Some Net_Code Trick for Lights

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Some Net_Code Trick for Lights

Post by sektor2111 »

I'm not sure if some mapper was interested about triggered lights chapter but not in a primitive formula. Let's say that we have a Lamp making light around with Corona included, and so bright. Light can be turned off, including corona simulating a real lamp turned off. If you say that is simple, I'll tell you that corona cannot be handled that easy in clients because... it's not replicated in parent actor remaining ON or OFF or having crappy effects - yeah seems pretty lousy driving to some deceptions related to mapping ideas (thanks EPIC for TriggeredLight-s Not properly replicated).

Except triggered lights that can be turned ON/OFF we can use a default Light, read well, a Default Light with Corona set and sitting inside Lamp (non-solid a la EPIC).
Okay, but default Light will not react at triggering and neither if we are using some "PropertyChanger" because of replication problem. I'm saying: This is not an issue, is an advantage, we are using a trick for turning OFF corona having the same effects ON Line and OFF Line using... A SMALL MOVER.
Coronas are not visible through doors so... we are just closing a sort of door over this light - corona will get turned off right inside lamp - not visible. Of course, we can use something written in MyLevel if we want Initial dark area. Mover after 1 second (or less) will cover light making things to look as expected, in purpose to have spectators entered figuring things as desired. Mover is exactly like TriggeredLights - a TriggerToggle type.

Secondary option is porting Corona Light with Mover outside of player visibility -> bStatic=False, bMovable=True and probably will bCollideActors if it needs to... Here I set an AttachMover (previously tested).

Does this even work ?
Yes, let's see this small sample because talking too much is useless and not productive. Trigger is visible in center and it is being set a bit more cute than is in default setup, for preventing a multiple triggering operation.
It's a MH related stuff but without MH mod involved (you can rename it to DM)...
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Re: Some Net_Code Trick for Lights

Post by papercoffee »

Wow. Some really neat tricks. :tu:
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