(Idk wth happened to the screen while I was recording)
The animated texture you see onto the mainframe screen is actually this one:

I think it cannot be colored cause of the palette that the texture "CondemenedScroll" uses.
Tell me if you like the idea, what I was thinking of was to put some magnetic tape storage that turn on when a command has been sent, so that there's a delay and other players can shoot that magnetic tape storage to cancel the command execution.
Maybe that would be cool if, in a team game, there are two mainframes and the first team who hacks the other team's mainframe wins. I think we would have a situation where teammates protect their hacker while he/she 's hacking.
EDIT: For those who are wondering what's the role of those two lil cubes on both of the mainframe's screen sides (probably no one), they are sensors, they detect if the player is viewing the entire screen while typing, they are not yet implemented but this should be the system: They both use a ScriptedTexture which will call "RenderTexture()" to their related ClientScriptedTexture only if they are seen into the player viewport's canvas. So what I'll need to do is to detect if "RenderTexture()" isn't called on both the ClientScriptedTextures, I think I will take track of what Level.TimeSeconds was when it last rendered, if that variable is too lower than the current Level.TimeSeconds, it means it is not rendering and so that at least one of those sensors is not seen in the player viewport's canvas.