Anybody ever heard of a Cyberus?

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Re: Anybody ever heard of a Cyberus?

Post by papercoffee »

OjitroC wrote:
papercoffee wrote: Uhm... I can pick up a weapon from FF when a bot got killed. :| Or am I misunderstanding something wrong?
That's odd as I can't - I just tried a short TDM and a MH to refresh my memory and I was unable to pick up any dropped weapons, just got that message. Is it because I use pinata I wonder?
This can be. Have to check this.
Jack didn't made FF compatible with all mods out there ...some were not tested. FF was meant to be played with FF alone because every weapon can counter another weapon. Stone, paper, scissors schematic. And you know how stubborn he can be sometimes. :P
We had to make compromises.

I know I repeat myself...
papercoffee wrote:If someone want to fix this problem I would be highly thankful and would present a drawing of his/her liking as a reward.
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Re: Anybody ever heard of a Cyberus?

Post by OjitroC »

papercoffee wrote: This can be. Have to check this.
Just tried FF without pinata and I am able to pick up weapons dropped by killed bots, so FF is not compatible with the pinata mutator.
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Re: Anybody ever heard of a Cyberus?

Post by EvilGrins »

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Re: Anybody ever heard of a Cyberus?

Post by Spectra »

If someone really wants kill cyberus with an enforcer, then: set cyberusut bvulnerable true (in console)
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Re: Anybody ever heard of a Cyberus?

Post by EvilGrins »

On a random note, it seems the issue is limited to Pinata. =FF= won't let you pick up bunches of weapons dropped while using Pinata, but weapons that're dropped normally? Still can pick up those.

Go figure.
Rocky wrote:If someone really wants kill cyberus with an enforcer, then: set cyberusut bvulnerable true (in console)
Seems kinda like a cheat... and, theoretically, if you're playing on somebody's server you can't do that. Which is why I'm trying to find normal ways (find a big gun and shoot it to death ways) so in that case I could then put such a weapon on a map and give players a fighting chance.
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Re: Anybody ever heard of a Cyberus?

Post by Spectra »

It is possible in server, but only the player who is logged in as admin can do that.
It is just impossible to kill that thing with normal weapons excluding those you mentioned before. Or if someone re-codes Cyberus and remove the invulnerability or add invulnerability for some minutes like the mercenary shields.
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Re: Anybody ever heard of a Cyberus?

Post by OjitroC »

EvilGrins wrote:On a random note, it seems the issue is limited to Pinata. =FF= won't let you pick up bunches of weapons dropped while using Pinata, but weapons that're dropped normally? Still can pick up those.
Yeah, I did note that in an earlier post in this thread :P
Rocky wrote:......... Or if someone re-codes Cyberus and remove the invulnerability or add invulnerability for some minutes like the mercenary shields.
I did that for my own amusement - not recoded it (as I can't) but copied and renamed the Cyberus.u file and then edited out the invulnerability - changed some of the other default properties as well, giving it more health and a different projectile. It still comes with the energy shield that changes colour but is no longer invulnerable.
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Re: Anybody ever heard of a Cyberus?

Post by EvilGrins »

Rocky wrote:It is just impossible to kill that thing with normal weapons excluding those you mentioned before.
I've been working on a monster swap of MH-LostInTime and I put the Cyberus on the map. It's in an out of the way area, which is locked up until players unlock it. Really only reason to go in there is for a sniper rifle and a redeemer, and the Cyberus isn't the only deadly thing in there.

I figure as long as you don't make/edit a map where it's necessary to kill the thing, then it's okay. Ideally you don't wanna give it free-range of wherever you put it, but unless you alter its attacks, most of what the Cyberus uses offensively isn't very lethal...

...unless you walk directly under it while it's flying close to the ground. Found out the hard way its jet thrust is lethal!
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Re: Anybody ever heard of a Cyberus?

Post by OjitroC »

EvilGrins wrote: .. most of what the Cyberus uses offensively isn't very lethal...
And it's not particularly alert either nor that aggressive (compared to some other monsters, anyway). In confined spaces though, its offensive projectiles can be quite effective.
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Re: Anybody ever heard of a Cyberus?

Post by EvilGrins »

OjitroC wrote:And it's not particularly alert either nor that aggressive
Doesn't really need to be as nothing can kill it. Sometimes when I and 32 bots were unleashing Hell on it... I swear it looked kind of bored.
OjitroC wrote:In confined spaces though, its offensive projectiles can be quite effective.
Yes and no but not all of them.

It periodically blasts this orange bolt at the sky, and the sky shoots a krall-bolt down on top of someone the Cyberus is sneakily aiming at. That doesn't work so well inside.
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Re: Anybody ever heard of a Cyberus?

Post by EvilGrins »

I have what may by an insane question...
Barbie wrote:

Code: Select all

class Cyberus expands ScriptedPawn;
function TakeDamage( int Damage, Pawn ins, Vector hitloc, Vector m, name damageType) {
local int oldhealth;
	if ( ! bvulnerable){ //allow shield to handle damage.
		shield.ScaleGlow = 4.0;
		shield.Fatness= 255;
		PlaySound(Sound'UnrealShare.Pickups.Sbelthe2', SLOT_None, 2.7*SoundDampening);
	... hard would it be to give the invulnerability the Cyberus has to another monster?

Would that monster need a shield like Cyberus has or would it just become unkillable??
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Re: Anybody ever heard of a Cyberus?

Post by OjitroC »

AFAIK the invulnerability of the Cyberus is not related to its shield - that is just an effect and it would still be invulnerable without it (if bvulnerable is set to False).

An irrelevant but interesting observation - bullets go straight through the Cyberus and aren't deflected by its shield - I presume this is the same for other projectiles.
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Re: Anybody ever heard of a Cyberus?

Post by EvilGrins »

OjitroC wrote:bullets go straight through the Cyberus and aren't deflected by its shield - I presume this is the same for other projectiles.
I hadn't noticed this, but I'm assuming by projectiles you mean like bullets & rockets, not energy attacks... yes?


Because energy attacks do not go through it or those damned powerful shields it wears.

On a side note: I'm toying with editing this evil beastie onto a few Deathmatch maps. Seeing as killing it in MH is all but impossible, maybe put it on a map where it can be more of a problem than a goal?
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Re: Anybody ever heard of a Cyberus?

Post by JackGriffin »

Emailed most of this to Ray but I'll post up here to fix some confusion that lingers concerning this monster.

-I didn't make any changes to the monsters per se. In removing the dependencies I was forced to revert to a few default classes since the original ones are lost to time and edits of the mods this monster depends on (specifically the 'ol' package). Classes like 'olSkaarjProjectile' were replaced with the default 'SkaarjProjectile' because I could not locate the original. I made a thread at Old Unreal about this: ... 83166299/5

-Because I made no scripting changes to Cyb if it had issues before it will still have them. Ray didn't ask to make changes, only to remove the dependencies so that's all I did.

-I don't think anyone really understands how this monster works. If you have the setting "bvulnerable" set to false then all damage taken by the Cyb is diverted to it's shield. Since this shield is an 'effect' and not an 'item' it doesn't have a health value. This means you can't 'kill' the shield no matter how much you hit it. The only reason you are able to kill Cyb with this set to false is the engine is allowing some small amount of damage to occasionally happen to the monster. This is a mistake since the code prohibits damage when set to false (but this happens a lot in the engine). I'd guess you could replicate this by trying weapons like an R3 (ultra fast ripper variant) instead of massive nukes. Overwhelming the engine by flooding it with damage computations from a thousand flying ripper blades ought to kill the Cyb pretty easily even with false. Anyhow, set it to true and you can kill the Cyb without effort.

-Hurting the Cyb has absolutely nothing to do with any choice you make as to what weapon you use. Impact hammer is the same as level 5 nuke. If you have it set to invlunerable the engine will not allow it to take damage (unless you create a situation like above where you are flooding the engine with things to compute and it gets confused about some values).
papercoffee wrote: Jack didn't made FF compatible with all mods out there ...some were not tested. FF was meant to be played with FF alone because every weapon can counter another weapon. Stone, paper, scissors schematic. And you know how stubborn he can be sometimes. :P
We had to make compromises.

I know I repeat myself...
papercoffee wrote:If someone want to fix this problem I would be highly thankful and would present a drawing of his/her liking as a reward.
I know we've talked about this before but I'll say it again: this has nothing to do with me being stubborn and everything to do with limitations of the engine and the way weapons are designed. The method the game uses for animating things is very, very old and outdated. By electing to create weapons with many forced animations (reloading each round, etc) you have these situations where you must ensure that cheating is discouraged. The weapons have certain settings that do this. Sure, they can be removed but you would quickly be back to players learning how to insta-fill the clip or duplicate the weapon. The source code is out there since the release and anyone is welcome to take a stab at working this all out better than I did. All of this is why almost no weapons force reloading after a set number of shots. The game just isn't designed for it. FF is best played when it is done in isolation because of the way it was designed.

I lobbied very hard for the weapons not to use an 'empty clip' reloading system but it was desired by the rest of the team. After a frank and open discussion among us I did things the way the majority of the group decided. I knew there would end up being mod conflict but I did love the unique vision FF provided and I remember telling paper something like "No one will end up playing this mod but I hope just a few people really understand what we accomplished with this working online". I've toyed several times with the idea of redoing FF and removing the reloading but it's not 'my' mod. I'd love to see extracted versions of the weapons made useful to MH servers however. It could be done without a huge amount of effort if anyone is interested and would make some fun alternatives to the 'normal' weapons.
EvilGrins wrote:I have what may by an insane question... hard would it be to give the invulnerability the Cyberus has to another monster?

Would that monster need a shield like Cyberus has or would it just become unkillable??
Yes, you can 'give' this shield to another monster. In simplest form it's just an effect (like shieldbelt is an effect). The real magic is the check to see if bvulnerable is false or true. It's easy to make a mod that would give this to any monster you wanted. All you are really doing is nulling all damage the monster takes if you flagged it as invlunerable.

Sorry for the long post, just wanted to clear up some confusion. Oh, and BTW don't take my disagreement with paper over reloading as us "fighting". We had a really good discussion in the private forum about reloading when it was being developed and although paper and I entirely disagree it's never been anything but two guys who don't see eye-to-eye but deeply respect each other's position. Although I think the weapons would be much more useful without reloading it was paper's persistence and vision that kept FF on track for years and ultimately got it done. If that guy wants reloading weapons then that guy gets reloading weapons. The issue though is you can't bypass the way the engine works and so by taking a certain path you also assume the problems that path may have.

So long, and thanks for all the fish
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Re: Anybody ever heard of a Cyberus?

Post by papercoffee »

JackGriffin wrote:I know we've talked about this before but I'll say it again: this has nothing to do with me being stubborn and everything to do with limitations of the engine and the way weapons are designed.
"Stubborn" was the wrong choice of word ... "persistent" would have been a better fit to describe you. :wink:
You knew what the engine is capable and I knew how I wanted this mod to be played ...and there we had to make compromises.
And you made a :gj:
Lets say we couldn't agree on everything because I am "persistent" as well :mrgreen:
JackGriffin wrote: I've toyed several times with the idea of redoing FF and removing the reloading but it's not 'my' mod. I'd love to see extracted versions of the weapons made useful to MH servers however. It could be done without a huge amount of effort if anyone is interested and would make some fun alternatives to the 'normal' weapons.
You said it's not "your" mod but you put the source out in the open. So it's now everyone's mod.
If you still have the power and time... Why not a MH-only version without reloading.
When you don't play against humans or bots but monster pawns makes the reload system lesser sense.
JackGriffin wrote:Sorry for the long post, just wanted to clear up some confusion. Oh, and BTW don't take my disagreement with paper over reloading as us "fighting". We had a really good discussion in the private forum about reloading when it was being developed and although paper and I entirely disagree it's never been anything but two guys who don't see eye-to-eye but deeply respect each other's position. Although I think the weapons would be much more useful without reloading it was paper's persistence and vision that kept FF on track for years and ultimately got it done. If that guy wants reloading weapons then that guy gets reloading weapons. The issue though is you can't bypass the way the engine works and so by taking a certain path you also assume the problems that path may have.
:tu: ...I can 100% agree to this.
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