Someone is hacking my UT99 public server. Please Help!

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Re: Someone is hacking my UT99 public server. Please Help!

Post by Chamberly »

Oh boy. I'm dropping out of this thread. C ya!
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Re: Someone is hacking my UT99 public server. Please Help!

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billybill wrote:@Chamberly: He didn't use a hook or anything like that, he was playing with a 30ms ping vs 200ms (and got all butthurt when action was taken by an admin). I believe he was kicked multiple times for it but it continued before a ban was enforced, but were not able to investigate since he went behind our backs to our gametracker's server page to protest instead of our own forum. Anyhow, glad we don't have to dish out warnings for this stuff any more because it's all automated. All that would've happened would be him posting on the correct forum and being unbanned and given instructions on how to avoid future occurrences. This goes back to this time two years ago by the way, I had to check my email to verify that was the time of the gametracker posts
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Re: Someone is hacking my UT99 public server. Please Help!

Post by Chamberly »

Tbh I got confused of what's going on... so yeah.
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Re: Someone is hacking my UT99 public server. Please Help!

Post by Wises »

@billbob ,

so.. let me get this straight... you ban him from your servers for (not cheating), but rather having a better ping then other players.

he complains to you indirectly (via game tracker) which you ignore? (because he didn't find your forums).

he sets up his own server.. which you troll and cause problems for him for the next 2 years.. which brings us here and now.

can't just leave people alone to make there own servers aye bb.. esp if they are anywhere near your honeypots.

you go here ,there and everywhere.. trying to kill any/all admin tools which potentially could spoil your fun and ban that ass..

then continue fucking with other peoples servers y?

surely with the awesome ultra no lag servers you run .. you wouldn't need to go off messing with others servers... aye?
Last edited by Wises on Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:06 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Someone is hacking my UT99 public server. Please Help!

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billybill wrote:No, he's either BSing or mistaken. I sense you have a hand in this though so we'll see if any logs emerge

He was banned for what we call cheating, of course it's open to interpretation. Is two people teaming in a free for all game cheating? I'd say yes. But you get the point about interpretation. He obviously didn't like his one week ban and being labelled a cheat all those two years ago. I'm not sure what kind of idiot can't see the website name on the server info and where they get the idea spouting off on gametracker server pages is fine and dandy, I seriously think it's all on purpose and not the big series of unfortunate events you are making it out to be
Wises wrote: you go here ,there and everywhere.. trying to kill any/all admin tools which potentially could spoil your fun and ban that ass..
Can you provide a link to whatever you are referencing. I assume you mean me warning of the dangers of HWID and the cases of stolen identities and multiple people over different continents showing up under the same bans as if they jumped on a plane to try and evade a ban
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Re: Someone is hacking my UT99 public server. Please Help!

Post by Wises »

well... I just go from experience and what he is/was accusing you of sounds 'very familiar' if you get my drift.

I doubt very much logs will be revealed .. but iam 100% sure of who the culprit is ;)

yes.. HWID bans .. guessing you've found a way around them already as its pretty dated tech.

also.. the uttunnelling service you use to evade ip detection?.. what's it called?.. ubertunnel or some shit.

also that skin crash trick .. is that how you done it?.. ffs man.
Last edited by Wises on Tue Feb 03, 2015 6:15 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Someone is hacking my UT99 public server. Please Help!

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billybill wrote:Well you know the old line from Judge Judy about the evidence 'mysteriously' vanishing. lol. So don't accuse me, I've stated I know this guy from two years ago, have had a conversation or two away from UT with him before that. Talked to him once since then which was on his own server and the only log that would come back to me, and it would be very far from 'coming back to haunt me'. Sounds like you could help him make his server less prone to crashing, and I gave him some pointers to why nobody from the public joins his server (redirect, and one of those reasons does involve his low Japanese ping). Reality is if you want to run a public server these days you have idiots like this, other idiots spidering your query info onto their html page with robots so you get spammed with junk mail etc. And all it takes is one 15 minute uplink to Epic and you have to password your server if you want to make it private after that. He definitely does have a point about where the game is headed

gah.. response to your editing
Wises wrote:well... I just go from experience and what he is/was accusing you of sounds 'very familiar' if you get my drift.

I doubt very much logs will be revealed .. but iam 100% sure of who the culprit is ;)

yes.. HWID bans .. guessing you've found a way around them already as its pretty dated tech.

also.. the uttunnelling service you use to evade ip detection?.. what's it called?.. ubertunnel or some shit.

also that skin crash trick .. is that how you done it?.. ffs man.
I use Linux, HWID ban is for Windows clients, and yes it is dated since it was in use at Rebellion before ACE existed. And yeah I did write some protection against a skin crash, although I've hardly seen anyone use this. As a solution, instead of accusing me, use that or ask those affected to update their graphics drivers
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Re: Someone is hacking my UT99 public server. Please Help!

Post by Wises »

the reason this game will die is because there is no way to block retards from messing with servers.. exploiting them and evading bans.

secondly your friends at

thirdly ... most everyone has moved to other games less vulnerable then this crap ;)

that's about it..

Re: Someone is hacking my UT99 public server. Please Help!

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billybill wrote:They're not really my friends. Had a lengthy discussion and lengthy thought about it before making the posts there. Sadly I could say the same about your newfound friends
I'll expand on that, I know I've explained myself before but I don't know where so I'll do it again. I could log in right now and delete my posts there if I thought it was a good move. So why do I not do that?

Would you prefer it stayed behind closed doors where a bunch of people pay money to know what bypasses the latest cheats?

I took the Luigi approach, I've put it out there

My intentions at first were to show the importance of updating to ATv52. I probably could've stopped there. Then found how to bypass my own release which was purely my own code based upon the v42 bypass. I thought if I posted it someone else can solve the problem by continuing anti tweak development. It never got solved and here we are. On the plus side admins know what they're looking for and know the importance of getting one screenshot per person per round. I put it like this, ace doesn't check for transparent walls or anything like that and the only automatic process was tweak checkers. Only pro servers used AT anyway, it's a waste of space these days. To be totally honest the game only shows you pawns in relative proximity with cheats or not there's only a slight advantage, and someone will notice if you are getting lucky all the time, and players wont go around a corner if they *suspect* someone is waiting for them.

I'm still hoping pro servers will drop the laggy anti cheats altogether and start encouraging players to stream their games semi-regularly. There's so much that can be gained from that approach for everyone
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Re: Someone is hacking my UT99 public server. Please Help!

Post by Wises »

billybill wrote:They're not really my friends. Had a lengthy discussion and lengthy thought about it before making the posts there. Sadly I could say the same about your newfound friends
billbob wrote:I'll expand on that, I know I've explained myself before but I don't know where so I'll do it again. I could log in right now and delete my posts there if I thought it was a good move. So why do I not do that?

Would you prefer it stayed behind closed doors where a bunch of people pay money to know what bypasses the latest cheats?

I took the Luigi approach, I've put it out there

My intentions at first were to show the importance of updating to ATv52. I probably could've stopped there. Then found how to bypass my own release which was purely my own code based upon the v42 bypass. I thought if I posted it someone else can solve the problem by continuing anti tweak development. It never got solved and here we are. On the plus side admins know what they're looking for and know the importance of getting one screenshot per person per round. I put it like this, ace doesn't check for transparent walls or anything like that and the only automatic process was tweak checkers. Only pro servers used AT anyway, it's a waste of space these days. To be totally honest the game only shows you pawns in relative proximity with cheats or not there's only a slight advantage, and someone will notice if you are getting lucky all the time, and players wont go around a corner if they *suspect* someone is waiting for them.

I'm still hoping pro servers will drop the laggy anti cheats altogether and start encouraging players to stream their games semi-regularly. There's so much that can be gained from that approach for everyone
well... tbh the problem with AntiTweak fullstop is that it is CLIENT-SIDE

and anything CLIENTSIDE is vulnerable to exploitation.

unfortunately.. only way to counter-act this behaviour IMO is to have a fully server-side check which detects where players are as well as where actors/meshes/walls/sheets etc are.. and only send other players positions to clients that have a clear line of sight .. therefore annulling any need for worrying about transparent walls and so-forth.. same would need to be done with sound as well.. as this is another way to cheat ... amplify the volume by some 10,000% and hear a mouse fart from 1024UU's away.

did you ever manage to patch the hole in AT52 or have you since realized that its actually just a waste of time?

Re: Someone is hacking my UT99 public server. Please Help!

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billybill wrote:There's no need to quote me like that. And no, it wouldn't be hard to do what you say. I had something different in mind where it would use replication instead of mutate commands, would require a lot of testing.

I guess my argument above that I didn't mention is nobody would take it seriously unless it was put in front of them like that and they can try it for themselves. Nobody took the bait so to speak except the pro servers. But like I said they shouldn't be used there anyway. *Sigh*, UT.

By all means add whatever it is to AntiTweak it's a 5 min job, Anth even started another one which could serve as a base. I don't like the way AT works and I don't see a real purpose because like I said after you've played a while you get a gut feeling when someone is not playing legit and in that rare case if all it takes is a screenshot I think we're lucky to be able to do that

Not sure about that sound adjust thing, hearsay. You are talking about some tweak that lets you hear the elevators from anywhere in the map on a map like Deck? I have heard it's fact that it does work in later UTs. If you find it then please prove it in a video where we can try it before and after by standing in the same position for ourselves (In a video! as Epic would say)
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Re: Someone is hacking my UT99 public server. Please Help!

Post by papercoffee »

Very server side discussion... I move this thread in the server section.

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Re: Someone is hacking my UT99 public server. Please Help!

Post by joshDEman »

will changeing your server admin password help its sounds like a figerd it out but then agen im new as well to the server running and what not

Re: Someone is hacking my UT99 public server. Please Help!

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billybill wrote:Leave it blank or set it to something unique, keep in mind if you run web admin and use a default password people could log into this and retrieve your admin password from the web administration console
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