Need a fix for my Doom/Quake edit

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Re: Need a fix for my Doom/Quake edit

Post by Barbie »

This message is produced by your version of MH:
OjitroC wrote:ScriptLog: Team word for monsters used is: MoHu
See MonsterBasePlus.PostBeginPlay():

Code: Select all

class MonsterBasePlus expands Mutator config(MH2_NS_V2);
var (AI) name Tz;
event PostBeginPlay() {
	Tz = MonsterHunt2(Level.Game).TT;
		log ("Team word for monsters used is:"@Tz);
OjitroC wrote:ScriptLog: Invalid Teleporter -> Message Spam removed for [...] VisibleTeleporter3
I'm not sure where this message comes from, maybe also from your MH version or another cleanup mutator.
VisibleTeleporter3 is not not properly set up: its URL is empty what will cause the message "Teleport destination for ... not found" for the player. Furthermore VisibleTeleporter1 has an URL ("teleport3") that matches no Actor's Tag (what causes that message, too).
OjitroC wrote:VisibleTeleporter1 [...] LoopAnim: Sequence 'Teleport' not found in Mesh 'TeleEffect3
VisibleTeleporter1 is also set up wrong: its Mesh is set to "LodMesh'UnrealShare.TeleEffect3'", but its default is LodMesh'Botpack.Tele2'.
OjitroC wrote:Warning: SpawnActor failed because class EPlayerStart has bStatic or bNoDelete
This message appears in client's log, if bStatic changes from default value TRUE to false for an actor. This Actor will not be spawned at the client. According to the fact that an object named "EPlayerStart" does not exist in the map I assume that you run a Mutator that modifies Playerstarts in a way. If so, that Mutator could be fixed.
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Re: Need a fix for my Doom/Quake edit

Post by sektor2111 »

Main problem (which is now solved is that PlayerStart problem). While I was messing with some fixes I switched things with consolecommand hackish methods. As result, a new playerstart child called Eplayerstart attached by some LessTele mutator did not work properly because it went static as the parent. Problem is different debated in LessTele3 whatever update (I gotta add it here because I think I forgot that update needed).
The rest are logs more or less cute according to more or less dumb setup from maps.
TeamWord log - well... due to insanity of monsters in MH I went to a hack for make them friends rather than stopping their fight each tick and "pawnlisting" in high loaded Levels. I don't find that healthy. So, if monsters are using a TeamTag they are more friendly each-other by default minding player not themselves - according to default monster rules.
Issues at this problem:
Monster initialization might go nasty in high load because in this case all of them are scanning pawns for a "TeamLeader". This will blow up server in maps with around 1600 (like that fancy MapVote issue). Solution for that mod is to not use bDumbDown from controller for such maps and if more Levels like that are used. As an option this "teamtag" which I call TeamWord (imagine a password) is configurable.
This issue went later visible when I could figure a crapton of load in Levels for no purpose - probably some mappers never hear about CreatureFactory and they don't have a clue about boosting monsters if they need that :loool: - a cube drawer only will never write 1 line of UScript in MyLevel and this thing in MonsterHunt is very unfriendly.
However, in XCMH which I have to drop out if things are going normal, teaming problem is being solved different using a small "patience" - wait monster to initialize and... do the team later preventing a Pawn Scan in first stage and leaving CPU resources in server for other toys to initialize. In this way you can have a Level with 6000+ creatures with no issues IF OTHER ACTORS have a decent load, else mover tweaking can go disabled because... UE1 doesn't like 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 iterations, it do clamps at 10,000,000. New iterators by Higor doesn't help that much as long as some functions are using counted engine cycles moving the crash inn other location not fixing (see last SetEnemy crash) - everything is chained, so Engine needs to be full rewritten if we need more LOAD (useless load). I'm thinking at this to spread Mover fixing into a state code for removing any heavy CPU load at start, but I need to do more testing in maps high loaded with all kind of actors, I might need help for finding a map with a good load of 8000 9000 actors for testing a background fixing method. The problem in such case will be another one. In first 15-30 seconds from map load action will run with some breaks due to "antivirus type" scan operated by whatever entity intended to solve map trash. Now draw a conclusion about MH works. At this stage of my knowledge I don't know a better way for getting over UE1 boundaries so I'm waiting experts for other suggestions (if anyone wants to help without to ruin things more).

As you can see, I did Levels with less monsters load, there are options in setting up monsters more challenging without 4096 UU rooms and 1000 monsters in each zone. Perhaps my 3072 map is... a big one, and not that challenging as Sk_Godz which is big only as disk space not as space in game...

According to this map and pawns. If that fart is trying to find Leader multiple times due to "SUPER" bullshit called in his state, I'm not surprised to see game crashing. If it doesn't see or it can see a Leader it keeps checking by calling parent pawn function doing the same thing developing iterations. How I suspect this ? I found pawns with trooper code calling trooper parent again and spawning 2 weapons not one - both of them being crapped of course... thank you "coders" for your constant garbage supply making MH's life harder...
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Re: Need a fix for my Doom/Quake edit

Post by EvilGrins »

Minus a fix (at least for me) I may have to go with Red_Fist's initial edit and start this map over from scratch. Kinda didn't wanna do that as that waterfall and lake were really annoying to get right.

The only teleport I know of on the map (minus a transloc I put in there) goes up to the top of the red mountain. It's a 1 way teleport, you can go up but you can't use it to get back down.
OjitroC wrote:1 On one play-though of the map I got a message along the lines of "the Pond Monster has died" - not sure why it died, possibly killed by the bitter fish?
Seems unlikely, as the Pond Monster can survive hits from multiple nukes. BiterFish don't have nearly that much chomp.
OjitroC wrote:2 The spawn point for the BigMen by the cabin (with the button for opening the teleporter in the Red Mountain) is fairly close to the cabin and it is relatively easy to head shoot the BigMen as they are spawned - more than one spawn point spread around a bit would possibly be better?
BigMen have more than 1 spawnpoint. There's 2 more on that side of the cabin, fairly close to each other, and another at the far side of the map past them. There's a 4th on the opposite side of the red mountain too.
OjitroC wrote:3 There is no real reason to go to the cabin where Xan is, except out of curiousity - perhaps this should be more firmly linked into the sequential objectives?
The map has certain set objectives, but yeah there's some random in there too. There's still some MH players out that obsessively try to hunt down every single monster on any map. Xan's a bit more challenging to get to, and I tend to put some randomly powerful monster up there for all edits of this map.
OjitroC wrote:4 Similarly, if one is following the on-screen instructions on the objectives, there is no real reason to go to the corners of the map where the dragons, qmummies, qzombies and qknights are - in fact, without a weapon with a zoom, it is difficult to pick them up at all (I was playing without bots so I don't know if bots would go over to attack them)
Where the dragons and mummies and zombies and knights are there were monsters in those places on the original map too. I largely stuck to similar monster positionings the original had... for those that want to go hunting for monsters off the beaten path.
OjitroC wrote:5 It would be useful to have a weapon with a long range zoom on the map
Minus the initial edits, I've been trying to stick to 1 weaponpack per map, and the Udoom didn't have any kind of sniper weapon.
OjitroC wrote:6 Since there is virtually no ammo for the initial weapons other than in the starting cabin, I assume one is meant to play the map with an ammo regenerator?
I always play MH with regenerators, but given that death is fairly constant until you kill off the boss monsters (given I gave them all the BFG projectile) even without I've never lived long enough to run out of ammo.
OjitroC wrote:7 The team Krall are of limited use and tend to spend most of their time wandering around close to the starting cabin
Team Monsters are largely only on the map to deal with boss monsters that have an exceptionally lethal attack, to take some of the strain off bots & players. Otherwise... yeah, don't really serve much purpose.
OjitroC wrote:8 Both the QuadRifle and the Doom PlasmaGun are OK but both block one's line of sight - the former with the blue projectile rings and the latter with its upward movement when one ceases firing it - this can be inconvenient if faced with a group of enemies
Fire while running backwards. I'm a real get in the enemies' face kinda player, cuz I've got unlimited lives and I'm not overly bothered by dying.

I've never had a problem with the qDemons, so not sure what to make of that.

It may not seem like an issue to some, going somewhere to specifically trigger monster spawning may seem ideal, but never having had to do that before to me makes it seem like there's something wrong. I'm just funny that way, I s'pose.
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Re: Need a fix for my Doom/Quake edit

Post by sektor2111 »

Excuse me here.
EvilGrins wrote:I've never had a problem with the qDemons, so not sure what to make of that.
For 100 times, map is a big open area forcing engine to work and to forget/delay some actions - consequences are then expected. Aside this sounds for me like: That train doesn't exist because I'm not looking at it and so I don't see it and then I don't have issues - BUT you will feel it soon if you stay on its way. By not checking logs, this doesn't mean that those pawns are good.

I know a dude which was working a few hours doing replacements for these pawns. Why he would do that if they have no issues ?
Edit: Debug time:

Code: Select all

class QuakePawn extends ScriptedPawn;
//Copy and Paste function WhatToDoNext into each QuakePawn, the code here will not copy over

function WhatToDoNext(name LikelyState, name LikelyLabel){
	local Pawn aPawn;

	aPawn = Level.PawnList;
	while ( aPawn != None )
		if ( (aPawn.IsA('PlayerPawn') || aPawn.IsA('ScriptedPawn'))
			&& (VSize(Location - aPawn.Location) < 500)
			&& CanSee(aPawn) )
			if ( SetEnemy(aPawn) )
		aPawn = aPawn.nextPawn;
	Super.WhatToDoNext(LikelyState, LikelyLabel);
Did you see ? Nope of course. Bullshit berserker code is "recommended" on each pawn by "Master_Unreal". Fascinating... now not only SkaarjBerserker is doing sucks, we have other ones more stupidly done. Even if I've done fixes to my stock files, crap got a refresh at this point for a good smell in server.
Keep going:

Code: Select all

class qDemon expands QuakePawn;
function WhatToDoNext(name LikelyState, name LikelyLabel)
	local Pawn aPawn;

	aPawn = Level.PawnList;
	while ( aPawn != None )
		if ( (aPawn.IsA('PlayerPawn') || aPawn.IsA('ScriptedPawn'))
			&& (VSize(Location - aPawn.Location) < 500)
			&& CanSee(aPawn) )
			if ( SetEnemy(aPawn) )
		aPawn = aPawn.nextPawn;
	Super.WhatToDoNext(LikelyState, LikelyLabel); //Sk: Yes, stupid baboon, call it again in parent
while more pawns are spawned in map, there are more chances to get into crash. stupid code is executed and re-executed by calling parent Pawn-Base - a twice iteration through pawns - I'm good at guessing I suppose, now I got confirmation. And... I think Barbie described this already if forum reading is not that painful...
Perhaps I'm expecting from me to myself some package update to GEN2 in here... else fixing code is public...

Code: Select all

// Nulling with remarks retarded code
That simple...
Second fix method, leaving trash package untouched and making a copy of it in MyLevel, getting rid of "code ideas" and... happily having a joy... the rest about these "no issues" original pawns are myths.
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Re: Need a fix for my Doom/Quake edit

Post by bobisunreal »

mu never finished those packages.they had know issues. he never got around to finishing them, he gave them to me and they floated around the web from there as sort of discontinued project. as with alot of the stuff that sits upon my pages, many half finished projects
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Re: Need a fix for my Doom/Quake edit

Post by OjitroC »

EvilGrins wrote: The only teleport I know of on the map (minus a transloc I put in there) goes up to the top of the red mountain. It's a 1 way teleport, you can go up but you can't use it to get back down.
Actually there are five VisibleTeleporters (plus one FavoritesTeleporter). In order of use, the first VisibleTeleporter is in the cabin with the button to open the cave in the Red Mountain and takes the user to near the cave entrance; the second is in this cave and the third marks the destination for the second one (but it can't be used to go anywhere so is superfluous?). The fourth is at the base of the kitty's head and the last on top of the kitty's nose(?) - again this one merely marks the destination of the fourth and so presumably is superfluous. The one in the cabin could also be considered unnecessary as it is not that far to the Red Mountain cave.
EvilGrins wrote: Seems unlikely, as the Pond Monster can survive hits from multiple nukes. BiterFish don't have nearly that much chomp.
You're right - it appears the BiterFish cause no damage at all.
EvilGrins wrote: Team Monsters are largely only on the map to deal with boss monsters that have an exceptionally lethal attack, to take some of the strain off bots & players. Otherwise... yeah, don't really serve much purpose.
Having played the map quite a bit, I have come to realise that they are useful in the early stages. By positioning oneself so that the Krall are in the line of fire from the Titans, imps and dragons, once the Krall are hit they will happily do a lot of damage and one can, to some extent, sit back and watch them take out other monsters. The one in the cabin normally stays there though.
EvilGrins wrote: I've never had a problem with the qDemons, so not sure what to make of that.
Neither have I, though I have only spawned a few at a time with MonsterSpawn. However as Sektor211 demonstrates, there is a significant problem with their code. I've played that part of the map about ten times now and always get that crash (have you tested this part of the map much?). Since there is the WarLord (firing lethal BFG projectiles) on top the mountain, which is challenge enough, it might be an idea to reduce their number and move the qDemons from there so that they only spawn around the cave entrance and then see what happens. The space on top of the mountain is limited for the number to be spawned and they do seem to kill each other - perhaps these factors combined with the lack of visibility of a target to attack leads to the runaway loop crash caused by the flawed code. The alternative is to place the qDemons in the map rather than spawn them. Removing the visible teleporter in the cabin with the button would mean that players would have to walk over to the Mountain and so encounter the qDemons on the way.
EvilGrins wrote: It may not seem like an issue to some, going somewhere to specifically trigger monster spawning may seem ideal, but never having had to do that before to me makes it seem like there's something wrong. I'm just funny that way, I s'pose.
I don't think this is a problem as, almost invariably, the barons are triggered by another pawn (an imp or KrallElite) before players get near the trigger - from there the lamprey are triggered by keeping to the road to approach the pond and the BIgMen simply by going to the cabin with the Red Mountain button. It must have been like this in the orginal that you are editing as changes would be needed to the current set-up to chain the factories/triggers.
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Re: Need a fix for my Doom/Quake edit

Post by EvilGrins »

OjitroC wrote:The one in the cabin normally stays there though.
Not always, to be sure, but fairly often the Krall with the BFG projectile manages to get a shot close enough to the door of the cabin to get that Crimson Guard inside to come out after him.
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Re: Need a fix for my Doom/Quake edit

Post by EvilGrins »

OjitroC wrote:4 Similarly, if one is following the on-screen instructions on the objectives, there is no real reason to go to the corners of the map where the dragons, qmummies, qzombies and qknights are - in fact, without a weapon with a zoom, it is difficult to pick them up at all (I was playing without bots so I don't know if bots would go over to attack them)
I generally find that either playing with bots or players (or some combination thereof) eventually someone makes a stray shot that misses its intended target and travels the length of the map to hit monsters in the far off corners and then they come after you...
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Re: Need a fix for my Doom/Quake edit

Post by sektor2111 »

By looking at pictures I recall some rammed beta crapped released and then some "fuck-face" was fixing/tuning it because original sorta mapper is just closer to clueless about triggering and mapping mechanics. What is noticeable that such a forest ambience might head to a cute game without roaming through all forest. You don't need to hunt monsters, probably monsters are hunting you (smell based or imagine something like a sensor). Simply player follows the mission route and monsters starts showing up from the deep forest. By using this little tech for sure you'll not miss any of them, they are coming for you. So to speak we might have a challenge without loading engine to boundaries and monsters used are... normal ones but different instructed.
Now I think it's time to draw some map based on this theme, a map build from origins running smoother, more smother than any of such builds/edits/fixes-not-fixed, etc.
But first I have to test my skill in building some "rebel" brushes without getting BSP presents granted by Mr. Goblin.
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Re: Need a fix for my Doom/Quake edit

Post by EvilGrins »

On my way out, quick bit: Monster in far corners of map away from most of the action are generally clumped, with some stragglers.

Like the dragons:
they are actually all over the map


Since my issue on this map continues, I'm gonna re-do the "Hell" version from scratch next week; same filename so delete the one you've all got.
sektor2111 wrote:(smell based or imagine something like a sensor)
Only scent-based trigger I'm familiar with is from the Spatial Fear mod. Is it used elsewhere too?
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Re: Need a fix for my Doom/Quake edit

Post by OjitroC »

EvilGrins wrote: Since my issue on this map continues, I'm gonna re-do the "Hell" version from scratch next week; same filename so delete the one you've all got.
Some suggestions
  • 1 Move a couple of the SpawnPoints for the imps much closer to the trigger so there is some sense of an ambush - at the moment they spawn quite a distance away
    2 Move the trigger for the barons (and the shieldbelt) onto the 'road' and move a couple of spawnpoints closer to the trigger, perhaps even alongside or behind it
    3 Move some of the spawnpoints for the BigMen closer to the cabin - again this creates more of a sense of surprise or ambush
    4 Move the trigger for the qDemons to outside the cave and move most of the spawnpoints to close to the ground so that only a few spawn on the top of the mountain (preferably none should spawn there)
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Re: Need a fix for my Doom/Quake edit

Post by sektor2111 »

EvilGrins wrote:Only scent-based trigger I'm familiar with is from the Spatial Fear mod. Is it used elsewhere too?
There is not such support in default UT's setup but... another stuff can be developed. Player accidentally steps on a trap button launching a sort of alarm audible in forest and... making all Monsters to track noise maker, not that hard to clone such occurrence... if you can recall some DeadCity map.
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Re: Need a fix for my Doom/Quake edit

Post by OjitroC »

That's an interesting idea though, presumably, the distance over which the noise could be heard by monsters should be limited as one would not want all the monsters on a map the size of Dark Forest converging on the noise maker at the same time (if for no other reason than it would make most of the map redundant in terms of game play).
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Re: Need a fix for my Doom/Quake edit

Post by sektor2111 »

When I'm speaking about a "decent load" this means all monsters in map at time will not pass 20 pieces and using Creaturefactory type for the rest. A MH game is not always based on 500 craps added roaming around, they can be added like coming through some portal called by those which were hearing noise - not such a big deal. In fact map might start with... 0 monsters everything being brought later... such a map is that Brutes][ having nothing inside but all brutes are spawning later - of course in a decent number, without to override channels number used in Net games.
The mapping trivia: All things done in MyLevel in other maps are usable in a new/modified MH map because they don't require recompiling and won't cause dependencies with previous MH map MyLevel based. So if exist some goodies in other map they can be added with no issues - MyLevel is another way of sharing things.
Me one, I prefer 20 aggressive creatures at time rather than 1000 retarded ones doing nothing.
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Re: Need a fix for my Doom/Quake edit

Post by OjitroC »

Playing this map with MH2_NS_V2 I noticed the following lines in the log
ScriptLog: MH2_NS_V2 checking for bullshit spam... ->> ThingFactory - MH-EG-DARKFOREST_HELL.ThingFactory0
ScriptLog: Detected abnormal value in fabricating - Only a freak mapper can think that he can spam our server.
ScriptLog: Excessive fabricating in Thing Factory - spam fixed succesfully.
ScriptLog: MH2_NS_V2 checking for bullshit spam... ->> ThingFactory - MH-EG-DARKFOREST_HELL.CreatureFactory0
ScriptLog: Excessive fabricating capacity adjusted - LOL for bad mapping - spam fixed succesfully :D.
CreatureFactory0/ThingFactory0 produce the qDemons and the abnormal/excessive fabricating value/capacity may have something to do with the crashes I experienced?
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