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Re: Free UT99 Public redirect by

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 10:40 am
by Wises
don't get me wrong a public redirect is fantastic for anyone wanting to setup something which does not use new /or custom stuff..(meaning files not on redirect basically - or latest Beta's and such files) as per usual there is the small problem of mismatches.
This can be resolved by querying the actual redirect for the file and then decompressing it into the server itself (replacing the older or newer mismatched file)

now in regards to mismatches there was mention over at UA about how these files all have a unique GUID which maybe could be the better way of querying a redirect server idk?
apparently uweb.u holds some of the info in order to re-code for such things. (there still is not any real way of fixing this as yet) ... however I wonder if uweb.u has the relevant info for forcing the client to reconnect to the server's redirect after any failed attempts or if this is hardcoded into the actual .exe/.dll files themselves.

as for setting one up for private use;
you need a bit of webspace on and a folder or subdomain ie; alternatively you can setup uniformserver on your local pc and test that way without an external host. but all depends on your bandwidth (upload speeds) as you are uploading files instead of downloading. bandwidth test if you find that your upload speed is greater then 1-2mb then you could host both a 10slot server and redirect services from your home pc. ;)

from here using Redirect Server Checker + the ftp Account you use to access or (folder) you can then automatically (through the RSC) compress and upload any/all files to the redirect folder on ^ sites.

*Each time you add new file(s) to the server , run RSC and compress and ftp the files to the said server..


Final testing and this is important. Rename your C:\UnrealTournament\Cache folder to Cache2 , then start the server and connect to it.. all files should download very quickly (host dependant)
if one seems to go slowly .. and actually makes it to 100% then you need to see what the problem is. Common scenario / file which has problems is MapVoteLA13 (note the Spelling)
as on the server it could be spelt MapvoteLA13 and in the ut.ini (ServerPackages=Mapvotela13) *could be spelt incorrectly also.. so you need to find which is which and rename / edit files to correct this.

anywayz , once you have resolved these issues and all files seemingly download at great speeds. then be assured that the same goes for anyone connecting to your server.
The amount of times I have connected to popular server's which send 10,000 mods at 10mb's in size and have to wait for anything >100kb.. does-not keep my attention for long and if I f10/reconnect after that file was sent and the next one also proceeds at the pace of a drunk snail .. then I quit and go elsewhere.

surely the same for most other players , as there are some 600-800 servers for this game and < 200 active players at any one point in time.

hope that rant helps.

Re: Free UT99 Public redirect by

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 1:07 pm
by VatcilliZeitchef
This is definitely helpful, I'll try it out right away! Thank you Wises!
I ran a server before through an online host, but seeing as I have a different internet provider now I figured I might as well do it myself, Thanks for the advice!

Edit: Ah, seems it's not as easy as I had thought. I can get to the point where I can test it using the localhost function, but from there off it does nothing. I might have to try a different one!

Edit 2:
Okay, I also got it working to the point of showing me a file when I enter my IP, but that seems to be it, I don't know how I can actually make it possible to use it for redirection purposes

Edit 3: Aaand It works, I can't believe I let one port forwarding typo get me off track so far, Thank you so much!

Re: Free UT99 Public redirect by

Posted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:38 am
by Wises
welldone :)

few years ago i set up a sep computer on the LAN with linux running 3 servers (DM/CTF/BT) + universalunreal + redirect + utstats+forums 24/7 on a 2-4mb (upload) Telstra Cable connection.

it worked really well :)

really glad that you got it going :) pm me the ip details so i can come and test if u like.

now the problem's and or solutions.

shared downloading.. torrents / streaming media and other network intensive stuff.

look into your router/modem(s) 'QOS' Service.. Quality Of Service.
allocate as much as you can to the UT Server and see how things go. other options are using 'BANDWIDTH SHAPING' tools like NetLimiter and advanced Router/Computer configurations with multiple NIC (Network cards) where a server sits between a router or (hub or switch) and modem (or other router) running the bandwidth shaping app which can then alocate xxKBS to each computer/device on the entire network for both UP and DOWN traffic ... (IN/OUT).

I think i explained that correctly.. will clear it up later after posting if not. I used that kind of system when i used to own an internet cafe. and used a standalone old DELL Server with dual NIC's + CABLEMODEM + DLINK ROUTER.

MODEM > NIC1 (2Kserver) > Netlimiter > NIC2 > DLINK > LAN ... :)

can't remember if we had a 16Port Switch in the mix somewhere as we had about 10 Pc's running through the system. also this was kinda pre-wifi days.. or when wifi was becoming affordable for memory.

yeah :)

Re: Free UT99 Public redirect by

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:16 am
billybill wrote:
Skillz wrote:I still have everything from stored on two hard drives. The content totals over 600GB in size. I don't have a reliable Internet connection anymore, just my limited phones 3g internet. When I can, utfiles will be back in full.
There could be big differences between your files and the uK ones when you do get this back up. On top of that I have expressed interest in maintaining the files, like of a public clean-up, and doing the opposite to uK I would offer the directory for leeching but dissallow UT clients to download. And like I have said in another thread document every single change made

There's going to be some real problems in the future with file variations that have the same name but are different, particually with lots of big redirects around. I think the best approach would be to look at what the UT client is sending before it gets the file, and write a php script around it, that would send back the correct file that is requested

Re: Free UT99 Public redirect by

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:20 am
by Carbon
No doubt. The naming thing is a BIG problem; I have doubles or even triples of some files, but the file sizes are different enough to make me think there is truly something unique about them all. I guess this is one of the pitfalls of collecting files that have been in the wild for 10+ years...people re-name things, re-work things, re-issue things all without thinking of the long-term effects.

Anyhow, I didn't delete all of my doubles, just in case. Storage is cheap, but some of these files are priceless; not in terms of being 'good' or 'bad', but in being irreplaceable.

Re: Free UT99 Public redirect by

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 4:31 am
by Wises
good points .. there is a uniqueness to all files and that is it's GUID... this in a sense is like the md5# of the files and you could have 110 files all with the same .. uet GUID would be different... this I feel is where someone needs to ... concoct (for lack of better term) something which can stand between the client and the server .. and generally send and receive the correct file irrespectively of the files name.

sigh.. scratched record scenario...

Re: Free UT99 Public redirect by

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 2:43 pm
by Metalfist
I just quickly read through this topic and I was wondering if I could somehow see which files are on the redirect? Because I want to know how much is covered for the server (BR maps etc.).

Re: Free UT99 Public redirect by

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 3:27 pm
medor wrote:Minimum like the old uz utfiles redirect.
For now

If you want you can send me a package with your uz for i upload it :agree1:

Re: Free UT99 Public redirect by

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 4:15 pm
by Metalfist

Re: Free UT99 Public redirect by

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 4:30 pm
medor wrote:please make it uz and give me a link for all in one

Re: Free UT99 Public redirect by

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:52 pm
by Metalfist

Re: Free UT99 Public redirect by

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 7:00 am
medor wrote:Done :tu:

Re: Free UT99 Public redirect by

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:13 am
by Wises
@ $carface do you have setup yet the alternate repository for normal files from Medor?

like this;

not the redirect part but the repository part ?


Re: Free UT99 Public redirect by

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 8:43 am
billybill wrote:He's keeping the contents hidden so doubt if he will get something like this. He already has multiple server boxes, forums, iptocountry server and a redirect

When I have time I'll look further into the header and GUID. I already worry about the drive I saved all the redirect files to. The file GUIDs and double-ups we still have some problems to resolve. Having several redirects may be a good thing after all if there is a risk of data corruption on one. [ I seem to be plagued with this problem the last 10 years. RAID, backups, I've done it all, only to find I've had problematic power supplies etc. ]

I did manage to find several ways to make a linux webserver not case sensitive, I'm not going to read every post to see who mentioned this as a big difference that was of some importance

I'm still going to go through hosting a redirect and a forum at some point in the next couple months, like skillz did, but much more emphasis on sorting the files. Haven't thought a whole lot about the zip files you mention (with readmes, int files etc), most the stuff you need to know is within the content of the files that would be on the redirect, provided you can read the code, right? There's probably some client-side stuff not on there though and why should it be

Re: Free UT99 Public redirect by

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:30 am
by Wises
GUID's have a read through here: ... 663&page=6

in-particular the posts by : 50BMG

if you need help with forums.. very easy to setup , any webhosting plan with or any of these kinds of places offer forums / cms and a broadrange of other services free with your account. Get an annual one and pay less. for more.

once you have your plan , goto the cpanel (if they offer it) and installing PHPBB / Other open source forums is a breeze.. matter of clicks.

modifying the templates or googling PHPBB3 free templates will yield something close to taste. ie;

installing them is relatively simple as well.

I should do up some tutorials on these things as they are pretty simple to do. Key thing is finding the Elements you want to change and the correct CSS files to do teh changes in as PHPBB seems to have a few annoyances in regards to changes.. and will revert to stock at the blink of an eye.

there are ways around this.. but I have forgotten what file you need to edit and insert a master.css link into.

key thing also with .css is not to change the actual values in the .css file ie;

.logo {

if you want to change these values , goto the bottom of the said file.. and add them again like so ;

/* This is a comment for CSS */
/* Changes made by Batman 2013 */

.logo {

/* ^those settings will over-ride the previous one's */
/* however .. finding a way to insert a custom master.css in the mix */
/* makes for a better way of doign things , and if you need to update the template */
/* your custom settings will not be overwritten */

For some cool idea's on what you can do with CSS visit here:
the sky is the limit when you start learning it .. and it is as quick and easy to learn as HTML.. as it has not too many CMD's as such.
One pain the ass problem though is Cross Browser functionality.. mainly with (IE) Rubbish which M$ put out there.. they love being difficult and
would rather create a whole new language which functions the same then use one which works and already on the market.

more on CSS here: W3C - Schools