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Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:01 pm
by GenMoKai
Myth wrote:Image
Looks great myth :tu:

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:22 pm
by -Feint-
Testaccount wrote:Dunno if this crossed your mind.

Ever considered Control Point use for this War Gametype of yours?

Eitherway it sounds like an awesome GIGANTICASS sized version of Domination/Assault combo. :rock:

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 2:51 pm
by Feralidragon
-K¡ngS- wrote:Dunno if this crossed your mind.

Ever considered Control Point use for this War Gametype of yours?

Eitherway it sounds like an awesome GIGANTICASS sized version of Domination/Assault combo. :rock:
Well, it depends on how I will build it, if it will be siege like, I can't do that, if not, maybe it's a good idea. I will see, but currently I don't have many/enough modellers building vehicles now. I will do one project first, to show what I am capable off, then or people get convinced by my good work, or they just quit due to my lame work, it all depends on how things will sort out. :wink:

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:33 pm
by -Feint-
Testaccount wrote:
Feralidragon wrote:
-K¡ngS- wrote:Dunno if this crossed your mind.

Ever considered Control Point use for this War Gametype of yours?

Eitherway it sounds like an awesome GIGANTICASS sized version of Domination/Assault combo. :rock:
Well, it depends on how I will build it, if it will be siege like, I can't do that, if not, maybe it's a good idea. I will see, but currently I don't have many/enough modellers building vehicles now. I will do one project first, to show what I am capable off, then or people get convinced by my good work, or they just quit due to my lame work, it all depends on how things will sort out. :wink:
Okay well, good luck with that. I wish I could help model for you however :

<< Numbnuts @ modelling. :loool:

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 2:44 am
by Feralidragon
And about modelling, today I skinned my first weapon, this was the first skin I ever made for the first weapon I ever made, I just used some Hourences mapping textures, a lot of edits and a lot of MSPaint and PSP, and it turned out like this:
Not a great skin, but I liked as it turned out, and well, this was the last model skinned you will ever see until I release the full weaponry.

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:24 am
by Creavion
Looks interesting. What is this? A big machinepistol? A small shotgun? A strange rocket launcher?

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 12:41 pm
by GenMoKai
Creavion wrote:Looks interesting. What is this? A big machinepistol? A small shotgun? A strange rocket launcher?
Its the WRE! (War Ready Enforcer) :tongue:

Looks painfull when you hit someone :shock: for so far it looks good! Cant wait to see it in action

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:44 pm
by Feralidragon
GenMoKai wrote:
Creavion wrote:Looks interesting. What is this? A big machinepistol? A small shotgun? A strange rocket launcher?
Its the WRE! (War Ready Enforcer) :tongue:

Looks painfull when you hit someone :shock: for so far it looks good! Cant wait to see it in action
Yeah, it's the WRE indeed, it turned out like a mini shotgun look, but it isn't.

1st Fire is a normal UT enforcer like shot (maybe a little different)
2nd Fire launches a grenade

I took the idea from 2k4, to be honest, but I started modelling this weapon in a way, and it turned into another thing, and as I'm a little lazy and Nali are a bit weird, I stayed with this model.

I will make the grenade skin and ammo pickup skin as well, maybe I will show to you then...

I don't know if I make dual WRE (like UT enforcers) or not, I didn't know how to make a dual, so I took a look into the enforcer code, and maybe as I am still a noob in scripting, but I saw the code built to complex for the job it had to do as dual. If I do the duals, maybe I will do my way instead off using the enforcers method...

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:33 pm
by Feralidragon
As promissed, the WRE grenade and WRE ammo pickup shots.
Now, these shots are the last ones I show until I finish the pack, and when I finish I will show a video instead of shots, of course this will take a while to finish.

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 8:43 pm
by GenMoKai
Feralidragon wrote:Now, these shots are the last ones I show until I finish the pack, and when I finish I will show a video instead of shots, of course this will take a while to finish.
Owke how to say it in 1 word?


Looks great!!! what kind of granade is it gonna be?Plasma?Explosion? :tu:

Ow btw... i think dual WRE will be a bit overpowered... well at least you give the granade a bit to much damage

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2008 9:13 pm
by Feralidragon
GenMoKai wrote:
Feralidragon wrote:Now, these shots are the last ones I show until I finish the pack, and when I finish I will show a video instead of shots, of course this will take a while to finish.
Owke how to say it in 1 word?


Looks great!!! what kind of granade is it gonna be?Plasma?Explosion? :tu:

Ow btw... i think dual WRE will be a bit overpowered... well at least you give the granade a bit to much damage
Thanks :D
All main textures credits go to Hourences (once again, mapping textures edited and used, with some reasonable UV coordinates). Except that purple one from the grenade, that one is completelly mine, LOL (did in ued lol).

The grenade type, I will think about it, as I am not a great model or texture/sprite artist, but as I will use emitter particle systems and some stuff of the Shadow's SDK in the effects, and a good sprite/particle explosion creator program (a little slow program, but very nice), I will do some experiments to see what kinda good explosion will come out.

About dual overpowered, maybe not, maybe you're considering that a simple shot or a grenade launch take 1 ammo each, but it won't work that way: the shots will take 1 ammo indeed, but the grenades might take between 10 and 15 ammo each. So, I will think about doing it or not...

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 1:38 pm
by Myth
The grenade and the ammo pickup looks absolutely magnificent. Good job. The pistol could use a little more tweaking. This is going to be one helluva Mod.

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 1:59 pm
by Feralidragon
Myth wrote:The grenade and the ammo pickup looks absolutely magnificent. Good job. The pistol could use a little more tweaking. This is going to be one helluva Mod.
The WRE itself isn't the way I wanted to be, I am thinking seriously to remodel the entire WRE (only the gun) and another weapon that need to be remodelled too. Like I said, it was my first skin ever, and I didn't liked it either lol

And I am using mapping textures and MSPaint for almost everything (only the grenade has 4 different mapping textures apllied, I just cut them, scaled and apllied to the UV map I had developed, but still is kinda hard get the right textures and apllying them in the right places with the right rotation :\), and I only use PSP to some tweaks and to set the final skin with 256 colors only. This weekend was the first time I did skins, so I have to develop a little more to progress somehow.

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:57 pm
by -Feint-
Testaccount wrote:I love how the WRE ammo is all bound together with what seems to be a belt. :lol:

Gives it a proper ammo "drop" look to it. Instead of just a box which may or may not contain Cheerio's.

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2008 3:43 pm
by Feralidragon
-K¡ngS- wrote:I love how the WRE ammo is all bound together with what seems to be a belt. :lol:

Gives it a proper ammo "drop" look to it. Instead of just a box which may or may not contain Cheerio's.
Yes, it's a belt, as I never saw an ammo pickup like that, I did it that way because I thought it would be cool having a pickup like that.