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Re: This ain't right...

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:06 pm
by Feralidragon
I use Firefox, which for me, it's the best browser around hands down (and I already tried them all, believe me, all of them have their ups and downs, IE is a complete down by itself though :lol2: ).

Re: This ain't right...

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:16 pm
by Red_Fist
But here is the thing.

ALL web pages should work ,lets say on Netscape 1, wasn't the reason for inventing HTML to make things work while not downloading hardly any bytes ?

I go to these places with flash for adds, and all the while the modem light is flashing (DSL), but you ever try a 56k modem lately ? with IE6

I didn't see or feel any advantage to IE9, other than trying to get rid of that top bar that soaks up 40000000% of the screen, then the stupid way it has the download manager, and many other things that is of no use at all to me.
right now in IE8 I have 2 bars at the top, if i could cram the second bar along with the menu bar would be even better, all that space on the right is going to waste.IE9 if even worse why don't they just make the whole screen bars after bars.

Also I have an i7 6gigs ram win7 pro 64 bit, but IE9 did something that bogged down the browser, can't remember but I think it's the so-called hardware GPU part of it.

I suppose I could try it again just to see if they made it worse or is the same.

I do recall it was those bars at the top that just bothered me and uninstalled that thing.Why they don't let you consolidate things, just like win7 start menu, totally sux compared to windows ME or 95 or XP or vista.
Now with win8 we will all be using a computer like an ATM machine.

Re: This ain't right...

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 11:47 pm
by Feralidragon
Red_Fist wrote: ALL web pages should work ,lets say on Netscape 1, wasn't the reason for inventing HTML to make things work while not downloading hardly any bytes ?
Allow me to show you the problem of what you're saying:
1 - Computers were invented for text processing, calculus and storage and organization of information in business and R&D, it was never intended to be used to play games, browse the web, watching videos nor anything of that at all.
2 - However, you probably use your computer for everything but to what it was invented for, and the first computers cannot run any of what you use nowadays.

By that order of ideas UT should work in the first computers which could only render text and didn't have any graphic cards, nor sound boards, nor anything like that... but it doesn't... why? Because things evolve, old becomes obsolete in trade for a better "new".

Plus, HTML is just a markup language to make browsers *render* stuff using rules written in plain text, it was never to " make things work while not downloading hardly any bytes", in fact it's just to make it easier for the developer to build pages and to be a standard, something that would work in every browser, otherwise if saving bytes was the most important thing, then HTML is not the solution, and there's something older called serialization, it's basically pure organized bytes which are pretty much unreadable by humans and allow to store and organize tons of information in a small organized byte structure, with rules as well.

As everything else, HTML itself evolved during the years, and nowadays the latest one is HTML5.
Also, what you see in the page is not HTML alone anymore, you see images and all this pretty organization in the forum is done through CSS, and Javascript too.
Analytics runs completely in javascript as well in fact.

Actually, CSS helps the site to get rid of images to download if you're not aware: styles that could only be achieved with images before can easily be setup using CSS using text alone.

Anyway, many browsers came up, and as they advanced, Internet Explorer slowed down and was always several steps behind (IE8 is still several steps behind too), and actually it's thanks to browsers like IE that you need to have flash, silverlight and download an extra 1Mb to 2Mb of images just to see a website properly.
So everything you're defending in how light and plugins free the sites should be, it's actually thanks to IE many of them are still around and actually needed.

Quick example: don't websites look nicer with rounded corners, instead of looking so blocky? Guess what, for every major browser the developer only has to add 4 short lines of text in CSS to do rounded corners, in IE you have to use images and a shit ton of HTML and CSS combined...

Another example: progress bars. Everytime you upload something you like to see a progress bar or status. So far, it was only possible by using Flash, however with HTML5 is going to start to be possible to do progress bars without Flash, however IE only started to support HTML5 itself very very very veeeeeeery late. Firefox and Chrome were already starting to add more HTML5 features to avoid using Flash altogether, while IE didn't have the slightest support for it.

So, in a short resume: the need for stuff like Flash, Java, all sorts of plugins and extra bandwidth to load up a website is ALL thanks to IE alone. All the other browsers tried to settle a standard between them by offering common features to improve performance and avoid such things, yet IE ruins the party for everyone by staying years behind and neglecting the need of doing the same or even better.

IE sucks, that's all there's to it.

Re: This ain't right...

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 12:35 am
by Metalfist
Yep. Why would you use IE at all. My teacher showed us these charts, which is pretty hilarious with IE's flood of red crosses:

Re: This ain't right...

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:20 am
by Red_Fist
Interesting,i do realize the internet now is much more than the Netscape days, and I totally despised IE3 and switched when Netscape lost out on everything,I think it might have been IE6, things don't seem slow to me I guess and i really don't go for tabbed browsing or multiple windows, or sidebars or full-screen or menus that hide.I just want the most plain jane thing around, and a friggin back button LoL.

well I checked the windows update, and it said I needed the new video driver, and nvidia is putting it on the win update.

so I went to nvidia and got the new driver, even though I just had the new driver, but I just don't have the ballz to install that IE9, again, yet.

I cleaned out my cache (ccleaner) and the black page didn't interfere this time.And the latest vid driver had no ill effect for UT or anything else.I think it was just for win8 or something.Also the driver on win update says 260 meg, the one from nvidia is 175 meg so I don't know what give there.

I might try another browser, but the last time I tried, I think it was firefox a long time ago.all it did was tile like 4 windows and tabs on the side and is just messy and was ugly.Screens all over the screen but I only ever browse one site at a time, or temporarily have 2 or 3 to cut and paste, I use the taskbar to flip them around as needed.

rock on !!!!! thanks for the info, !!

Re: This ain't right...

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 7:35 am
by Red_Fist
Hmm seems like Chrome might be the one, but my problem with that is won't google track your every thought.I do have business and use google checkout(google wallet and paypal) and google analytics, and adsense and gmail.
I suppose I could try just to see.

firefox might be the best or the next best, I dunno.

I need to see some screenshots of all these, I remember Opera when that first came out and tried that way back then years ago.

Oh and what about spellcheck, I use iespell, by that miriam webster I don't think there is a good SEPERATE spellcheck adon for the others.

Re: This ain't right...

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 8:23 am
by UTPe
noooooooo...the browser war again ? :roll: this reminds me the good old times when we used Netscape 4 and IE 4...
imho, Chrome and Opera are the best (and the fastest), Firefox has many features but is still too slow, IE has always been something wicked (the big fail is the lack of support towards web standards)

Re: This ain't right...

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 9:28 am
by Metalfist
Firefox crashes a lot on my 64-bit version, but works fine on 32-bit (idk whats up with that) and runs a bit slower. Thats why I use Chrome and yes they have spellchecking (some setting in chrome I believe), you can download all kinds of plugins for them if you want so thats not the problem. I would recommend installing the adblock plugin, that one removes all advertisments.
Just install Chrome and Firefox and then decide which one to use. You can deinstall them quite easily unlike IE, which it seems was impossible to get rid of :s.

Re: This ain't right...

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 4:48 pm
by Red_Fist
This has been my base argument.

Microsoft built the OS, and now days they built the files that work exclusively with the OS.

Other browsers need to work on the OS therefore adds more garbage to the system since they need to add files.
I read about people saying certain things don't work or show up or don't load or not compatible.
I experience none of those things not even once, then they have to try other browsers too see if it is the browser.

Now the reason I liked Netscape when it first started is it didn't bloat the system and take over everything like IE3 did and Netscape was a small program, small file sizes compared to sucky IE.

Well now they embed the thing as like windows file manager, as like the whole system is an "explorer" (that I don't like) and IE is so tightly bound to the OS that half the stuff is loaded before you even start IE and is far more efficient than adding files that need to work OFF the OS.There is no way to un-install IE as it's a part of the OS.

I also don't find IE8 slow in any way, it just isn't slow.

Re: This ain't right...

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:16 pm
by Dr.Flay
Don't use amateur browsers. Simple.
Opera makes the net do what I want.
The internet is my bitch, not the other way round (I expect more and get more).
You can even disable tabbed browsing if you want to use more resources.

Re: This ain't right...

Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2012 11:29 pm
by papercoffee
If you don't like Chrome's talk back function ...try Iron
I didn't like Opera ...but it was still better then IE.

Re: This ain't right...

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:25 pm
by Raynor
Maybe we can close this thread now. It has become another meaningless browser X vs. browser Y argument. Thank you.

Re: This ain't right...

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 5:08 pm
by papercoffee
Closed by request!