Higor wrote:BTW, AssaultRandomizer fix returns 0 if pawn isn't a player... should I discard that condition as well and turn AssaultRandomizer into a fully toggleable path for all creatures outside of Assault mode?
Personally I want hunters to act normally... Any type Botz, Bot, MBot, Skaarj, even custom Flockpawns (if anyone has some)
All right... There is a lot of work if you have open this gate in attacking bad content VIA OpCode (or such if I speak well)
Let me see:
- NaliRabit - Evade Pickdestination is without Enemy check
- Weapon.CheckVisibility - sanity check for Owner and testing PawnOwner not Owner as actor
- Mover - I'm hunting TriggerControl Left-Open problem when pawn Monster has been killed letting door rammed...;
- TournamenWeapon - Do not send a Weapon into unexistent state Animend clientactive etc.;
- Brute - PlayrangedAttack the same gasbag;
- MelleDamagetarget - and all StupidDamageTarget things;
- Must rewrite Boulder thrown by Titan - must rotate ON-Line too;
- Unlocked JumpSpot for human Seeker too;
- Changed WhatToDoNext at Berserker;
- Hacked some Translocstart for a better world of monsters - not path granted but neither Accessed Nones;
- Decoration fixes (not only one);
- I have to copy my code for ScriptedPawn ChooseTeamAttackFor - TeamLeader errors
- Perhaps attitude things;
- I must write Trooper root...
Damn, I have to solve a mountain of crap, else I'm happy that I have opportunity to finally fix them.
I have done (under completions):
Code: Select all
You might want a separate thing/mutator not linked in engine allowing admins to write their stuff as they want. I see those logs, or make them to have a disabling feature.
I guess some simulated things - bad net stuff have to be "packaged" else will still mess up in client.
I wanna study projectiles as well... perhaps when I'll get some more free time...
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