MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA (MH Temple Of Dragons)

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MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA (MH Temple Of Dragons)

Post by FraGnBraG »


Here's a BETA of an MH map called "Temple Of Dragons" (yes it has dragons in in it :).

Any comments and suggestions will be much appreciated.

Hopefully it works (meaning no stuff is missing) i think i included everything in the ZIP

Note you need MH version 5.03


ZipFile is here: ...

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Last edited by FraGnBraG on Mon Jan 16, 2017 12:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA (MH Temple Of Dragons)

Post by sektor2111 »

SomeLog wrote: ..
Warning: Failed to load 'FacePalmT': Can't find file for package 'FacePalmT'
Warning: Failed to load 'UPSXDragon': Can't find file for package 'UPSXDragon'
Log: SkaarjScout16 fell out of the world!
There is no valid A.I. route to MonsterWayPoint Position 4, now I'll get some rest for figuring other things...
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Re: MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA (MH Temple Of Dragons)

Post by EvilGrins »

I vaguely recall another thread where you were asking about getting the Skaarj Military units to pick up their weapons, because without weapons in hand bots couldn't see them... not to mention they're much harder for anyone to kill. Not sure if it was specified at the time, but I believe the issue has to do with the weapons in question. ut99 weapons are better for use for alignment, because for some weird reason outside of Unreal1, the U1 weapons don't appear directly with the Skaarj they spawned in with.

This seems to be a problem on much of the map:

Your map has a combination of ut99 weapons & Unreal1 weapons on it, likely due to the Skaarj the U1 weapons came with not picking them up. Really hard on the bots overall, somewhat hard on me as without weapons in hand the Skaarj Military are much harder to kill... mostly you have to go with the splash effect of impacts to damage them rather than direct shots from the weapons themselves:

Bots and I handled the 1st areas like a dream:

Good combat overall, fair balance of enemies.

Really nice!

After the monsters were cleared the bots had no idea where to go, and when I worked that out they didn't follow me:


Ascending on lifts I had the same problem of moving around abandoned U1 weapons and fighting Skaarj Military without weapons...

...had to use the rocket launcher a lot.

As I couldn't kill them (except when they did get a weapon) only real option was to knock them over the side:

This was interesting and frustrating:

Everytime I got an item I was ported back to the bottom and had to climb up again, for each item:


One time I fell over the side and wound up in a wooded area with dragons... which is where I was supposed to go but not that soon, I think:

When I eventually got there for real, I had to deal with this whole mess:


With no backup that took awhile, and when I was killed I either spawned back in that area or randomly back near that tower...


I didn't get much further than this before I decided to give it another try later:

A little better bot pathing would work for me, at least so bots can get to the general tower area if not climb it. A sniper or 2 backing me in that area would've been ideal.

Sorry if this seemed a bit jumbled. I'm home sick with a lil' fever.
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Re: MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA (MH Temple Of Dragons)

Post by sektor2111 »

This is default MH.
When you have full paths, they rush at doors, if you don't have paths they are closer to useless. How to deal with these:
Simple answers answered already multiple times around forum:
- 1 actor can manage Skaarj properly getting over default MH trash;
- HuntNode directly usable from other MyLevel (aka 3072) without to need a MH compilation only simply dropping stuff. HuntNode block all paths behind it immediately if Bot has an enemy forcing it to fight and to forget WayPoint in that moment;
- BlockedPath - I'm not sure if anybody really understand how does it work. In some area, Bot has to kill monsters for unlocking BlockedPath/s - but monsters that have to be killed are spawning behind BlockedPath - NO ROUTE. This is similar to a real job: I have to take down this wall with that Hammer, but the Hammer in cause is behind the wall, so I have to break wall first but with that Hammer which I cannot get :? .
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Re: MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA (MH Temple Of Dragons)

Post by Barbie »

Warning: Failed to load 'FacePalmT': Can't find file for package 'FacePalmT'
MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA-ReadMe.txt wrote:simply because it is likely too FAT for servers.
Yes. :-(
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Re: MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA (MH Temple Of Dragons)

Post by FraGnBraG »

Wow, thanks for all the quick feedback!!!

@sektor2111 - geez sorry man :oops: first thing is to get the archive fixed ... srry for missing items, my virgin UT installation is not virgin afterall looks like it has MH and other shit in it :/
-- added path nodes to get to Waypoint 4
-- included missing packages -- UPSXDragon.u, FacePalmM.u, FacePalmT.utx
will post a fixed BETA2 zip ASAP !!!!!
-- will look at the huntnode -- which map? i guess it is in one of the 3072 maps?

--- default version 5.03 ??
is MH version 5.03 the version that should be used nowadays? or should MH maps be made with newer/different version? the last MH I looked at was Red_Fists execellent map and it was running under 5.03 (iirc) ... (sorry for being so out of it - i have been away from ut99 mapping for a long time - i know you and higor been developing newer things - maybe these are needed? )
what version(s) runs on a server these days?

@barbie - missing package added
-- if the map could go on a diet, what would you drop? easy to drop the green part and even reduce # of monsters...
-- that said, a smaller version could be made (as well) since it's seems much easier to take stuff out than it is to add more stuff :D

@EvilGrins - holly crap man you got busy!!!!
There seems to be some bad problems!! somehow you went to the end before you should have! (the green stuff is the ending)
That said, I'm perfectly okay with dropping the green stuff out of this map - it actually makes more sense in the PART2 map, since
those green openings are actually portals to other places which are no longer in this map :) sorry about it being so fkked up!!!
The proper ending to this map should be the boss battle "arena" which it doesn't look like you got there based on your progress shown...
--- all that said, I still don't know why the playerstarts were messed up (toggled) when you player died ... :noidea
it never happened to me (yet) ... diffinitely have to fix that --- thanks for good feedback - looks like i have work to do !!!!

@barbie - actually dropping the green part reduces mapsize a bit ... I'll see how much

Thanks everyone
BETA2 in a bit
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Re: MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA (MH Temple Of Dragons)

Post by papercoffee »

FraGnBraG wrote: @sektor2111 - geez sorry man :oops: first thing is to get the archive fixed ... srry for missing items, my virgin UT installation is not virgin afterall looks like it has MH and other shit in it :/
-- added path nodes to get to Waypoint 4
-- included missing packages -- UPSXDragon.u, FacePalmM.u, FacePalmT.utx
will post a fixed BETA2 zip ASAP !!!!!
-- will look at the huntnode -- which map? i guess it is in one of the 3072 maps?

--- default version 5.03 ??
is MH version 5.03 the version that should be used nowadays? or should MH maps be made with newer/different version? the last MH I looked at was Red_Fists execellent map and it was running under 5.03 (iirc) ... (sorry for being so out of it - i have been away from ut99 mapping for a long time - i know you and higor been developing newer things - maybe these are needed? )
what version(s) runs on a server these days?
It's sektor's map viewtopic.php?f=5&t=11751 the only MH map in this contest. :wink:

Map with MH 5.03 and all server out there can handle it with another version like the much better 5.04 and only server running this version can handle your map. :mrgreen:
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Re: MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA (MH Temple Of Dragons)

Post by Red_Fist »

I was told to not use any other weapons other than from "UT" for MH maps. if you have Unreal weapons in it.

not sure but I stick to stock UT ammo and weapons and pickups.

In MH pathing matters, because the gametype allows you to play with a crew of bots, unlike other game types.
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Re: MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA (MH Temple Of Dragons)

Post by sektor2111 »

All MH versions with Bot code should be OK. However default version with original rushing Bot Support is 5.03. A few years ago I though that nobody can do nothing against Bot's dumbness in racing to waypoints and to end. Later I have figured how do Bot works and a bit of pathing understanding + Higor has opened my closed eyes a lot... All right, let's see if we can trigger Bot to fight with monster when is under thread or will keep running to "Buttons/Levers".
Sample of placement for such a Node (- special designed different for being stolen).
This is a PathNode but a bit Rebel. It uses to grant access or restrict access based on Cost conditions - amazingly, conditions can be written so it will react as should. Low Cost (0) Access granted, HighCost = Heavy or impossible to pass. If you look well for seeker Bot we have Path only if it doesn't smell any enemy else path is locked. When Bot has enemy and MH controller cannot push it forward, he has nothing else to do than fighting, retreating, loading, charging and whatever he knows to do in combat. Once killed enemy Bot can see where does it need to move - very simple.
Adding to MyLevel
See map titled there, load it, then load Level which needs this node - Put node in new map, save, now you have it without compiling nothing. Pathing hint: I recommend Nodes 40 Height and very small Radius - will react better in ramps and small tunnels allowing engine to draw some paths - I did not tested "ReachSpecs" there but I see pawns moving extremely well by using this way. Of course we can do some other hacks if map has navigable geometry (there are maps with troubles), we can operate cheap tricks for creating paths without LE-LC-LE combos, I see this map do works properly at this point.
In other order of ideas I'm curious about Higor's new pathing tool usable in Editor and which looks like is working nice in default UT without special needs - else TeleporterPathFixer is another good thing which should be in account.

Suggestion for a pathing "chain":
PlayerStart - PathNode - PathNode - ... - PathNode - PathNode - PathNode - HuntNode - PathNode - MonsterWaypoint.
HuntNode placed on a route like that will discard seeker's desire for rushing in map.
In said map for 3072 (you did not participated there) contest I have added such Nodes at each Floor entrance and exit on purpose to not see Bot Leaving battle field with any matter and not running forward, just stay and fight, chickening out is not accepted (fallback to Start Location).
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Re: MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA (MH Temple Of Dragons)

Post by FraGnBraG »

ZipFile is here: ...

Red_Fist wrote:I was told to not use any other weapons other than from "UT" for MH maps. if you have Unreal weapons in it.

not sure but I stick to stock UT ammo and weapons and pickups.

In MH pathing matters, because the gametype allows you to play with a crew of bots, unlike other game types.
hmm... I realize there are Unreal weapons appearing, however, I did not put them there. They seem to be appearing for the skaarj snipers/troopers. How do you stop that from happening?
I used those monsters to have more variety of monsters, I could replace them with the UTMH ones (you know the one's that use the Xidia guns and UT rocket launchers... !?
would you prefer those ones? how do i get a skaarj sniper in that case? I just had a thought... does oldskool interact with MH? Could that be causing this problem?

@papercoffee - sounds like it is best to stick with 5.03 then ...

@sector2111 - thanks for the instructions - I will check all that out for the BETA3 -- right now i need to build BETA2 (with no green base in it) and release that to replace the broken map...
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Re: MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA (MH Temple Of Dragons)

Post by sektor2111 »

FraGnBraG wrote:hmm... I realize there are Unreal weapons appearing, however, I did not put them there. They seem to be appearing for the skaarj snipers/troopers. How do you stop that from happening?
Skaarj have their original weaponry instantly replaced by MonsterHunt and messing some timing, this is usually admin job...
Else :mrgreen: in my map for that contest I have a sort of... Skaarj (Barbie did not loved them) a bit tuned and a guardian actor, with any matter they get some weapon (even if is UT weapon). There I was trying to combine an easy Level for engine and a medium difficulty one for player. Usually Skaarj are not that much a problem. With a bit of love inflicted in map even in nasty old MH servers with problems they won't be causing issues. Aside, in such a map we might have monsters sleeping and masked well (preventing spectators to inspect map in advance), at beginning of match they might be awaken and no Invisible weapon will be dropped by Skaarj murdered ON-LINE. To be honest, I like these monsters - they were (or still are) a pain for some admins, but not for others living in 21th century.
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Re: MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA (MH Temple Of Dragons)

Post by Barbie »

FraGnBraG wrote:They seem to be appearing for the skaarj snipers/troopers. How do you stop that from happening?
Hmm, changing their WeaponType?
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Re: MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA (MH Temple Of Dragons)

Post by FraGnBraG »

@evilgrins - i just went all the way through to the end and no glitch in the spawning ... wierd.

remember to follow the BLUE ARROWS that appear showing current objective direction...

I will work on the bots, don't worry - i know they suck.

However, I order them to "cover me - ALL" and repeat the order whenever I appear to have lost them. After a pause they all usually show up.

So with 20 lives and 3 hunters WE managed to make it most of the way through as a group, and I let them press all the buttons and take all the loot.

They never seem to make it across the ambush pit, and usually die repeatedly there. If the player can make it across then a Teleporter opens up for
the bots to use -- however I haven't convinced them to use it yet, lol :)
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Re: MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA (MH Temple Of Dragons)

Post by Red_Fist »

The big problem with skaarjsnipers is if they don't get the sniper, spawns next to them, the player state stays as "player".

I was thinking you were placing both sets Unreal and UT. I forget the problem but I never put unreal inventory in MH.
I don't know if it's some server problem or what it was, Unreal inventory should work, but. :noidea

Also wonder if Oldskool does weird things, while playing or making MH, I don't know.
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Re: MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA (MH Temple Of Dragons)

Post by Barbie »

My map checker has found some issues (only "Warning"s are of interest).
16.01.2017 05:55:45,Info,Start loading file "T:\MH-FNB-TOD-P1-BETA2.t3d"
16.01.2017 05:55:59,Info,Finished loading file after 14461ms.
16.01.2017 05:58:29,Info,Starting test Duplicate Names
16.01.2017 05:58:29,Info,Ended test Duplicate Names after 47ms. Issue count: 0
16.01.2017 05:58:29,Info,Starting test Identical Brushes
16.01.2017 05:59:07,Warning,Brush96 and Brush278 are congruent
16.01.2017 05:59:07,Warning,Brush194 and Brush196 are congruent
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Info,Ended test Identical Brushes after 39702ms. Issue count: 2
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Info,Starting test none default: bGameRelevant
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Info,Ended test none default: bGameRelevant after 31ms. Issue count: 0
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Info,Starting test none default: bStatic
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue6 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue7 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue8 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue12 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue13 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue14 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue15 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue16 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue17 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue18 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue19 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue20 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue0 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue1 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue2 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue3 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue4 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue5 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue9 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue10 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue11 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue21 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue22 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonkStatue23 has none default bStatic=True
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Info,Ended test none default: bStatic after 31ms. Issue count: 24
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Info,Starting test none default: bHiddenEd
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Info,Ended test none default: bHiddenEd after 32ms. Issue count: 0
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Info,Starting test Infinity floats
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Info,Ended test Infinity floats after 62ms. Issue count: 0
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Info,Starting test Actors in Void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,BlockAll41 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,BlockAll82 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,DecoGrasA4 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,InventorySpot1227 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Light1187 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Light1499 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MedBox18 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonsterWaypoint41 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonsterWaypoint42 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonsterWaypoint43 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonsterWaypoint44 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonsterWaypoint45 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,MonsterWaypoint46 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover0 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover10 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover124 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover128 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover131 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover132 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover133 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover134 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover135 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover136 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover137 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover145 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover146 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover147 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover148 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover150 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover151 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover165 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover167 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover168 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover169 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover170 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover174 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover175 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover176 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover239 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover240 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover241 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover242 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover243 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover249 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover254 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover257 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover258 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover259 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover263 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover6 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover7 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover72 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover73 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover75 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover76 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover8 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Mover9 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow1 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow10 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow11 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow12 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow13 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow14 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow15 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow16 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow17 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow18 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow19 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow2 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow3 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow4 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow5 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow6 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow7 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow8 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Nr2kArrow9 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,PalmBarkB3 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,PalmBarkC3 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,PalmBarkC5 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,PalmBarkC8 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Pupae111 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,SkaarjScout16 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,SmallPalmPlantA4 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Trigger109 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Trigger17 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Trigger20 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Trigger21 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,Trigger64 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,TubeLight111 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,TubeLight112 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,TubeLight118 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,TubeLight120 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,TubeLight131 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,TubeLight133 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,TubeLight183 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,TubeLight184 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,TubeLight203 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Warning,TubeLight204 is placed in the void
16.01.2017 05:59:09,Info,Ended test Actors in Void after 78ms. Issue count: 1428
"If Origin not in center it be not in center." --Buggie