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Post by PrinceOfFunky »

Hey, I'm making this mutator called MainFrame, where there's a mainframe (or more than one) placed somewhere in the map and players can use its shell to send commands using CommandSystem.
(Idk wth happened to the screen while I was recording)
The animated texture you see onto the mainframe screen is actually this one:
I think it cannot be colored cause of the palette that the texture "CondemenedScroll" uses.
Tell me if you like the idea, what I was thinking of was to put some magnetic tape storage that turn on when a command has been sent, so that there's a delay and other players can shoot that magnetic tape storage to cancel the command execution.
Maybe that would be cool if, in a team game, there are two mainframes and the first team who hacks the other team's mainframe wins. I think we would have a situation where teammates protect their hacker while he/she 's hacking.

EDIT: For those who are wondering what's the role of those two lil cubes on both of the mainframe's screen sides (probably no one), they are sensors, they detect if the player is viewing the entire screen while typing, they are not yet implemented but this should be the system:
They both use a ScriptedTexture which will call "RenderTexture()" to their related ClientScriptedTexture only if they are seen into the player viewport's canvas. So what I'll need to do is to detect if "RenderTexture()" isn't called on both the ClientScriptedTextures, I think I will take track of what Level.TimeSeconds was when it last rendered, if that variable is too lower than the current Level.TimeSeconds, it means it is not rendering and so that at least one of those sensors is not seen in the player viewport's canvas.
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Re: MainFrame

Post by papercoffee »

:noidea I don't quiet understand what you want to achieve with that.
A new game mode?
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Re: MainFrame

Post by PrinceOfFunky »

papercoffee wrote::noidea I don't quiet understand what you want to achieve with that.
A new game mode?
I see it is not much clear what this advmut can let you create and why, I want to achieve this:
PrinceOfFunky wrote:Maybe that would be cool if, in a team game, there are two mainframes and the first team who hacks the other team's mainframe wins. I think we would have a situation where teammates protect their hacker while he/she 's hacking.
There should be a randomly generated code printed on the screen when the team hacker turns on the other team's mainframe, then the hacker will type the code and press enter, let's say it has to be done three times, after three times the team wins the match. Of course it is difficult cause the one that's typing will always be under attack, and you cannot type if you're virtually AFK. If I want it to be a mutator that works with maps which don't have these solid mainframes, like whatever map that has been created till today lol, I will need to turn the flags or the control points into mainframe zones.
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Re: MainFrame

Post by XaNKoNII »

This seems like a very cool gameplay mechanic for a Singleplayer Campaign. Like : the player enters a computer room and has to trigger the event to open the door.
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Re: MainFrame

Post by PrinceOfFunky »

PrinceOfFunky wrote:For those who are wondering what's the role of those two lil cubes on both of the mainframe's screen sides (probably no one), they are sensors, they detect if the player is viewing the entire screen while typing, they are not yet implemented but this should be the system:
They both use a ScriptedTexture which will call "RenderTexture()" to their related ClientScriptedTexture only if they are seen into the player viewport's canvas. So what I'll need to do is to detect if "RenderTexture()" isn't called on both the ClientScriptedTextures, I think I will take track of what Level.TimeSeconds was when it last rendered, if that variable is too lower than the current Level.TimeSeconds, it means it is not rendering and so that at least one of those sensors is not seen in the player viewport's canvas.
It works perfectly! It says "Vero" only if both the sensors are seen by the player, "Falso" otherwise.
Just once in undreds of milliseconds, sensors say False even if it should be True, it must be cause of the framerate, but they can be calibrate so there's no any problem.

EDIT: Some progress and a bug at the end:
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Re: MainFrame

Post by sektor2111 »

Native PlayerCanSeeMe() has such a purpose but... default is originally retarded. Perhaps this is a replacement that can be used somewhere...