UT2004 gameplay in UT99? I think so!!!!

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Re: UT2004 gameplay in UT99? I think so!!!!

Post by Wises »

just wondering , but had a thought about rockets with Arc-ing abilities.
to expain this would be to be able to based on some movement either ; a) whilst firing , or b.) after firing , have rockets travel around in an ARC like manner towards intended victims.
just something which popped up mentally and could enhance gameplay.

something I noticed from playing SLV many years ago and the ability to somewhat ARC the Rockets into the general direction of other players.
only using rockets and NOT Deemer's lol
arcing-rocket.jpg (3.5 KiB) Viewed 1008 times
or Both ;)

edit: so if you were aiming at Player X just before firing and they moved along the X asis' 100px , you could rotate mouse in the axis and let go of load and it would curve towards that point.

quite possibly like the Movie 'The Wanted' ;)


Actually there's a cool idea , also adding the ability to pin a target through a wall using Sniper and then setting the Arc of the Projectile to kill that victim.

so modifying 2 wep's rocket's and sniper for Arcing Bullet's

with the Sniper tho , could have it like first click set's the target point and the scond point would be the arc then fire would curve to that destination.

or something..

*perhaps right click to zoom , left click to set target , mouse move to set trajectory , left click to fire Arc-ing Bullet.
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Re: UT2004 gameplay in UT99? I think so!!!!

Post by Ubir4 »

MUTATOR: 2k4Moviment
https://alpinerescueteam-my.sharepoint. ... A?e=2nkM1m

With this mutator you can do DoubleJumps and DodgeJumps
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