Eh, just a game type? You could create an entire different game!Carbon wrote:Kinda cool....lots of potential for strange mapping; almost a gametype.
The whole map is rotating not the players viewBarbie wrote:Wouldn't it be easier to change Player's view instead of changing World's orientation? What happens if two Player look in opposite direction? ^^
Maybe I have not understood the aim of what is shown in above video...
Now you got me interested.sektor2111 wrote: DO NOT PLAY this map if you have claustrophobia.
Game recognizes if an actor is landed on a surface and if it is a moving surface it will multiply the surface velocity to the actor (second Newton's law I guess), players would be "slapped" only if they would jump or they just wouldn't land on a surface.Red_Fist wrote:I think it might work better if you didn't rotate, but make it snap to a spot and back and forth like 4 angles.
Then players might be tossed around, like a low grav map that slaps you around, LoL.
Well, as I said:sektor2111 wrote:These things are no game. I'm not bother to show you when a PlayerStart went out of space and then probably it heads to a crash if player killed wants to spawn (- speaking about bStatic modifications, LOL ). Seriously I wanna see professionals what will do when a server will runs such things. Perhaps is time to get rid of a new bunch of players this way...
So actually, that problem about playerstarts won't be there if the mover only rotates around it's Yaw axe. Proof:PrinceOfFunky wrote:actors [...] only move with the mover on their Yaw, but not on their Pitch or Roll.