What are Bits?

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What are Bits?

Post by ANUBITEK »


On this page, I have come across a brief description on Bits and how to use their operators. Could anyone on this board please describe Bits, their function, and how they operate to a person whose first programming language being learned is UnrealScript? Or are there any Archive.Today or WayBack links that exist, or even .htmls?
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Re: What are Bits?

Post by papercoffee »

Feralidragon wrote: Bits are what bytes are formed with, a byte has 8 bits. A bit is nothing more than a 0 or 1.
Bit operations in any programming language are operations on each individual bit or in a set of specific bits rather than the byte as a whole, such as setting one or more of the bits of a byte to 0 or 1, or shifting the entire bit array to the left or the right (adding a 0 to one side or the other).
And who says a byte also says a word (16 bits), dword (32bits) or a qword (64bits), commonly known as 16bit, 32bit and 64bit integers respectively.
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Re: What are Bits?

Post by Myth »

Most of these operators are inherited from C, that's why they are not very well explained.
UnrealScript is based mostly on Java which also inherits most of its operators from C.
Google for bitwise operators in C or in Java and you'll get plenty of resources.
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Re: What are Bits?

Post by Chris »

Bits are what a computer is built based on pretty much.
Do a simple google search on it.

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Re: What are Bits?

Post by JackGriffin »

You resurrect a six month old thread and your answer is "google it". Why waste everyone's time like that?
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Re: What are Bits?

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

Yeah. WHY!!! :loool:
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Re: What are Bits?

Post by Chris »

Well first of I didn't realize it was that old so if you want to blame me for that.. go ahead.
Secondly I didn't waste anyones time since it's up to you to read the thread.

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Re: What are Bits?

Post by JackGriffin »

You do understand the logical fallacy by saying
I didn't waste anyones time since it's up to you to read the thread
That's like saying "It's not my fault I drove my car into that person walking. He chose to walk there."

Don't be one of those idiots that refuses to take responsibility for what they do and victim-blames likes it's a get-out-of-jail-free card. You won't get much room for that here.

Here's how you reply to what you did:
Oops. Sorry :)
See how clean and easy? Smiley face is optional but I think it adds a certain laissez-faire flavor to the post.
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Re: What are Bits?

Post by Chris »

JackGriffin wrote:You do understand the logical fallacy by saying
I didn't waste anyones time since it's up to you to read the thread
That's like saying "It's not my fault I drove my car into that person walking. He chose to walk there."

Don't be one of those idiots that refuses to take responsibility for what they do and victim-blames likes it's a get-out-of-jail-free card. You won't get much room for that here.

Here's how you reply to what you did:
Oops. Sorry :)
See how clean and easy? Smiley face is optional but I think it adds a certain laissez-faire flavor to the post.
Alright, so by driving into a person walking, I would stop him from doing what he's doing, and that's walking basically.. So by my reply to this thread... what have I prevented you from doing?
I am not being irresponsible of my actions at all, but if you're going to accuse me for wasting "everyones time" you might aswell explain in what way everyones time is being wasted.
Did it perhaps bother you that the thread popped back in the first section?
Don't take this wrong, I am not neglecting anything. But you might aswell be more polite if something is bothering you instead of that cockyness.

Have a good day.

Regards, Chris
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Re: What are Bits?

Post by papercoffee »

Telling someone he should make a google search ...after other posts already explained it months ago let yourself appear in an somehow unfavourable light. Other people could get the impression that you are a little priggish. We on UT99.org try to avoid this kind of "Google-it" posts.
And for the waste of time ...everyone who click on this resurrected thread, hoping to read something new and interesting is wasting time by reading "Do a simple google search on it." ...because this is redundant and useless information.
That's why we have our forum rule Nr. 12 :wink:

Don't be so harsh, pal ...it's a new member and explaining it is better than scolding.
The scolded one goes automatically in a defensive position... an argument arise between both discussants... and at the end the results are, strained nerves.

Too much of a bother.
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Re: What are Bits?

Post by MrLoathsome »

That is a perfect reply Paper.

I nominate PaperCoffee to be a forum mod. :satan: :lol2: :what: :ironic:
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Re: What are Bits?

Post by Dr.Flay »

Hehe. Consider this your group warning Chris.
We consider our site to be a resource site more than a fan forum. This is why people read lots of our old threads.
Please feel free to resurrect threads, but only ever if you have a genuine answer/solution or update.

Mistakes are made, and this was one of them, so lets move along.
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Re: What are Bits?

Post by sektor2111 »

I could reply in that time but I didn't bother. When we speak about tutorials but we don't know basics (what is a BIT) then what should I expect for the rest. Chris was probably frustrated too by such a thread. Let me ask then what is a CPU ? What is a MainBoard ? If we are in a forum talking about a game we are asuming to know a minimum of PC operating/hardware and it's not a need for posting ameoba like threads related to IT basics - first step goes to a PC guide rather than opening useless topics. But probably for a few people this thread is helpful - or not. However author was sorting useful information which was triggering me to understand some messed stuff, that's why I did not jump at this thread having patience and waiting next posts which were good to see after all, and I'm appreciating that effort in sorting stuff. :tu:
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Re: What are Bits?

Post by Chris »

Let's clear some things out.
First of I didn't just say "Google it".
Sektor2111 nailed my point well, Bits are the whole idea of how a computer is communicating, internally and between other computers.

This is not game relevant but rather basic computer sience, that is why I explained it basically and adviced him to do a google search because he will find tons of information about it there, alot more than he will ever do here.
I came back just yesterday from a... what? 10 months absence? I thought I could find and participate in various discussion regarding the game engine and help out the newcomers.
I'm a native coder and UnrealScripter for aslong as I can remember.

I saw this thread and thought I'd give the guy some advice, but maby I regret coming back after all if it was such a nail-in-the-foot experience for most of you.
It wont happen again. :tu:
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Re: What are Bits?

Post by ANUBITEK »

http://www.oldunreal.com/cgi-bin/yabb2/ ... 1430674950
This is the type of situation that you want to avoid mate. 2 pages that could be answered in 2 posts like what happened originally here. That is the point anyone here is trying to convey. I appreciate the extension of help, but instead of "google it", why not post archive.today links, html links, quotes or anything the first two posters did? That being said, the original question has been sufficiently answered and I've since updated the UnrealScript Bible with a page to Bits. Your suggestion is noted but a bit broad, though it makes sense because it was a broad topic. Could we take the further commenting to PMs though? My e-mail is getting nuked with replies. x.x

tl;dr links pl0x, but links are already had
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