UED Add ons

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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

If you know other common issues which happens in mapping and which can be a bit fine tuned I'll try to deal with them...
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by papercoffee »

sektor2111 wrote:If you know other common issues which happens in mapping and which can be a bit fine tuned I'll try to deal with them...
Not right now ...well at least nothing what can be accomplished outside the source code.

But just a little bug report on your tool. It works, but sometimes you can't type the actors name you want to be replaced because the writing field get overlaid from the "clear" button and the buttons "use" and "..." (which should open the actor browser) are both not working. Or at least I can't notice any response.
It would be very useful if the user could pull the window a little bit bigger sideways.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Builder's Window is being created native - it's nothing UScripted - like I said in document close it, and reopen it when visual glitches occurs - also IT DOESN'T open actor browser because... it's a BRUSH Builder and such things doesn't include actors :lol: - like I said type CLASS.NAME properly: PathNode BlockedPath - nothing more and nothing less, after scrolling to desired position. If looks borked say thanks to Epic and their Window Deals - Editor doesn't even close properly...
Sample of replacement a MyLeveled SkaarjUTGunner - replaced with SkaarjGunner.

It doesn't do an actor check if is pawn or such it simply replaces actors as you wrote them and it will complete class'package.name' itself. Resizing boxes doesn't refresh until you scroll down up a bit - it's Editor not me. Yes, Even I closed builder and reopened it for a clear visibility of boxes.
I gotta admit that I have to look through parent builder if I can trigger a resize, else... I'll leave it alone because I know how to handle it.
You can resize Variable's box and... try to use keyboard for toggling bool values (ENTER) then TAB and arrows for crawling around and do less things as possible with Mouse, yeah almighty keyboard was an essential toy in 1999, and... Editor has the same reactions in 2017, so to speak it doesn't do so many visual glitches when keyboard it's used...

If you look well, I did not even used Actors Browser because... Actor it's not a Variable part of a brush, and it's not even needed after all.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by papercoffee »

Ah ...So those buttons are useless and have no function. Ok ...then I try it with re-opening the window.
I was confused at the beginning why it couldn't load anything. Then I got it that you have to load the packages beforehand.
Really nice tool. :tu:
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Gotta bump ball here.

In MH map which I'm working on, because I will need to build paths multiple times and I might not need other SpawnPoint types to load MyLevel more... I think I can convince MapGarbage to remove Paths passing/coming through SpawnPoints - even if they look linked won't be computed as navigable routes skipping seeking through these points including as VisNoReachPaths. Primary tests confirmed some functionality... I have to check more Levels.
There is a cons - I've added logs and... it looks like some times Editor might be crashing in high loaded Levels, some times it do works, buggers paths are removed and map saved looks operational. I gotta do more tests and then posting the update for whoever needs it...

The fun around: In some forum, a dude was saying that he can manually input all commands which MapGarbage is doing so he don't need it - good.
Seriously ?
Good luck at removing sequences of paths manually in Editor - you have proved already that you don't have any clue about Bot Pathing, so I'm doubt about doing this operation VIA Console :loool: , and keeping operational the rest of Path-Net.
Code is based on "TranslocDest" specific self modification, changed a bit, so that's UScript not a Console Command :satan: .
So if I will solve it in an error free stage the toy will go improved for helping MH/SP mapping where it needs.

All right, EditorEngine seems to work different from GameEngine being based on transient stuff and actors and... heck knows what it does at a moment - it looks like something is missing so iterators doesn't work that much (progress bar call needed ???) because it is crashing like an ass in maps rich in paths. So... changing gear, leaving it alone and creating a map actor for the job which will automatically remove paths which are not needed. Speaking about a few actors, iterations specific crash will not be a problem...
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Bump for something simple.
I think I've found a better method to convince Editor at adding InventorySpot paths over small ledges which usually it won't do well because aerial NavPoints are not that much linked in Paths-Network. When I'm speaking about Editor paths I don't speak about XC whatever, Editor can build properly paths in small spots - VALID paths - after applying some tweaking before. These tweaks might be slapped into MapGarbage tool - I have to try this. Bot lovers can use this way... if any of them wants to do some "wall-travel".

If requests for such things are showing up I'll put here some update. I should have this idea before...
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Bump time:
Okay, we might not have Bot lovers, no problem then. But let me see what any other things are doable in Editor which seems to have very few documented things - commands usable by using simple mouse click on ICONS created making life easier. I'm not sure if exist tutorials or such related to creating buttons or doing your buttons so probably some info for mappers might be welcomed.
First a small "watch this":

New buttons might have different functions:
- align camera on current target (if you cannot see it well through mapped stuff);
- single click reset brush (used at grid switching);
- resetting pivot of selected brush;
- aligning selected brush at grid (when possible);
- etc.
How to bring them to life ? Eh...
Each button needs a self explanatory ICON having 30 × 30 size 24 bit rgb Bitmap file size is usually around 2814 bytes length.
These buttons goes to folder "editorres" from System folder of UT Editor copy type.
Next step is editing file "UnrealEd.ini" by adding some lines at bottom - easy to find later with CTRL+END keys. Sample from Editor used by me:

Code: Select all

Button0=Align Camera on Selected Actor,UDAlignCam, CAMERA ALIGN
Button1=Resets the selected Brush (Location+Pivot+Rotation+Scale),UDResetBrush, ACTOR RESET ALL
Button2=Deletes the selected Brushes/Actors,UDDelete, DELETE
Button3=Duplicate the selected Brushes/Actors,UDDuplicate, DUPLICATE
Button4=Selects all surfaces on the current Brushes,UDSelBrushSurf, POLY SELECT MATCHING BRUSH
Button5=Apply the current texture to all selected surfaces,UDApplyTexture, POLY SETTEXTURE
Button6=Poly Select - Adjacent walls,UDSelAdjWalls, POLY SELECT ADJACENT WALLS
Button7=Poly Select - Adjacent slants,UDSelAdjSlants, POLY SELECT ADJACENT SLANTS
Button8=Selects all actors within the builder brush,UDSelWithinB, ACTOR SELECT INSIDE
Button9=Copy builder brush to selected poly,UDPolyToBrush, MAP BRUSH GET
Button10=Show Pathnodes,UDShowPaths, PATHS SHOW
Button11=Hide Pathnodes,UDHidePaths, PATHS HIDE
Button12=Select All Movers,SelectMover,actor select ofclass class=Mover
Button13=Add Semisolid Brush,AddSemiSolid,brush add flags=32
Button14=Resetting Pivot,BrushResPivot,actor reset pivot
Button15=Shows FPS Statistics,StatFPS,stat fps
Button16=Remove Unused Textures,TexCull,texture cull
Button17=Align This Actor,ActorAligner,actor align
- brackets are announcing a new group
- NumButtons - defines number of buttons which are about to be used - my case 18 pieces from 0 to 17;
- Button definition - sample taken "Button1"
Parameter 1 - "Align Camera on Selected Actor" - means tool-tip - name of button;
Parameter 2 - "UDAlignCam" - means the name of BMP file - ICON used by this button;
Parameter 3 - "CAMERA ALIGN" - means the internal command which Editor executes for selected actor.
ALL new Buttons must have a BMP ICON file for clicking on them (as BrushBuilders). All Buttons must be announced by using "NumButtons" value.
How to add or find these ? This seems not a big deal - or depends on machine used.
Let's say that I could run the "tutorial app" called "ToolBar Creator" which seems able to even create buttons if you can run it and it is configured well. This thing has a list with commands and parameters which might be helpful related to selections, alignment, and so on.
I'm not convinced if you like buttons but me one I made my life easier - by example I can copy a only a Skybox from a stock map without hitting a bunch of clicks (even crashing Editor here) by selecting only actors from inside brush builder "red template cube" pushed over the skybox in cause and covering it.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by papercoffee »

sektor2111 wrote: If requests for such things are showing up I'll put here some update. I should have this idea before...
sektor2111 wrote:Okay, we might not have Bot lovers, no problem then.
No no no ...we have Bot "lovers" here ...I just couldn't figure out what exactly you mean or want.
Are you adding a possibility to make paths for narrow spaces into your tool?
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Okay I will try some explanations. Editor can be a bit fooled on his dumb pathing spree, not a lot but a bit more properly. I know some contest map with a few cubes on space having some borked spots because HealthVials were attached with some aerial Inventoryspot type not that linked into Network. In other cases even Editor speaks some "Scout did not fit" error. What the heck does that means ?
After doing a private research I found some strategy used for testing map-space even by me and Loathsome, looks like this way exist even in Editor while is probing Inventories. There is a strange Pawn self destructing in game with an insane value at CombatStyle (4363467783093056800000000.000000) which Editor is placing around inventories testing a potential spot for being under an InventorySpot. The problem is that we have a FAT ASS pawn doing dumb things as long as BOT is thinner and it can really travel on 36 UU spots properly pathed by Editor itself configured using PathNodes and InventorySpots. Mainly we have to input some commands for tuning these, but we can have these tunes in a "Builder" for faster and easier access. You will not write collision stories in console because you can click on bPreNavigAddHck value setting it "True" and "Build" button will do the task instantly excepting mapper from wasting time with typing commands or browsing actors. Lousy Scout will just be smaller, but acceptable, making Editor to do paths in more thin places and even some of them around ledges might get links without special hacks, just fooling a crapped old Engine insufficient documented for doing a nice task which no one had ever explained "How To" for advanced users - not even WIKI. Message "Scout did not fit" might be gone, Editor being convinced about a good spot. I have tested these paths else I would not talk crap. After building paths by using this way you can see some spots linked which previously were not that navigable. Here we take in account spots suitable for items collection not pig-troughs like in that MH map where even player has problem with getting items not only Bot - that was a dumb thing.
Once linked the route, InventorySpot can be moved a bit if it needs to if position stuck Bot into a BSP problem or a slant-ledge, this is fine tuning chapter post-testing.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by papercoffee »

Ok... and how/where do I get this button?
Maybe I'm still too dense to understand it. Don't get mad about me.
But I'm very interested in manipulating bot behaviour.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by SC]-[WARTZ_{HoF} »

Nice buttons.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

papercoffee wrote:Ok... and how/where do I get this button?
Maybe I'm still too dense to understand it. Don't get mad about me.
No one is mad, we are talking. More talk = More understanding which is good
Paths problem from MapGarbage tool is encoded in what I was working last time. For SpawnPoints some nasty occurrences made me to quit so I did other factories with their points MORE simple than defaults.
Additional buttons are other story - no coding skill is required just a base skill of a computer operator in editing INI files, creating buttons (perhaps I need you here) and then, Buttons are being added exactly like Games Browser tabs by UT itself, but here is about Editor doing the rest of job.

To not forget credits, I went to check repositories shared in Dr. Flay's signatures, there I found stuff which others don't seems to have - and those things are... GOOD. A new builder is also available there. The rest of prefabs happily hosted in multiple locations are the mostly USELESS being messed up.

To summarize, new buttons are doable by using NotePad and MsPaint without coding nothing.
EDIT:If you think that my Buttons are looking good and doesn't worth another time spent for drawing others, here you go:
Stage 1)

Open UnrealEd.ini file and add these lines at bottom:

  • [UserDefinedGroup]
    Button0=Align Camera on Selected Actor,UDAlignCam, CAMERA ALIGN
    Button1=Resets the selected Brush (Location+Pivot+Rotation+Scale),UDResetBrush, ACTOR RESET ALL
    Button2=Deletes the selected Brushes/Actors,UDDelete, DELETE
    Button3=Duplicate the selected Brushes/Actors,UDDuplicate, DUPLICATE
    Button4=Selects all surfaces on the current Brushes,UDSelBrushSurf, POLY SELECT MATCHING BRUSH
    Button5=Apply the current texture to all selected surfaces,UDApplyTexture, POLY SETTEXTURE
    Button6=Poly Select - Adjacent walls,UDSelAdjWalls, POLY SELECT ADJACENT WALLS
    Button7=Poly Select - Adjacent slants,UDSelAdjSlants, POLY SELECT ADJACENT SLANTS
    Button8=Selects all actors within the builder brush,UDSelWithinB, ACTOR SELECT INSIDE
    Button9=Copy builder brush to selected poly,UDPolyToBrush, MAP BRUSH GET
    Button10=Show Pathnodes,UDShowPaths, PATHS SHOW
    Button11=Hide Pathnodes,UDHidePaths, PATHS HIDE
    Button12=Select All Movers,SelectMover,actor select ofclass class=Mover
    Button13=Add Semisolid Brush,AddSemiSolid,brush add flags=32
    Button14=Resetting Pivot,BrushResPivot,actor reset pivot
    Button15=Shows FPS Statistics,StatFPS,stat fps
    Button16=Remove Unused Textures,TexCull,texture cull
    Button17=Align This Actor,ActorAligner,actor align
That's all, these two steps are taking probably less than 2 minutes...
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by UnrealGGecko »

Your buttons look really good Sektor! Fit in the UED well :tu:
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by papercoffee »

sektor2111 wrote:creating buttons (perhaps I need you here)
Hmmm... some buttons are easily understandable but others need a little reworking.
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Re: UED Add ons

Post by sektor2111 »

Now let me quote the "stunt warning". In maps with a bad geometry, insane brushes with a ton of polys, aligning such one to grid is not a good idea. Keep this function for simple things. I have added buttons because I do use them but... depends on what I'm doing in Editor. As sample, that prototype MH Base map when it was attacked my me, I used aligner and pivot reset a lot and finally I got some alignment but... I did not check all details if I could completely fix the brush in cause, else there is not really an attack type ambience (in my opinion) but for future might worth a try. However, such a sample can be used for checks about other commands available and making map editing easier...