good service to provide
Wises wrote:keep up the good work..
Thanks Wises! :tu: :D ;)

Re: Invitation for The Errorist Network / 333networks forums

Post by UT99.org »

billybill wrote:hmm I know the history of .tk, it's still an oceania domain whoever owns it. Fuck you people make some wah wah posts, seriously I'm going to quote the shit out of you and rip you to pieces for that. Why even do it?
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Re: Invitation for The Errorist Network / 333networks forums

Post by noccer »


>>You can't steal any ip (v4)adresses, there are exactly 4294967296 of them, and they will still exist when you wrote down all of them, or are stored in a (master)servers database ;)<<
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Re: Invitation for The Errorist Network / 333networks forums

Post by Syntax-Error »

billybill wrote:Looks like it's on an off-shore anonymous free domain too, rather than on your main one... I do wonder
billybill wrote:hmm I know the history of .tk, it's still an oceania domain whoever owns it.
You have the nerve to question my choice for a ".tk" and act like it is some mystery I chose it??


Are you sure??

Really sure??

I just want to be sure, that you are sure...

Guess what I found out, just a minute ago: (Oh gosh! I L-O-V-E DNS!! :loool: )

# nslookup
> set q=any
> www.oceaniaut.com

Non-authoritative answer:
www.oceaniaut.com canonical name = oceaniaut.com.

Authoritative answers can be found from:
> oceaniaut.com

Non-authoritative answer:
oceaniaut.com nameserver = ns1.oceaniaut.tk. <===
oceaniaut.com nameserver = ns2.oceaniaut.tk. <===
Name: oceaniaut.com
origin = ns1.utempire.tk <===
mail addr = noreply.oceaniaut.com
serial = 1401922281
refresh = 10800
retry = 3600
expire = 604800
minimum = 38400

Let me repeat this once again:
billybill wrote:Looks like it's on an off-shore anonymous free domain too, rather than on your main one... I do wonder
Go to hell!

Re: Invitation for The Errorist Network / 333networks forums

Post by UT99.org »

billybill wrote:I see my placeholder thread can no longer be used

@syntax Then why didn't you use a real .nl domain? Doesn't make much sense bud

@dark The problem is people who follow the forum link from the 333networks domain are then lead to what is branded as errorist networks. The idea they get in their head is errorist networks is some kind of larger network that encompasses 333networks. I never thought you would change name until reading your long-ass post, seeing tweets on twitter with your real name and calling your anonymous, reading the thread at Hermskii's forum, and simply seeing google 'recommend' the word 'anonymous' when I type 333networks.

Let's not forget the automated requests to epic master server and harassment of servers who uplink there that I pointed out with evidence, and the anti-competitive behavior you were accused of by others from your 'demo days'. I actually have no problem with asking people not to uplink to you, but I feel they could see that on their own by now. I gave you a 30 day window to try and clean up your robots, I now see you pretending the series of events at ut.info was completely different because hey no longer exists no evidence right?

Please I am getting tired of this, if a lightalarious or goodalarious could come along and help balance this so I am not arguing against a couple of "dodgies", an idiot, and unfortunately they have signed a moderator here as their 'PR guy' and made frequent donations to this site. Of course, they get offers for free servers left and right now that they host the master for a number of games that money comes easy

@syntax It's not really my fault you don't get into bitcoin. I see it at half the ATMs I visit, half the sites I see take it. It's probably too late to pick one of the 50 or so cryptocurrencys and start mining. You would have to gamble to which one you take. I could defend bitcoin for a long time, even though I have none. People were doubting the internet would ever take off, I'd say bitcoin is that now. I don't even think of all the money laundering anonymous sending of money without tax or whatever you are talking about, I see it as a new 'greenback'

One last thing, I see lately that the hacker group anonymous has declared war on 'terrorists', I have no idea where you guys fit into this, if it's some kind of sad commentary that you picked to put your forums on that name. Are you anon or terrorists? Either way I don't think I want to know and I think people are tired of your PR stunts
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Re: Invitation for The Errorist Network / 333networks forums

Post by Wises »

I'd advise anyone going to Oceania.blah to becareful as the Whois is more dodgy then any of this shit lmao

Code: Select all

Admin Country: Tokelau
Admin Phone: +64.93003000
^ Bullshit Replace Country with 'New Zealand'

as for the phone number...

Code: Select all


    Car Rental

    10 Macaulay St
    Eden Terrace
    Auckland 1021
    New Zealand

^ more bullshit

one must ask then.. is the Pot calling the Kettle Black?

BB I could make an Educated guess that 90% of your posts here are troll posts , you don't really bring anything helpful to the table and just enjoy Stirring Shit.. (again nothing new)
Practically every Assumption that syntax-Error and Dark have made about you is in fact True.. and you know it..
Why you are still here No0ne know's so why not use the fkn Door and leave..

email dane and ask him to build a cave for you to Dwell in or something..
Last edited by Wises on Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:23 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Invitation for The Errorist Network / 333networks forums

Post by UT99.org »

billybill wrote:I'm not the only one who uses false info on my TLD. It's not a company, we couldn't scam people if we wanted to. If something was really wrong godaddy have the credit details to trace it back. Nice snooping both of you, but there's really nothing to uncover

The address is all you Wises, the phone number I did put there. Do you think the taxi company would ever find out or care? Only saying, it's illegal for robots to scan WHOIS entries for the purpose of logging the info or at least they can't use it for marketing purposes. The first they would hear is if Wises himself called them up and told them.

Here's a couple quotes from the Tokelau (.tk) wikipedia

"Tokelau is a territory of New Zealand". Actually I'll paraphrase the rest, there's a couple phones on the island and there is a calling prefix but you are more than likely to get some govt service than a household on any of the few numbers

What I'd really like to see is some proof about the claims in this last post at http://hooksutplace.freeforums.org/when ... 21-50.html and I'll take it in writing thanks

I apologize for anyone who read this post earlier, I completely re-wrote it. I'll retain the following passage:

Anyway, there's a lot of more constructive things I could be doing and this thread doesn't feature high on my list. Nothing will go unread by me but don't expect a great deal of speed from me. I typed out my last post far too fast, I know someone's going to scream at me for not 'providing proof'. Just tell me which ones people think are untrue and I will provide that proof because I really don't have time to find and link them all
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Re: Invitation for The Errorist Network / 333networks forums

Post by papercoffee »

At all
I'm feeling slightly confused now.
I did read all your complains about UT99.org over there at UT.info. We would interfere too much and it was somehow our fault that member get frustrated by closing threads and removing posts.
Suddenly could you discuss in a mature kind of way, over there at UT.info

We have strict policy ...what happened on other forums or server is not our concern.
But still, I was curios. What will happen if I let this thread and the other one run as you wanted it to be as you mentioned it over there at UT.info.
Now you calling for interference. (Yes this thread was now reported twice)

This whole situation saddens me.

@ Syntax-Error
It's your thread from which post do you want this discussion be cut and trashed?

one last chance ...behave or leave!

I'm away for the next hours...

Re: Invitation for The Errorist Network / 333networks forums

Post by UT99.org »

billybill wrote:Wasn't until Wises's last post that things got ugly, I still regard mine as quite tame. But please read on

It's an excellent idea of Wises, he having a break. I'm taking Wises's advice though, not you nazis. I want you to really think this out while I'm away. And don't think because they donate here that their money isn't dirty. We all know this thread will be cut and where it will be cut. It doesn't really matter, people reading it now would be disgusted at these guys or at least should be. ( Paper I'll reply to the other thread here. pasting private conversations falls under etiquette not under rules unless you can show me the rule.)

Have fun dealing with Wises and these criminals, never got to know you apart from stupid warnings, I'll pop in little later and see how this relationship is progressing. Since I have to set my own site up to replace a bunch of stuff from ut.info.

paper and the rest of ya, It's all there people, use google, ask questions. Check the facts, set up some port loggers. The stuff these guys want to hide and cover up they will go to great lengths to do

Oh did I say the N word 80 years later!! CRAP someone might've been alive then!!! But I guess 'terrorist' is fine we can say that one a few days after a big attack. The puppet mods here will do what you want if you pay for their strings right?

The one place these 333network guys are acting badly is UT, they are playing by the rules in other games. You owe it to people to not censor this crap and appease them. I explained where the money comes from and if I have to now chase them on the game forums where they do behave it's going to be a lot trickier to convince people without some blessings here. You need to have an unbiased mod discussion and examine what's really happening here because in a couple years this place will be run by them too, you can mark my words on that

I've said everything, obviously I will eventually read and respond if anything comes up but like I said not in a hurry to do so. Even gave these guys 30 days for some extremely reasonable requests
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Re: Invitation for The Errorist Network / 333networks forums

Post by Wises »

@paper , when I used to run forums many moons ago , I setup a Trash-Box part for posts like this shit^.. it worked well , just move posts or entire threads into there and setup a warning to would be 'viewers' .. kinda room for "bullshit".. where they can have it out at each other without disrupting the post/thread/forum at hand.
imo now would be a good time to trial such a room..

actually my forums were nailed down so tight that if someone was banned then all they would see was the Trash , whilst all others could not....
but yeah , served it's purpose and allowed for discussions to continue On-topic.

problem that Iam seeing , and I assume others as well.. trolling Behavior / Off-Topics / Censorship and no way of dealing with it appropriately..
or being limited in what we say or do out of fear of rebuke... most of not all of us are between 18-80yrs old I could guess.. and are for the most part 'Adults' so
yeah.. could have a separate forum Setup Called "The Bar" where all Shit-flinging-arguments could be settled outta sight from more serious people who are here for info / knowledge and genuine Help.

just add in a small disclaimer that the contents of the Bar is for 18yrs and over , agree / accept accept etc.. and leave em at it lmao.
the bar serve's as a place to 'settle disputes' and if they do indeed get out of hand then.. and only then consider *closing threads*.. perhaps even have a no editing rule for the bar and allow double tripple posting idk.. but make it private (block search-engine robots fom it).. password protect it or something.

just an idea.. because WAAAAY to many posts have been ruined by this kinda shit.

so.. 2 new forum requests;

1.) THE BAR (for these kinda interuptions)

that should do it..

so when you see this kinda stuff happening just say

Moved to >> THE BAR
Moved to >> OFF TOPPIC

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Re: Invitation for The Errorist Network / 333networks forums

Post by Carbon »

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Re: Invitation for The Errorist Network / 333networks forums

Post by Wises »

Last edited by Wises on Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Invitation for The Errorist Network / 333networks forums

Post by papercoffee »

papercoffee wrote: @ Syntax-Error
It's your thread from which post do you want this discussion be cut and trashed?
Please PM me ...I close this thread for now to prevent further shit storming.

Reopened by request of the thread owner.
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Re: Invitation for The Errorist Network / 333networks forums

Post by Darkelarious »

Dear papercoffee,
Syntax-Error, noccer and I discussed what to do with this thread. Freedom of speech and freedom of expression are two of the highest goods of our society. We stand for this freedom, as nearly everyone does. However, language such as "rip you apart" and "with your real name" are personal threats and are not acceptable under any circumstance. In virtually every thread involving 333networks and/or anybody who stands up for it, billybill has chosen to make false accusations and drift the thread so far off-topic that it gets locked. In other words, we feel that billybill has taken away our freedom of speech when he suicides the thread, of which this is the most recent example.

Therefore, we wish this thread to remain open and unmodified (including making billybill unable to back-edit his previous posts). We think that it should be seen by everybody how billybill tries to break down other initiatives that he can not control and in which way he attempts to do so. He has had a significant number of chances to redeem his stance and to change attitude when he was shown and/or proven incorrect. Instead, he used every opportunity to come up with more accusations and direct and/or indirect threats. This happened not just on single occasions, but structurally and on various boards. We think that his behaviour is dangerous for the entire community, both on the boards and in real life. It is up to the ut99.org staff to consider whether billybill's presence on this board does not compromise the safe and constructive atmosphere on this board. We therefore request that the staff consider suspending his account for an undefined amount of time, to prevent further attempts on damaging our and other people's ideas, initiatives and reputations.

Dear billybill,
Back on unrealtournament.info I explained the functionality of the 333networks masterserver in detail. Everybody else in that thread agreed that my explanation was complete and sincere. However, regardless of the time that I spent on writing my explanatory replies and wiki pages, you still keep falling back to the same arguments over and over again. Every time you made a new stand, I felt that it was my obligation to respond with all the information necessary to show you that you are incorrect and concerned without reason. Every time, I hoped that your intentions were honest and that you were genuinely concerned. At unrealtournament.info I hoped that we finally reached a consensus. I am very sorry to recognize now that it was not the case. After all your negative implications, I still suggested you as one of the promising moderators for unrealtournament.info. We have done nothing to deserve your wrath and we have always responded (in a constructed manner) to whichever complaint/accusation/stance you had.

You obviously will not recognize our good intentions if they were to stand up and shake your hands. We ask you to refrain from posting any further negative "revelations" and accusations towards 333networks. In yesterday's posts you went to far. You abandoned all moral and technical points of view, threatened me (implying you know my real name), "ripping us apart" and accusing us of embezzling money. Your accusations are both without evidence and are simply not true (we are the only ones who can state this as a fact). However, when we confront you for the exact behaviour of which you accused us of, you wave it away as if it were not a big thing. After everything, you still believe in yourself as the do-gooder and put the blame on others. We grow tired of having to defend ourselves to your malicious intentions.

Our only regret is that we have to request that you get banned. We still think that silencing somebody for their opinion and attitude is morally incorrect. However, your freedom of speech stops where you start taking it away from others. You have had many occasions to prevent this and redeem yourself, but you wasted any opportunity by shooting at us instead. We hope that you take the time to reflect on what we say, so that at any given point in time we may finally deal with each other in the same honesty and on the same level.

Dear readers and participants of this thread,
We regret that the topic took this direction. The invitation to the Errorist/333networks forums is still open to everybody. We hope that the discussion here did not damage our forum before it really started. Like any other beginning forum, we are starting up slowly and trying to get things in order. We value your feedback and hope to address everybody's needs on our forum.

Masterserver | Discord Channel
Oh, and we still are ready to receive donations. The url works, right? It doesn't seem to be doing anything...
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