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Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Release

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 12:12 am
by Wises
sounds quite intriguing to say the least.. i like the points you made in regards to the engine as well as the current Anticheat systems.. you are right.. although the engine is flawed.. pretty much 99% of these flaws are known and there are workarounds to most of these.

re: newer engines and limitations there-of.. agreed everything seems to be catering for bigger and better systems whilst leaving out the little guys.. with less powerful / spacious systems in the dust..
why these developers must try to fill a terabyte hdd with an app whoch could easily have been done in 100mb's is something which frustrates many Iam sure.

curious: what kind of timeframe is needed realistically before an alpha/beta release of this project.. (1-2 years) from now..?

Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Release

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 2:06 am
by Sp0ngeb0b
Damn Ferali, now you got me interested :tu: :P

Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Release

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:27 am
by Feralidragon
As for the project time, I can't give a realistic time so far at all (even if I did there's this "curse" that I have that whenever I am confident something will be finished at X time, something always happens, and when I do not, things go smoothly).

There's still a ton of preparation work I need to do even before I start to code (functionality tests, stress tests, engine tests, and after that, architecture, coding standards, data models, a bit of reverse-engineering on a few things, etc)...
After all that, then there's code itself, and resources as well (this time I will do proper models, textures and whatnot, as by having a second look into NW3... I get a bit the NW2 feeling back that I can do better things by now). The models themselves are fairly simpler than the ones I did so far, but will lead to better visuals at a lower cost with the main concept behind the whole project.

But for now, treat it as vaporware and don't count on seeing anything done yet or anytime soon.
I do have pretty much everything in the C++ side prepared already (been installing, integrating and testing the few external yet very very important C++ libraries that are required for the whole thing to work, along with other modern C++ features during this week to plan some stuff ahead already and ease myself from some early worries), so right now it's just me finishing NW3 to then proceed with it.

Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Release

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 2:44 pm
by Feralidragon
It's been a while since I gave an update about this, so here's a WIP sneak pic of the UltimaProtos oversurrection initial effect (in CTF-Kosov):
This is pretty much the last oversurrection which I am working on, and also the hardest to pull visually, as everything has to work out and be timed perfectly for each transition for the intended final effect (as it consists on different phases, the one above is just the first one).

Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Release

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 3:17 pm
by Radi
wow. can't wait to try this out :) This power looks overwhelming

Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Release

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 4:30 pm
by GenMoKai
Looks awesome!

Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Release

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 5:17 pm
Oh, what a beauty destroy! :D

Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Release

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 7:12 pm
by papercoffee
Now you will destroy the whole level with one shot...

Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Release

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 9:10 pm
by UnrealGGecko
- I see a bright light, is this heaven?
- Oh God... This is the end for us!!
- STOP THAT SONOFA............ *booooooooooooom!*

Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Release

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2014 9:33 pm
GEx wrote:- I see a bright light, is this heaven?
- Oh God... This is the end for us!!
- STOP THAT SONOFA............ *booooooooooooom!*
I imagine that! :D lol

Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Release

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 1:15 am
by papercoffee
papercoffee wrote:Now you will destroy the whole level with one shot...
GEx wrote:- I see a bright light, is this heaven?
- Oh God... This is the end for us!!
- STOP THAT SONOFA............ *booooooooooooom!*
Monster Hunt will never by the same...
"What? 100 Monsters with 1239874987123873798234879198723400012 health points?"
"Don't sweat ...I'll oversurrect my UltimaProtos"
-whole map cleared over-

:mrgreen: I could go on and on with this UltimaProtos jokes.

Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Release

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:56 am
by Spectra
Looks nice.
One question:
Those thunders like thing... Are they actually Meshes??

Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Release

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 11:21 am
by Feralidragon
papercoffee wrote:Now you will destroy the whole level with one shot...
Well, the end effect will pretty much kill absolutely everything indeed, but probably not in the way you think. :mrgreen:
Rocky wrote: Those thunders like thing... Are they actually Meshes??
Yes. Custom meshes with custom lightning textures on them. :)

Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Release

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 1:20 pm
by Feralidragon
UPDATE: The final version is finished, and is now being tested by an internal small team of beta-testers, and therefore a few days from now up to 1 or 2 weeks it should be released to public. I won't give an exact date since it depends mostly on the beta-team and a few things I have to prepare beforehand along with it.

In the meanwhile I present the last 2 oversurrection videos: UltimaProtos and Cybot Launcher (it's highly suggested to play them in HD).

UltimaProtos Oversurrection: This is the most powerful oversurrection (who knew?...), and is also a "game finisher", which means that whatever gametype you use it in, once it ends the match is instantly won (this can of course be configured in the settings, and thus disabled is so wanted).

Cybot Launcher Oversurrection: This is the second most powerful oversurrection, but it's not a game finisher. It spawns a "master cybot" which controls a swarm of dozens of smaller cybots. They all have a limited amount of health however, so you can generally beat it with another oversurrection (curious fact: during testing, a bot used the IRPR oversurrection to "clean" most of my cybots swarm, which was interesting).

Before the public final release, I will also release a new version of the standalone gore system that I developed and released half a year ago (mainly with bug fixes and new options).

Re: Nali Weapons 3 - Release

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2014 1:52 pm
Uff! Bad internet connection right now. I put it in to the "Watch it later" section.
Still amazaing job, keep it up Ferali! :rock: