Page 29 of 35

Re: FerBotz (new AI, global release 18)

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 12:41 pm
by Chamberly
After it crashed or anything, or after shutting down, look in your log and paste that in a bin somewhere or upload it then post here.

It would be either unrealtournament.log (client log) or ucc.log (server log) but I'm not too sure lol.

Re: FerBotz (new AI, global release 18)

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 2:09 pm
by Emperor
The Extension log is not allowed...

UCC.Log -

Code: Select all

Log: Log file open, 05/10/15 19:16:08
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Detected: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build: 7601)
Init: Version: 436
Init: Compiled: Oct 24 2000 23:40:18
Init: Command line: F:\UNREAL~2\System\EIBOTP~1.U class uc .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade
Init: Base directory: F:\UnrealTournament\System\
Init: Character set: Unicode
Log: Bound to Core.dll
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Init: Computer: OWNERPC
Init: User: Owner
Init: Memory total: Phys=4194303K Pagef=4194303K Virt=2097024K
Init: Working set: 32000 / 159000
Init: CPU Speed=2999.740714 MHz
Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=2
Init: CPU Detected: PentiumPro-class processor (GenuineIntel)
Log: Bound to Editor.dll
Log: Bound to Engine.dll
Log: Bound to Window.dll
Log: Executing Class Editor.BatchExportCommandlet
Log: Loading package F:\UNREAL~2\System\EIBOTP~1.U...
Log: Bound to Fire.dll
Log: Bound to IpDrv.dll
Log: Bound to UWeb.dll
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.UpdateArenaMutator to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\UpdateArenaMutator.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.NewWeaponsMutator to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\NewWeaponsMutator.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.LMSWeaponCheck to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\LMSWeaponCheck.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_Enforcer to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_Enforcer.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EITTarget to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EITTarget.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_ShieldBelt to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_ShieldBelt.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_Translocator to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_Translocator.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIPBolt to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIPBolt.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.WeaponShieldEffect to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\WeaponShieldEffect.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_Eightball to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_Eightball.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIShockWave to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIShockWave.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_PulseGun to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_PulseGun.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_ShockRifle to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_ShockRifle.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIRazor2 to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIRazor2.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_UDamage to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_UDamage.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_SniperRifle to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_SniperRifle.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIStarterBolt to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIStarterBolt.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_Hammer to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_Hammer.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_Redeemer to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_Redeemer.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_FlakCannon to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_FlakCannon.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIGuidedWarshell to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIGuidedWarshell.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIWarShell to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIWarShell.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.SlaveMasterItemCheck to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\SlaveMasterItemCheck.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIBioGel to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIBioGel.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIShellCase to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIShellCase.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_EnforcerReload to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_EnforcerReload.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_MiniGun to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_MiniGun.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_ChainSaw to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_ChainSaw.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.TTargetNotify to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\TTargetNotify.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIRocket to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIRocket.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_Invisibility to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_Invisibility.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIComboRing to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIComboRing.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_JumpBoots to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_JumpBoots.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.TranslocatorNotify to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\TranslocatorNotify.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIConfigPageBotpack to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIConfigPageBotpack.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIGrenade to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIGrenade.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_BioRifle to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_BioRifle.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_Ripper to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_Ripper.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIBioGlob to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIBioGlob.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIChunk to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIChunk.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIShockProj to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIShockProj.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_SuperShockRifle to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_SuperShockRifle.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIShockBeam to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIShockBeam.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EISuperShockBeamDrop to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EISuperShockBeamDrop.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIShockrifleWave to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIShockrifleWave.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIPlasmaSphere to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIPlasmaSphere.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_DoubleEnforcer to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_DoubleEnforcer.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIFlakShell to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIFlakShell.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIBioDrop to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIBioDrop.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIBioSplash to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIBioSplash.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIRingExplosion4 to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIRingExplosion4.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIMiniShellCase to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIMiniShellCase.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIMTracer to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIMTracer.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EISuperShockBeam to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EISuperShockBeam.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIRazor2Alt to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIRazor2Alt.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.RedeemerDamage to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\RedeemerDamage.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EIBioMark to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EIBioMark.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.EI_FlakShellAmmo to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\EI_FlakShellAmmo.uc
Log: Exported Class EIBOTP~1.ChaosJumpBoots to .\Stuff_tmp\EIBotpackUpgrade\ChaosJumpBoots.uc
Log: Success - 0 error(s), 0 warnings
Exit: Preparing to exit.
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Unbound to Core.dll
Log: Unbound to Editor.dll
Log: Unbound to Engine.dll
Log: Unbound to Window.dll
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Editor
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Core
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Engine
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package EIBOTP~1
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Botpack
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UnrealShare
Log: Unbound to Fire.dll
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Fire
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UnrealI
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Female2Voice
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Male2Voice
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Female1Voice
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package BossVoice
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Male1Voice
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UMenu
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UWindow
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UBrowser
Log: Unbound to IpDrv.dll
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package IpDrv
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Announcer
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package EnhancedItems
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UTMenu
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package LadderSounds
Log: Unbound to UWeb.dll
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UWeb
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UTServerAdmin
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package IpServer
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package LadrArrow
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package EIConfigWindow
Log: Garbage: objects: 20575->0; refs: 0
Exit: Object subsystem successfully closed.
Exit: Exiting.
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Allocation checking disabled
Uninitialized: Log file closed, 05/10/15 19:16:09

UnrealTournament.Log -

Log: Log file open, 05/11/15 21:18:56
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Detected: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1 (Build: 7601)
Init: Version: 436
Init: Compiled: Oct 24 2000 23:40:18
Init: Command line: U4eFEntry.unr INI=UTCUTools.ini
Init: Base directory: F:\UnrealTournament\System\
Init: Character set: Unicode
Log: Bound to Engine.dll
Log: Bound to Core.dll
Log: Bound to Window.dll
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Init: Computer: OWNERPC
Init: User: Owner
Init: Memory total: Phys=4194303K Pagef=4194303K Virt=2097024K
Init: Working set: 32000 / 159000
Init: CPU Speed=2999.654815 MHz
Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=2
Init: CPU Detected: PentiumPro-class processor (GenuineIntel)
Init: Unreal engine initialized
Log: Bound to WinDrv.dll
Init: Mouse info: 0 0 0
Init: Initializing DirectDraw
Log: DirectDraw drivers:
Log:    display (Primary Display Driver)
Init: DirectDraw initialized successfully
Init: DirectInput initialized successfully.
Init: Client initialized
Log: Bound to Render.dll
Init: Lighting subsystem initialized
Init: Rendering initialized
Log: LoadMap: Entry
Log: Bound to Fire.dll
Log: Bound to IpDrv.dll
Log: Game class is 'UTIntro'
Log: Level is Level Entry.MyLevel
Log: Bringing Level Entry.MyLevel up for play (0)...
ScriptLog: InitGame: 
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is Entry.Mutator0
Log: Browse: U4eFEntry.unr?Name=Rtma?Class=U4eTC.TDraco2?team=1?skin=TDraco2skins.DrcW?Face=TDraco2skins.Wyvern?Voice=UTPS2Characters.SkaarjHybridPS2Voice?OverrideClass=?SDClass=Smashdroid.Spider
Log: LoadMap: U4eFEntry.unr?Name=Rtma?Class=U4eTC.TDraco2?team=1?skin=TDraco2skins.DrcW?Face=TDraco2skins.Wyvern?Voice=UTPS2Characters.SkaarjHybridPS2Voice?OverrideClass=?SDClass=Smashdroid.Spider
Log: Bound to UWeb.dll
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Render
Log: Garbage: objects: 15511->15510; refs: 182665
Log: Game class is 'UTIntro'
Log: Level is Level U4eFEntry.MyLevel
Log: Bringing Level U4eFEntry.MyLevel up for play (0)...
ScriptLog: InitGame: ?Name=Rtma?Class=U4eTC.TDraco2?team=1?skin=TDraco2skins.DrcW?Face=TDraco2skins.Wyvern?Voice=UTPS2Characters.SkaarjHybridPS2Voice?OverrideClass=?SDClass=Smashdroid.Spider
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is U4eFEntry.Mutator1
Init: Initialized moving brush tracker for Level U4eFEntry.MyLevel
ScriptLog: Team 1
ScriptLog: Login: Rtma
ScriptLog: set multiskin TDraco2Skins.DrcW Wyvern
ScriptLog: DrcW Wyvern  TDraco2Skins.
ScriptLog: set multiskin TDraco2skins.DrcW TDraco2skins.Wyvern
ScriptLog: DrcW Wyvern TDraco2skins. TDraco2skins.
Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: TDraco2 U4eFEntry.TDraco0
Init: Input system initialized for WindowsViewport0
Log: Opened viewport
Log: Bound to D3D9Drv.dll
Log: Initializing D3D9Drv...
Log: Enter SetRes()
Log: D3D adapter driver      : nvd3dum.dll
Log: D3D adapter description : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti
Log: D3D adapter id          : 0x10DE:0x1244
Init: Depth bits: 24
Log: 8 Texture Mapping Units found
Log: MaxAnisotropy = 16
Log: Trying to use S3TC extension.
Log: MinLogTextureSize = 2
Log: MaxLogTextureSize = 14
Log: UseDetailAlpha = 1
Log: Bound to Galaxy.dll
Init: Galaxy is using DirectSound
Init: Galaxy initialized
DevAudio: Galaxy SetViewport: WindowsViewport0
Init: Game engine initialized
Log: Startup time: 21.552229 seconds
DevMusic: Load music: Music Godown.Godown
Log: Viewport WindowsViewport0: WM_DisplayChange
Log: Enter SetRes()
Log: UnSetRes() -> m_d3d9 != NULL
Log: D3D adapter driver      : nvd3dum.dll
Log: D3D adapter description : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti
Log: D3D adapter id          : 0x10DE:0x1244
Log: Viewport WindowsViewport0: WM_DisplayChange
Init: Depth bits: 24
Log: 8 Texture Mapping Units found
Log: MaxAnisotropy = 16
Log: Trying to use S3TC extension.
Log: MinLogTextureSize = 2
Log: MaxLogTextureSize = 14
Log: UseDetailAlpha = 1
ScriptLog: Creating root window: umenu.UMenuRootWindow
ScriptLog: ProcessServerTravel: ?mutator=psMiscFixes.MutInvisibilityFix,RelicHUDFix.MutRelicHUDMutatorFix,psMP.MutExtendedMultiKill,psMP.MutResizer,psMP.psTeamer,BotChatCommand.BotChatClass,XMaps.XMapsControl,XBots.XBotsMutator,Relics2.RelicAffinity,SupaRelics.RelicBarb,Relics.RelicDefense,Relics2.RelicEquilibrium,Relics2.RelicEvasion,Relics2.RelicIllusion,SupaRelics.RelicInvisibility,SupaRelics.RelicRegenX,Relics.RelicRedemption,Relics.RelicRegen,Relics2.RelicSilence,Relics.RelicSpeed,Relics.RelicStrength,Relics.RelicDeath,MTB.MutatorToolBox,WhoPushedMe.WhoPushedMe,GameStyler.GameStyler
Log: Server switch level: ?mutator=psMiscFixes.MutInvisibilityFix,RelicHUDFix.MutRelicHUDMutatorFix,psMP.MutExtendedMultiKill,psMP.MutResizer,psMP.psTeamer,BotChatCommand.BotChatClass,XMaps.XMapsControl,XBots.XBotsMutator,Relics2.RelicAffinity,SupaRelics.RelicBarb,Relics.RelicDefense,Relics2.RelicEquilibrium,Relics2.RelicEvasion,Relics2.RelicIllusion,SupaRelics.RelicInvisibility,SupaRelics.RelicRegenX,Relics.RelicRedemption,Relics.RelicRegen,Relics2.RelicSilence,Relics.RelicSpeed,Relics.RelicStrength,Relics.RelicDeath,MTB.MutatorToolBox,WhoPushedMe.WhoPushedMe,GameStyler.GameStyler
Log: Browse: U4eFEntry.unr?Name=Rtma?Class=U4eTC.TDraco2?team=1?skin=TDraco2skins.DrcW?Face=TDraco2skins.Wyvern?Voice=UTPS2Characters.SkaarjHybridPS2Voice?OverrideClass=?SDClass=Smashdroid.Spider?mutator=psMiscFixes.MutInvisibilityFix,RelicHUDFix.MutRelicHUDMutatorFix,psMP.MutExtendedMultiKill,psMP.MutResizer,psMP.psTeamer,BotChatCommand.BotChatClass,XMaps.XMapsControl,XBots.XBotsMutator,Relics2.RelicAffinity,SupaRelics.RelicBarb,Relics.RelicDefense,Relics2.RelicEquilibrium,Relics2.RelicEvasion,Relics2.RelicIllusion,SupaRelics.RelicInvisibility,SupaRelics.RelicRegenX,Relics.RelicRedemption,Relics.RelicRegen,Relics2.RelicSilence,Relics.RelicSpeed,Relics.RelicStrength,Relics.RelicDeath,MTB.MutatorToolBox,WhoPushedMe.WhoPushedMe,GameStyler.GameStyler
Log: LoadMap: U4eFEntry.unr?Name=Rtma?Class=U4eTC.TDraco2?team=1?skin=TDraco2skins.DrcW?Face=TDraco2skins.Wyvern?Voice=UTPS2Characters.SkaarjHybridPS2Voice?OverrideClass=?SDClass=Smashdroid.Spider?mutator=psMiscFixes.MutInvisibilityFix,RelicHUDFix.MutRelicHUDMutatorFix,psMP.MutExtendedMultiKill,psMP.MutResizer,psMP.psTeamer,BotChatCommand.BotChatClass,XMaps.XMapsControl,XBots.XBotsMutator,Relics2.RelicAffinity,SupaRelics.RelicBarb,Relics.RelicDefense,Relics2.RelicEquilibrium,Relics2.RelicEvasion,Relics2.RelicIllusion,SupaRelics.RelicInvisibility,SupaRelics.RelicRegenX,Relics.RelicRedemption,Relics.RelicRegen,Relics2.RelicSilence,Relics.RelicSpeed,Relics.RelicStrength,Relics.RelicDeath,MTB.MutatorToolBox,WhoPushedMe.WhoPushedMe,GameStyler.GameStyler
DevAudio: Galaxy SetViewport: WindowsViewport0
Init: Shut down moving brush tracker for Level U4eFEntry.MyLevel
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package TDraco2Skins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UTPS2Characters
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package AdvancedModelSupport
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package commandoskins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package FCommandoSkins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package soldierskins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package SgirlSkins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package tskmSkins_dominatorPS2
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package tskmskins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package WarBossPS2Skins_PS2Purple
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package XanPS2Skins_PS2Lighter
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package DamienPS2Skins
Log: Garbage: objects: 28975->27468; refs: 349563
Log: Game class is 'UTIntro'
Log: Level is Level U4eFEntry.MyLevel
Log: Bringing Level U4eFEntry.MyLevel up for play (0)...
ScriptLog: InitGame: ?Name=Rtma?Class=U4eTC.TDraco2?team=1?skin=TDraco2skins.DrcW?Face=TDraco2skins.Wyvern?Voice=UTPS2Characters.SkaarjHybridPS2Voice?OverrideClass=?SDClass=Smashdroid.Spider?mutator=psMiscFixes.MutInvisibilityFix,RelicHUDFix.MutRelicHUDMutatorFix,psMP.MutExtendedMultiKill,psMP.MutResizer,psMP.psTeamer,BotChatCommand.BotChatClass,XMaps.XMapsControl,XBots.XBotsMutator,Relics2.RelicAffinity,SupaRelics.RelicBarb,Relics.RelicDefense,Relics2.RelicEquilibrium,Relics2.RelicEvasion,Relics2.RelicIllusion,SupaRelics.RelicInvisibility,SupaRelics.RelicRegenX,Relics.RelicRedemption,Relics.RelicRegen,Relics2.RelicSilence,Relics.RelicSpeed,Relics.RelicStrength,Relics.RelicDeath,MTB.MutatorToolBox,WhoPushedMe.WhoPushedMe,GameStyler.GameStyler
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is U4eFEntry.Mutator2
ScriptLog: Mutators psMiscFixes.MutInvisibilityFix,RelicHUDFix.MutRelicHUDMutatorFix,psMP.MutExtendedMultiKill,psMP.MutResizer,psMP.psTeamer,BotChatCommand.BotChatClass,XMaps.XMapsControl,XBots.XBotsMutator,Relics2.RelicAffinity,SupaRelics.RelicBarb,Relics.RelicDefense,Relics2.RelicEquilibrium,Relics2.RelicEvasion,Relics2.RelicIllusion,SupaRelics.RelicInvisibility,SupaRelics.RelicRegenX,Relics.RelicRedemption,Relics.RelicRegen,Relics2.RelicSilence,Relics.RelicSpeed,Relics.RelicStrength,Relics.RelicDeath,MTB.MutatorToolBox,WhoPushedMe.WhoPushedMe,GameStyler.GameStyler
ScriptLog: Add mutator psMiscFixes.MutInvisibilityFix
ScriptLog: Add mutator RelicHUDFix.MutRelicHUDMutatorFix
ScriptLog: Add mutator psMP.MutExtendedMultiKill
ScriptLog: Add mutator psMP.MutResizer
ScriptLog: Add mutator psMP.psTeamer
ScriptLog: Add mutator BotChatCommand.BotChatClass
ScriptLog: Add mutator XMaps.XMapsControl
XMapsControl: XMaps Server 232, (c) 2003
ScriptWarning: XMapsControl U4eFEntry.XMapsControl0 (Function XMaps.XMapsControl.AddGameToMRU:004D) Accessed None
XMapsControl: HijackMapList: DeathMatchPlus(Level.Game) is None.
ScriptLog: Add mutator XBots.XBotsMutator
ScriptWarning: XBotsMutator U4eFEntry.XBotsMutator0 (Function XBots.XBotsMutator.PostBeginPlay:0038) Accessed None
ScriptWarning: XBotsMutator U4eFEntry.XBotsMutator0 (Function XBots.XBotsMutator.PostBeginPlay:0040) Attempt to assigned variable through None
ScriptLog: Add mutator Relics2.RelicAffinity
ScriptLog: Add mutator SupaRelics.RelicBarb
ScriptLog: Add mutator Relics.RelicDefense
ScriptLog: Add mutator Relics2.RelicEquilibrium
ScriptLog: Add mutator Relics2.RelicEvasion
ScriptLog: Add mutator Relics2.RelicIllusion
ScriptLog: Add mutator SupaRelics.RelicInvisibility
ScriptLog: Add mutator SupaRelics.RelicRegenX
ScriptLog: Add mutator Relics.RelicRedemption
ScriptLog: Add mutator Relics.RelicRegen
ScriptLog: Add mutator Relics2.RelicSilence
ScriptLog: Add mutator Relics.RelicSpeed
ScriptLog: Add mutator Relics.RelicStrength
ScriptLog: Add mutator Relics.RelicDeath
ScriptLog: Add mutator MTB.MutatorToolBox
ScriptWarning: MutatorToolBox U4eFEntry.MutatorToolBox0 (Function MTB.MutatorToolBox.PreBeginPlay:0106) Accessed None
ScriptLog: Add mutator WhoPushedMe.WhoPushedMe
ScriptLog: Add mutator GameStyler.GameStyler
Log: Spawning new actor for Viewport WindowsViewport0
ScriptLog: Team 1
ScriptLog: Login: Rtma
ScriptLog: set multiskin TDraco2Skins.DrcW Wyvern
ScriptLog: DrcW Wyvern  TDraco2Skins.
ScriptLog: set multiskin TDraco2skins.DrcW TDraco2skins.Wyvern
ScriptLog: DrcW Wyvern TDraco2skins. TDraco2skins.
Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: TDraco2 U4eFEntry.TDraco0
Init: Initialized moving brush tracker for Level U4eFEntry.MyLevel
DevAudio: Galaxy SetViewport: WindowsViewport0
Log: Failed import: IntProperty IntProperty Apocalypse.ApocMute.SpreeAward3 (file ../System/Apocalypse.u)
ScriptLog: EWindowModMenu0 could not load ApocalypseX.AWModMenuItem ([A]pocalypse [W]eapons =X=)
Log: Bound to rtnative.dll
ScriptLog: EWindowModMenu0 could not load U4eGauntlet.gatewayModMenu (U4eG Config)
Warning: Failed to load 'u4egauntlet': Can't find file for package 'u4egauntlet'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class u4egauntlet.U4eGauntlet': Can't find file for package 'u4egauntlet'
ScriptWarning: UTMenuStartMatchCW Transient.UTMenuStartMatchCW0 (Function UTMenu.UTMenuStartMatchCW.Created:053D) Accessed null class context
Warning: Failed to load 'Package0': Can't find file for package 'Package0'
Warning: Failed to load 'Texture Package0.Screenshot': Can't find file for package 'Package0'
Warning: Failed to load 'Package1': Can't find file for package 'Package1'
Warning: Failed to load 'LevelSummary Package1.LevelSummary': Can't find file for package 'Package1'
Log: URL: Adding default option Name=Rtma
Log: URL: Adding default option Class=U4eTC.TDraco2
Log: URL: Adding default option team=1
Log: URL: Adding default option skin=TDraco2skins.DrcW
Log: URL: Adding default option Face=TDraco2skins.Wyvern
Log: URL: Adding default option Voice=UTPS2Characters.SkaarjHybridPS2Voice
Log: URL: Adding default option OverrideClass=
Log: Browse: DM-Liandri.unr?Game=NoSpawnWait.NSWTeamGame?Mutator=ColorUltraShock.MutColorUltraShock,RelicHUDFix.MutRelicHUDMutatorFix,psMP.psTeamer,psMP.MutResizer,BotChatCommand.BotChatClass,GameStyler.GameStyler,XMaps.XMapsControl,XBots9b.XBotsMutator,Relics2.RelicAffinity,SupaRelics.RelicBarb,Relics.RelicRegen,Relics.RelicSpeed,Relics.RelicStrength,Relics.RelicDeath,StuffSwapper.StuffSwapper,WhoPushedMe.WhoPushedMe,NWUltraGoreSSEb.NWBloodyMess_UGSSE,TWFSightRadius.TWFSightRadius,EavySpawnProtectSDAVersionA.EavySpawnProtectionSDA,BotOrders.BotOrders,TeamBeacon2k4.TeamBeacon2k4,rtCode.rtRelics,U4eTC.U4eTPLAYERS,psMP.MutHaloShield,psMP.psMute,DE.VolatileAmmo,De.VolatileWeapon,FerBotz.BotzMutator?Listen?Checksum=NoChecksum?Name=Rtma?Class=U4eTC.TDraco2?team=1?skin=TDraco2skins.DrcW?Face=TDraco2skins.Wyvern?Voice=UTPS2Characters.SkaarjHybridPS2Voice?OverrideClass=
Log: LoadMap: DM-Liandri.unr?Game=NoSpawnWait.NSWTeamGame?Mutator=ColorUltraShock.MutColorUltraShock,RelicHUDFix.MutRelicHUDMutatorFix,psMP.psTeamer,psMP.MutResizer,BotChatCommand.BotChatClass,GameStyler.GameStyler,XMaps.XMapsControl,XBots9b.XBotsMutator,Relics2.RelicAffinity,SupaRelics.RelicBarb,Relics.RelicRegen,Relics.RelicSpeed,Relics.RelicStrength,Relics.RelicDeath,StuffSwapper.StuffSwapper,WhoPushedMe.WhoPushedMe,NWUltraGoreSSEb.NWBloodyMess_UGSSE,TWFSightRadius.TWFSightRadius,EavySpawnProtectSDAVersionA.EavySpawnProtectionSDA,BotOrders.BotOrders,TeamBeacon2k4.TeamBeacon2k4,rtCode.rtRelics,U4eTC.U4eTPLAYERS,psMP.MutHaloShield,psMP.psMute,DE.VolatileAmmo,De.VolatileWeapon,FerBotz.BotzMutator?Listen?Checksum=NoChecksum?Name=Rtma?Class=U4eTC.TDraco2?team=1?skin=TDraco2skins.DrcW?Face=TDraco2skins.Wyvern?Voice=UTPS2Characters.SkaarjHybridPS2Voice?OverrideClass=
DevAudio: Galaxy SetViewport: WindowsViewport0
Init: Shut down moving brush tracker for Level U4eFEntry.MyLevel
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package U4eFEntry
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Indus4
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package U4eJailbreak
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Godown
DevMusic: Unregister music: Music Godown.Godown
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package RelicHUDFix
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Relics2
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package SupaRelics
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package WhoPushedMe
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package GameStyler
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package TDraco2Skins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UTPS2Characters
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package AdvancedModelSupport
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package commandoskins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package FCommandoSkins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package soldierskins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package SgirlSkins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package tskmSkins_dominatorPS2
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package tskmskins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package WarBossPS2Skins_PS2Purple
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package XanPS2Skins_PS2Lighter
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package DamienPS2Skins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Apocalypse
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package LadrStatic
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Apprehension
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package FlagDom
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package assassins
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package BossOfTheArena
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Chaosgames
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package ChaosUTMiscMuts
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Dominate
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package DominateDM
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package domTerritories
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package ExCTF4
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package CTF4
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package FragBall
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package HolyWars
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Hulk
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package LMSplus
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package onslaughtut
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Onslaughtvehicles
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package RocketArena
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package RocketArenaMedia
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package seekersM
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Seekers
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package TagDeathMatch
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package U4eT601
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UnrealFortress
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UNFSounds
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UNFModels
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UnrealFortressPPM
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UNFMaleVoice1
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UNFMaleVoice2
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package CTF-Face-LE200
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package SkyCity
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package ShaneChurch
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package JWSky
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package GreatFire
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Crypt2
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package utcrypt
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package CTF
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package XbpFX
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Foregone
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package DM-113thFloor
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package rt-maggot
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package rt-arbor
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package RainFX
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package rt-maggot2
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package UT
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Indus5
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Slums
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Celeste
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package mine
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package ArenaTex
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package FractalFX
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package rtDecorations
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Rt-Deco
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Metalmys
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package Scripted
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package city
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package rtFunksta
Log: -0.0ms Unloading: Package AmbCity
Log: Garbage: objects: 103727->77258; refs: 1118026
Log: Game class is 'NSWTeamGame'
Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
Init: WinSock: Socket queue 131072 / 131072
Init: WinSock: I am Owner-PC (
DevNet: TcpNetDriver on port 7777
Log: Server Package: SoldierSkins
Log: Server Package: CommandoSkins
Log: Server Package: FCommandoSkins
Log: Server Package: SGirlSkins
Log: Server Package: BossSkins
Log: Server Package: Botpack
Log: Server Package: MultiMesh
Log: Server Package: Relics
Log: Server Package: SupaRelics
Log: Server Package: Relics2
Log: Server Package: EpicCustomModels
Log: Server Package: TCowMeshSkins
Log: Server Package: TNaliMeshSkins
Log: Server Package: TSkMSkins
Log: Server Package: Carlinpackage
Log: Server Package: SkeletalCharsFix313
Log: Server Package: SkeletalChars
Log: Server Package: Abbeyskins
Log: Server Package: 6Abbey
Log: Server Package: Chreks
Log: Server Package: Chrekskins
Log: Server Package: Chrekvoicedozer
Log: Server Package: Chrekvoicescout
Log: Server Package: BossSkins_Shoc
Log: Server Package: BossSkins_Bdeath
Log: Server Package: BossSkins_666
Log: Server Package: RtCode
Log: Server Package: RtVoices
Log: Server Package: RtModels
Log: Server Package: BossSkins_Brass
Log: Server Package: BossSkins_Neo
Log: Server Package: BossSkins_rt
Log: Server Package: BossSkins_BC
Log: Server Package: BossSkins_gr8
Log: Server Package: BossSkins_Sprk
Log: Server Package: BossSkins_keep
Log: Server Package: BossSkins_cc
Log: Server Package: Bossface
Log: Server Package: ChaosUT
Log: Server Package: SpaceMarine40KSkins
Log: Server Package: SpaceMarineSkins_2
Log: Server Package: SpaceMarineSkins_3
Log: Server Package: SpaceMarineSkins_4
Log: Server Package: SpaceMarine40kv2
Log: Server Package: SpaceMarineskins_csm
Log: Server Package: SpaceMarineSkins3
Log: Server Package: SpaceMarineSkins4
Log: Server Package: SoldierSkins_of
Log: Server Package: SoldierSkins_as
Log: Server Package: SoldierSkins_md
Log: Server Package: Soldier_Armor
Log: Server Package: SoldierSkins_ci
Log: Server Package: tskmskins_nlms
Log: Server Package: tskmskins_scut
Log: Server Package: SGirl_Knight
Log: Server Package: SGirlSkins_ci
Log: Server Package: SGirlSkins_mb
Log: Server Package: Commandoskinsm
Log: Server Package: FCommandoskinsm
Log: Server Package: tskmskins_arisen
Log: Server Package: tskmskins_rt
Log: Server Package: NewXanSkins_Titan
Log: Server Package: XXanPackage
Log: Server Package: U4eT
Log: Server Package: U4eTC
Log: Server Package: U4eTCM
Log: Server Package: U4eTM
Log: Server Package: UTChaosMap
Log: Server Package: de
Log: Server Package: Apocalypse
Log: Server Package: Psmp
Log: Server Package: RelicHUDFix
Log: Server Package: WhoPushedMe
Log: Server Package: gateway
Log: Server Package: TDraco2Skins
Log: Server Package: TDraco2Skins_S
Log: Server Package: TAlienSkins
Log: Server Package: TDevilSkins
Log: Server Package: TDraco1Skins
Log: Server Package: TDraco1Skins_S
Log: Server Package: TFredSkins
Log: Server Package: TGolemSkins
Log: Server Package: TGrimSkins
Log: Server Package: THenrySkins
Log: Server Package: TMonsterMasterSkins
Log: Server Package: TMrBigSkins
Log: Server Package: TZhalSkins
Log: Server Package: TTeddySkins
Log: Server Package: U4eAlienVoice
Log: Server Package: U4EDevilVoice3
Log: Server Package: U4ETeddyBear
Log: Server Package: U4EZhalVoice
Log: Server Package: HS2
Log: Server Package: SmartCTF_4C
Log: Server Package: Fisk
Log: Server Package: TSkMSkins_cobra
Log: Server Package: SkaarjBossPS2Skins
Log: Server Package: SkaarjBPS2Skins
Log: Server Package: SkaarjHybridPS2Skins
Log: Server Package: UTPS2Characters
Log: Server Package: PS2WarMachineM
Log: Server Package: Psi
Log: Server Package: SlaveMaster
Log: Server Package: JailBreak
Log: Server Package: JailFight
Log: Server Package: JBArena
Log: Server Package: JBFatboy
Log:    (server-side only)
Log: Server Package: JBMadmen
Log:    (server-side only)
Log: Server Package: JBRelics
Log:    (server-side only)
Log: Server Package: JBRSIndicator
Log: Server Package: JBTransloc
Log:    (server-side only)
Log: Server Package: JBSpecials
Log: Server Package: EIBotpackUpgrade
Log: Server Package: BenderPackage
Log: Server Package: MrBurnspackage
Log: Server Package: FagPackage
Log: Server Package: dukepackage
Log: Server Package: RetardGirl
Log: Server Package: Ferbotz_cl_3
Log: Server Package: EavySpawnProtectSDAVersionA
Log: Server Package: TeamBeacon2k4
Log: Server Package: NWUltraGoreSSEb
Log: Server Package: UT2004CharactersV2
Log: Server Package: NWCoreVIII
Log: Server Package: NWMHExtrasVIII
Log: Server Package: NWExtrasVIII
Log: Server Package: NWModifiersVIII
Log: Server Package: NWBoltRifleVIII
Log: Server Package: NWFlameTrackerVIII
Log: Server Package: NWFreezerVIII
Log: Server Package: NWGravitonVIII
Log: Server Package: NWIRPRVIII
Log: Server Package: NWMultiMissileVIII
Log: Server Package: NWTheExecutionerVIII
Log: Server Package: NWTheMinerVIII
Log: Server Package: NWUltimaProtosVIII
Log: Server Package: NWVulcanVIII
Log: Server Package: NWWREVIII
Log: Spawning: IpDrv.UdpBeacon
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerQuery
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Log: Spawning: IpServer.UdpServerUplink
Log: Spawning: UWeb.WebServer
Log: Level is Level DM-Liandri.MyLevel
Log: Bringing Level DM-Liandri.MyLevel up for play (0)...
ScriptLog: InitGame: ?Game=NoSpawnWait.NSWTeamGame?Mutator=ColorUltraShock.MutColorUltraShock,RelicHUDFix.MutRelicHUDMutatorFix,psMP.psTeamer,psMP.MutResizer,BotChatCommand.BotChatClass,GameStyler.GameStyler,XMaps.XMapsControl,XBots9b.XBotsMutator,Relics2.RelicAffinity,SupaRelics.RelicBarb,Relics.RelicRegen,Relics.RelicSpeed,Relics.RelicStrength,Relics.RelicDeath,StuffSwapper.StuffSwapper,WhoPushedMe.WhoPushedMe,NWUltraGoreSSEb.NWBloodyMess_UGSSE,TWFSightRadius.TWFSightRadius,EavySpawnProtectSDAVersionA.EavySpawnProtectionSDA,BotOrders.BotOrders,TeamBeacon2k4.TeamBeacon2k4,rtCode.rtRelics,U4eTC.U4eTPLAYERS,psMP.MutHaloShield,psMP.psMute,DE.VolatileAmmo,De.VolatileWeapon,FerBotz.BotzMutator?Listen?Checksum=NoChecksum?Name=Rtma?Class=U4eTC.TDraco2?team=1?skin=TDraco2skins.DrcW?Face=TDraco2skins.Wyvern?Voice=UTPS2Characters.SkaarjHybridPS2Voice?OverrideClass=
ScriptLog: Base Mutator is DM-Liandri.DMMutator0
That's it.

edited by UnrealGecko (just put it in [ code ], for the sake of someone not breaking their mouse wheel :P )

Re: FerBotz (new AI, global release 18)

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 9:37 pm
by papercoffee
UnrealGecko wrote: edited by UnrealGecko (just put it in [ code ], for the sake of someone not breaking their mouse wheel :P )
Too late my mouse burned already from his last post :lol2:

Re: FerBotz (new AI, global release 18)

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 10:04 pm
by Higor
That's a GPF, most likely because FerBotz attempts to read your ServerPackages list when adding random bots.
And said list is huge, another reason to use a native function to do that instead of a GET command.

Workarounds for servers with huge server packages lists (at least until I upgrade the native code):
Setting MinTotalPlayers=0 in BotzDefault.ini disables botz auto-adjust.

Code: Select all

If you're the local player (or logged in as admin).
Add botz using the faction system or the list:
- mutate addbotzfaction thunder_crash 5 0
- mutate addbotzlist Aegor 1

- mutate addbotzfaction the_corrupt (botz_count) (botz_teamindex)
- mutate addbotzlist (botz_name) (botz_team)
Ideal for MH and your botz list has already been setup (with stuff your UT has)
- mutate addbotzlist (all) (botz_team)

Re: FerBotz (new AI, global release 18)

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 4:11 am
by UnrealGGecko
papercoffee wrote:
UnrealGecko wrote: edited by UnrealGecko (just put it in [ code ], for the sake of someone not breaking their mouse wheel :P )
Too late my mouse burned already from his last post :lol2:
Didn't see that one :tongue: , fixed it.

Re: FerBotz (new AI, global release 18)

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 6:33 am
by sektor2111
Usually UT not works without required packages/dependencies.

Code: Select all

Warning: Failed to load 'u4egauntlet': Can't find file for package 'u4egauntlet'
Warning: Failed to load 'Class u4egauntlet.U4eGauntlet': Can't find file for package 'u4egauntlet'
These also are fascinating

Code: Select all

Log: Server Package: JBFatboy
Log:    (server-side only)
Log: Server Package: JBMadmen
Log:    (server-side only)
Log: Server Package: JBRelics
Log:    (server-side only)
Very relevant messages.
Also has Error lines right at begin of game - it's not a thing to live with, mutators are a lot, heck knows if they do block or don't block each-other...

Re: FerBotz (new AI, global release 18)

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 4:31 pm
by Emperor
Workaround didn't work.

Re: FerBotz (new AI, global release 18)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 6:39 am
by sektor2111
So Higor, I was looking over dynamic pathing stuff in this FerBotz. You were using that to generate and to inject new pathing files :shock: , or you have other tools for generating them ? It might be good for DM matches adding some action in empty cubes, LOL.

Re: FerBotz (new AI, global release 18)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:21 am
by Chamberly
Woop! Staying up past my bedtime a bit awhile fooling around with the ferbotz as I rebuilding the server. :3 While uploading as bmp. converted to png with xnShell... wow just wow.

Re: FerBotz (new AI, global release 17)

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:30 am
by abomination
Higor wrote: - Setup a custom Botz list in BotzDefault.ini > [FerBotz.ServerBotzManager]
--- You can add them via MUTATE ADDBOTZLIST (botz_name, or ALL) (team_num)
--- Aegor (bot 0) contains the maximum skill values (use as reference).
How do I load the BotzDefault.ini botz list onto my server by default? I've modified some of the botz and added a few but still get random botz. I would like the custom botz list to be used all of the time.

Is this not supported yet?

Re: FerBotz (new AI, global release 18)

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:40 pm
by rjmno1
the release 18 of ferbots are hopely installed on the siege servers.
they did an update on the siege mod also.
You can make a ape canon. :loool:

Re: FerBotz (new AI, global release 17)

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 6:43 pm
by abomination
Higor wrote:LOL.

Code: Select all

IsA('PlayerPawn') || IsA('Bot')
A coder staying true to his ideals is a nice thing to have, one so stubborn to not see where he's wrong is another one.
When ~V~ and I were discussing the linux charset being limited to only 127 chars severely affecting his xConsole, he told me that he had to change the behaviour of some functions by detecting if UT was a linux build.
But... charset and engine platform don't really have to be correlated at all, what about the MAC version of UT? Does it need said behaviour change on xConsole as well?

So, we came up with a better way for tackling that issue other than checking if the game's audio driver is the linux one.
To directly check the issue itself by doing:

Code: Select all

if ( Asc(Chr(257)) != 257 )
That is a global fix, works on any OS, any version, any platform without the coder having to know which versions/builds have the extended charset issue.

So, why is it so hard to globalize the player detection spawn notify by checking the PlayerReplicationInfo (0.1 second delay so all vars are set) for:

Code: Select all

- bIsSpectator=False && Spectator(Owner) == none
- PlayerID >= 0
- Owner != none && Owner.bIsPlayer
(And maybe another one i missed...)
If that was done, SmartDM would be working with Unreal 1 bots, FerBotz, and monsters with PRI's.
I tried modifying SmartDM by removing the original snippet you recommended

Code: Select all

    if ( !A.Owner.IsA( 'PlayerPawn' ) && !A.Owner.IsA( 'Bot' ) )
       return A;
But it did not work. The scoreboard no longer loaded at all.
I'm not particularly familiar with scripting for Unreal but I am interested in getting FerBotz and SmartDM to play nice together. Your post above where you mention
Higor wrote: So, why is it so hard to globalize the player detection spawn notify by checking the PlayerReplicationInfo (0.1 second delay so all vars are set) for:

Code: Select all

- bIsSpectator=False && Spectator(Owner) == none
- PlayerID >= 0
- Owner != none && Owner.bIsPlayer
(And maybe another one i missed...)
If that was done, SmartDM would be working with Unreal 1 bots, FerBotz, and monsters with PRI's.
I am not exactly sure what you're saying should be done here. If you could be so kind as to elaborate a bit more for an idiot such as myself (or, as Wises has requested; make the change for the lazy/untalented folk we are) I would appreciate it so much.

I've spent the better part of the last week trying to figure this out and have been unsuccessful. I even started down the path of attempting to recompile FerBotz by duplicating your SmartCTF hack for SmartDM but failed miserably.

Re: FerBotz (new AI, global release 18)

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 7:21 pm
by Higor
Post the code for the class that detects players on SmartDM.

Re: FerBotz (new AI, global release 18)

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2015 9:44 pm
by abomination
Higor wrote:Post the code for the class that detects players on SmartDM.
I'm not sure if you need one or both.


Code: Select all

class SmartDMSpawnNotifyPRI expands SpawnNotify;

var Actor IpToCountry;
var bool bChecked;

simulated event Actor SpawnNotification( Actor A )
    local Actor Search;
    local SmartDMPlayerReplicationInfo RI;

    if ( A.Owner == None )
       return A;
    if ( !A.Owner.IsA( 'PlayerPawn' ) && !A.Owner.IsA( 'Bot' ) )
       return A;
    if ( !Pawn( A.Owner ).bIsPlayer )
       return A;

    if (!bChecked)
       foreach Level.Game.AllActors(class'Actor', Search, 'IpToCountry')
          IpToCountry = Search;
       bChecked = True;
    // Spawn SmartDM PRI for this pawn on the server
    RI = Spawn( class'SmartDMPlayerReplicationInfo', A );

    if (IpToCountry != None)
       RI.IpToCountry = IpToCountry;
       RI.bIpToCountry = True;

    return A;


Code: Select all

class SmartDMPlayerReplicationInfo expands ReplicationInfo;

// Replicated
var int Frags ,HeadShots;
var string CountryPrefix ,PlayerStatsString; // for Ip To Country
var int NetSpeed;

// Server side
var int SpawnKillSpree, KillingSpree, Rampage, Dominating, Unstoppable, GodLike, DoubleKill, TripleKill, MultiKill,
        MegaKill, UltraKill, MonsterKill, SpreeEnded, Suicide, Efficiency, ShieldBelts, Amps, Armors, JumpBoots,
        Invis, Survivability, ThighPads, Health, DoubleAlt, TripleAlt, MultiAlt, MegaAlt, UltraAlt, MonsterAlt,
        KillSpree, RampSpree, DomSpree, UnstopSpree, GodSpree, FlagGrab, FlagDrop, FlagCaps;

var float LastKillTime;
var int FragSpree;
var int MultiLevel;
var float SpawnTime, AwakeTime;
var int SurCount;
var bool bHadFirstSpawn;
var bool bPickedup;

// Client side
var bool bViewingStats;
var bool bEndStats;
var bool bShowMenu;
var bool bDead;
var int  BoardNum;
var float IndicatorStartShow;
var byte IndicatorVisibility;

var Actor IpToCountry;
var bool bIpToCountry;

     reliable if ( Role == ROLE_Authority )
              PlayerStatsString, CountryPrefix ,Frags ,HeadShots ,NetSpeed, bDead;

     // Toggle stats functions + some stuff
     reliable if ( Role == ROLE_Authority )
              ToggleStats, ShowStats, OpenMenuWindow;

function PostBeginPlay()
    SetTimer( 0.5, true );

function Timer()
    local string temp;
    local PlayerPawn P;

    if ( Owner == None )
       SetTimer( 0.0, False );

    if (bIpToCountry)
       if (CountryPrefix == "")
	    if (Owner.Owner.IsA('PlayerPawn'))
	       P = PlayerPawn(Owner.Owner);
 	       if (NetConnection(P.Player) != None)
                if (IpToCountry != None)
                   temp = P.GetPlayerNetworkAddress();
                   temp = Left(temp, InStr(temp, ":"));
                   if (IpToCountry != None)
                      temp = IpToCountry.GetItemName(temp);
                   if (temp == "!Disabled")              // after this return, iptocountry won't resolve anything anyway
                   if (Left(temp, 1) != "!")             // good response
                      CountryPrefix=SelElem(temp, 5);
                      if (CountryPrefix=="")             // the country is probably unknown(maybe LAN), so as the prefix

    if ( SurCount != 0 )
       Survivability = int(AwakeTime/SurCount);


    if (Owner.Owner.IsA('PlayerPawn') && PlayerPawn(Owner.Owner).Player != None)
       NetSpeed = PlayerPawn(Owner.Owner).Player.CurrentNetSpeed ;

function int SpreeSum()
    return KillingSpree + Rampage +  Dominating + Unstoppable + GodLike;

function int MultiLevelSum()
    return DoubleKill + TripleKill + MultiKill + MegaKill + UltraKill + MonsterKill;

function MakePlayerStats()
   PlayerStatsString = SpawnKillSpree$":"$KillingSpree$":"$Rampage$":"$Dominating$":"$Unstoppable$":"$GodLike$":"$ // 1-6
                       DoubleKill$":"$TripleKill$":"$MultiKill$":"$MegaKill$":"$UltraKill$":"$MonsterKill$":"$    //  7-12
                       SpreeEnded$":"$Suicide$":"$ShieldBelts$":"$Health$":"$Armors$":"$Invis$":"$ThighPads$":"$  // 13-19
                       Amps$":"$JumpBoots$":"$Survivability$":"$                                                  // 20-22
                       DoubleAlt$":"$TripleAlt$":"$MultiAlt$":"$MegaAlt$":"$UltraAlt$":"$MonsterAlt$":"$          // 23-28
                       KillSpree$":"$RampSpree$":"$DomSpree$":"$UnstopSpree$":"$GodSpree$":"$                     // 29-33
                       FlagGrab$":"$FlagDrop$":"$FlagCaps;                                                        // 34-36

static final function string SelElem(string Str, int Elem)
	local int pos;
		Str=Mid(Str, InStr(Str,":")+1);
	pos=InStr(Str, ":");
	if(pos != -1)
    	Str=Left(Str, pos);
    return Str;

// Called on the server, executed on the client
simulated function ToggleStats()
    local PlayerPawn P;

    if ( Owner == None )

    P = PlayerPawn(Owner);
    if (P == None)
       P = PlayerPawn(Owner.Owner);
    if (P == None)

    if ( P.Scoring != none && !P.Scoring.IsA( 'SmartDMScoreBoard' ) )
       P.ClientMessage( "Problem loading the SmartDM ScoreBoard..." );
       bViewingStats = !bViewingStats;
       IndicatorStartShow = Level.TimeSeconds;
       IndicatorVisibility = 255;
       P.bShowScores = True;

// Called on the client
simulated function ShowStats(optional bool bHide)
    local PlayerPawn P;

    if ( Owner == None )
    P = PlayerPawn(Owner);
    if (P == None)
       P = PlayerPawn(Owner.Owner);
    if (P == None)

    if ( P.Scoring != none && !P.Scoring.IsA( 'SmartDMScoreBoard' ) )
       P.ClientMessage( "Problem loading the SmartDM ScoreBoard..." );
       bViewingStats = True;
       if (!bHide)
          P.bShowScores = True;

simulated function OpenMenuWindow()
    local Actor A;

    foreach AllActors(Class'Actor',A)
       if ( A.IsA('SmartDMScoreBoard') )

    if (A != none)
        Log("Found nothing");

function ClearStats()
    LastKillTime = 0;
    MultiLevel = 0;


Re: FerBotz (new AI, global release 18)

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:36 pm
by abomination
Higor wrote:Post the code for the class that detects players on SmartDM.
Did you ever get around to looking at this?