Fave Weapons

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Fave Weapons

Post by EvilGrins »

Going from my own usual UT setup, what's your fave weapon and why?

1. Chainsaw
1. Impact hammer
1. (popular number)
1. Dispersion pistol

2. Pistol

3. Snot-gun

4. Shock rifle
4. Instagib
4. InstaComboGib

5. Pulse Rifle

6. Ripper

7. Minigun

8. Flak Cannon

9. Rocket Launcher

0. Redeemer
0. DeemerFireWorks
0. UK BadBoy
0. UltimaProtoss

And, just for the heck of it, what's your least favorite weapon?
Last edited by EvilGrins on Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fave Weapons

Post by ANUBITEK »

Flak and Pulse all day bruh. But the ripper is ass, least favorite of all.
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Re: Fave Weapons

Post by Gustavo6046 »

LannFyre wrote:Flak and Pulse all day bruh. But the ripper is ass, least favorite of all.
I love the FC as well, but I think the Ripper is fun for some challenge to get headshots in someone (the sniper is either too easy to do headshots with or hard to obtain) :P

Also, Pulse is QUITE nice to do some quick killin' with the alt-fire -- though you need tough hitscan aiming with that one WHILE DODGING!!!
Last edited by Gustavo6046 on Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Fave Weapons

Post by EvilGrins »

More often than not, I'm a rocket launcher guy. Even in close quarter combat, that thing's fun!

Kinda like using a sniper/dispersion combo. As the dispersion has unlimited range (despite being a slow moving projectile with a weak hit) sometimes I like sighting on someone very far away with the sniper and then switching to dispersion to shoot with. It won't kill the guy but if he's not paying attention it'll rattle him a bit.
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Re: Fave Weapons

Post by Pileyrei »

Personal choice when I'm playing well:

1. Sniper
2. Shock
3. Pulse
4. Rocket
5. Flak
6. Mini
7. Ripper
8. Bio
9. Pistol
10. Hammer

*deemer is just a bonus*

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Re: Fave Weapons

Post by heliumcat »

The electric phoenix from the latest apocalypse weapons mod.

and the rt oversurrection (nw3) :thuup:
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Re: Fave Weapons

Post by papercoffee »

1. Razored Translocator from NW3
2. UT Rocket Launcher.
3. Salad Thrower from Food Fight
4. Freezer from NW3
5. UT Bio Rifle
6. Napalm Rockets from UT-Rockets
7. Ha&Ka Steinfrucht from Food Fight
8. UT Minigun with enhanced-Enf&Mini mutator (possibility for a headshot)
9. Pulse Rocket ...standalone mutator where the Pulse Rifle fires Rockets on primary
10. UT Shock Rifle
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Re: Fave Weapons

Post by Enkei »

Flak Cannon for closed maps

Sniper for open land map

Pulse Gun for semi-open land

-Overall I would say Flak! I do play the most time with it, if the map have it.
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Re: Fave Weapons

Post by Swank »

1. NukeBeamer as part of the WeaponLord mutator.

2. Double Barrel Shotgun as part of the U4ET mutator.

3. Riot Shotgun as part of the WeaponLord mutator.

All 3 guns suit my playstyle of up close and personal 8)
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Re: Fave Weapons

Post by FXANBSS »

1. Piddledoper
2. Clusterfucker
3. Rapid-Fire Plasma Cannon
4. Tachyon Driver
5. Combat Shotgun
6. SK-6 Rocket Artillery Cannon
7. Flare Gun
8. Extractor
9. Large Marge (Rapid-Fire version of the Long-Range Plasma Cannon. Unused.)
10. Juggernaut Cannon (Rapid-Fire version of the Hell Gun, also shoots rockets.)

All of them from EXU2.
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Re: Fave Weapons

Post by Koolflux »

My favorite weapon to use is the Ripper. I guess you could say I'm a "ripper-head".
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Re: Fave Weapons

Post by JimmyCognitti »

Sniper+Flak+Mini+Deemer, a perfect combination for me.
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Re: Fave Weapons

Post by Higor »

Hold "fire".
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Re: Fave Weapons

Post by esnesi »

- Enhanced Shock Rifle (play insta mostly)
- Sniper Rifle
- Shock Gun
- Pulse Gun
- Enforcer

Hitscan dude 8)
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Re: Fave Weapons

Post by Hellkeeper »

Translocator. I like to be covered with the innards of my enemy. Moreover the teleport-frag is the only real skill frag. Fite me.
I dislike the ripper. Too ineffective to be used properly.
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