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Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:03 pm
by shockpl
*Kr!D_o) wrote:
shockpl wrote:YEA it works master :) thanks
about client side mod, rest I taked from cleanhud and changed it.
Hey shockpl, would you mind sharing this? I like the idea of the mod and it being client side! I would greatly appreciate it! :D
Dude it isnt so easy and like everyone here wrote to me rather, I should not and that is why I will not do as it can be used by someone to cheat.
JackGriffin wrote:You won't be able to run it purely client side id you are playing online. If you do hack it into your game it's for sure going to get you flagged as trying to cheat because you are making HUD alterations that are not part of what is currently running on the server.

I posted this more as a training tool on how to effect certain changes. However nothing stops you from running it as a server mutator and with some small changes you could allow the clients to make the choices on their end as to what they want.
Jacky ! :)
1st this is only for spectator mode, so cheating from spec is hard haha, but I still understand your worries and I get it about my idea.
I am fulfilled as a player and dont need anything to cheat, but I always wanted to do my own mod, which will run on the client side, because if my tweak work as a set commands and everybody here think that this is an inappropriate way, well, that's why I want to do it this way, not like only a mutator because mutator working only that server where is that mutator. My tweak work evrywhere that why this way like client side. Something like biggest game config.
Even if I'll do it I need to hide the code so that no one could use it to cheat and that is the biggest problem.