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Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 7:04 pm
by ProAsm
I want like to make a request: You should keep the option of not allowing players to load up all the maps until the end of the game.
This is not necessary as like I said, the way in which we load maps now, it won't make ant difference to when the client receives the maps as long as he does not call for the menu in the very beginning of that game as he will get a message "Please wait while the maps are loading".
Like I said, the maps load in the background, the player does not even know they are loading as the game goes on as normal, no wait time like in LA13 or any other mapvote.
Once the server as done the list, the maps load almost instantly, regardless of how many.

Regarding the MapFolders and setting the Paths in the ut.ini file.
Where LA13 uses fake MapPrefixes which limits you somewhat, MVX uses foldernames where the maps reside in.
For instance, lets say your server has 500 DM- maps which currently all reside in the standard Maps folder.
However you have 4 different game types that all use DM- maps and you don't want the same maps top be used on all of the games.
Normally UT will see all the DM- maps and list them all, in this case you create 4 folders off your standard Maps folder, lets say, Maps/RA, Maps/Sniper, Maps/Instagib, Maps/LMS
You now put only the DM- maps in each of those folders that you want that particular game to use and add the folder name to the MapFolder=.
Lets say your standard Tournament DeathMatch game needs 3 of the folders.
mmm, I see this forum cannot display code properly, so I do it here: ... ost2599060
Doing it this way, one can have many many games where each one is independent from the other.
Currently we have chosen 30 games, but that can be increased to 100's if need be.
Basically if you run a game, lets say the Sniper Arena game, it will add the Path to the server ini file when the level changes over:

Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:59 am
by Wises
billybill wrote:
TBH Neither of either of your posts are making a lot of sense to me, your replies raise more questions than answers. I suppose I'll wait for more videos or a more stable release that servers are using and people have tried
^...Much like this one below (to me)
The mapvote extensions I worked on Would change the maps folder at the start or end of the game (I forget specifics), tricking the mapvote into loading dud maps. I imagine you use something similar to cycle through the map folders. Not sure why you limit it at 5 though. The dud map folder (filled w/ 1kb maps) where the names are what show up in the mapvote, a seperate config file that would link them so they vote DM-Deck16][ the server would instead travel to a map from the other folder DM-Deck16][Edit or whatever config file says. There was a second part to it where int files existed for the new maps to have screenshots appear in players' server browser when they had not yet downloaded the map (or optionally for lazier people an actor that was a child of the query class that would send out the predefined outputs of mapname (for screenshot) and map description/name to remote query client)
>> DO.DooOO.Di-DOo-DoO
I want like to make a request: You should keep the option of not allowing players to load up all the maps until the end of the game. Some might say it's not going to make a big difference but people like Wises often rent low spec servers where it really does make a difference. Even if you are using a different method like TCP (Although wouldn't you have more than 200 maps if that was the case?). I'm still throwing this request out there
^.. The command has been their since the beginning.. ;

Code: Select all

... False should work..
You know some people actually use those Tutorial maps in multiplayer :P You might want to spawn some player actors briefly to trigger some events tho
^Fantastic then they can play them offline or choose not to use MVX I guess ^_^
I look forward to REAL release or more videos so I can make sense out of what you are saying. Thanks and warm regards
*There's a couple of Real Releases about the place.. like;
& ... hp?t=31279

TBH .. you will just need to test it for yourself (one day) to see what it's all about. Like I said the videos (although oldish)
are still relevant , because the structure/setup is still the same.. not much really changed there!

if.. however it seems to tricky .. then , well ... don't use it I guess ;) not fussed either way personally.


There is only [ONE] column.. which loads up the Maps in this system.

however.. you can have [4] GameTypes , ie; BT1 , BT2 , BT3 , BT4 and have 500 individual maps associated to each GameType.. or (Folder)

>> Something I have been thinking about , is a [Find Map] input box, which I seen on another server recently.

I can see how this system could be slightly annoying to players who want to jump from map 1-1999 in 1 go.

*Perhaps there is something in the works for an upgrade to MVLA13 ;)

Shall see I guess.

Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 5:54 am
billybill wrote:yeah but if you are using the tcp method now you could have virtually unlimited maps right? It would still strain a low spec server. There would need to be more open ports on the server too, as the clients initiating the connection to get the maps could be more than 32 if there are spectators that's a good 35 ports there. I'm sure you've worked it all out.

And I was only mentioning the fact how easy it would be to cycle map folders looking for pre-existing map prefixes to auto-load every type of game imaginable and then defining mutators and settings for them. You can post code here there's a button next to Quote, I don't mind sharing some of my mapvote stuff if need-be. The screenshot suggestion could be done with int files if someone really wanted to, voting for "fake map names" isn't really a feature request but since you have so much in the direction of 'server controller' already, this is at least related to maps. Anyhow, (personally) looking forward to seeing a stable version on a major server and some reviews about the place before I consider replacing regular proven mapvotes

Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:26 am
by Wises
rarely will you see many servers even hit 16 slots consistantly.. there arw the exception of a few.. and i mean that litterally.

is going to take more then a mapvote/servercontroller to bring in hordes of players i think.

and many that do come back.. don't really stay long. Perhaps Ferali's vission and project may change this in the next few years.. idk.

be interesting to see what happens :)


Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 6:32 am
billybill wrote:Sorry wasn't thinking, you should only need one port for the incoming tcp download and it will be able to handle them all at once. Shouldn't even need to mention one extra port in the readme. I suppose if they run webmin you should mention they may need another one in the firewall. Good luck

Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:54 am
by ProAsm
MapVoteX started out as a small project that I was making for myself with the inputs of a few admin where we wanted something else.
If you want a 1000 maps or 4 columns etc... then use LA13 or whatever you prefer.
The idea here was to be able to play DeathMatch 20 different ways with 20 different sets of DM- maps, that is what the main call was and that is how I designed it.
Then along came a small problem in that some very popular servers, had no FTP access to their folders to make new folders so we added the CustomGameMapList option which basically achieves the same objective, just in a different way.
That is all complete now and ready to roll out and no further development is required.
Then along came Wises riding in on his Virtual Horse as I call it, and with his great enthusiasm and spirit we added all the 'candy' as I call it with basically, the logon logo and sounds, the Serverpackage/Actors loading, the Welcome screen for advertising, and a host of other things, and so MVX grew and grew.
So at the moment it's basically all done, this is it, this is how its going to be, except with a few minor changes in the final.
MVX offers an alternate way of doing things, like buying a motor car, can you imagine if all cars were the same, how boring that would be. :)

Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:24 am
by papercoffee
ProAsm wrote:If you want a 1000 maps or 4 columns etc... then use LA13 or whatever you prefer.
I have to say, that I don't really like those "We offer 135000 maps" server ...Most of those maps are bull-crap.
And the names are more than confusing...
MH-Dinoblast [UIT] onethousand_1_EDIT-remastered_V5.8--(fix)--Deemer_version_2.utx
...Yeah I made this map name up but it's exactly like this ...and after the download, are you playing in a 3-7 rooms map with no game play but a bazillion monsters running at you in crazy colors and 1,5 million health.

I prefer Server with hand selected maps with great game play ... a handful maps but fun till the end.

Keep your project up and make it as comfortable as possible. Maybe will this change a little bit the server scenery.

Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 7:48 pm
by RocketJedi
papercoffee wrote:
ProAsm wrote:If you want a 1000 maps or 4 columns etc... then use LA13 or whatever you prefer.
I have to say, that I don't really like those "We offer 135000 maps" server ...Most of those maps are bull-crap.
And the names are more than confusing...
MH-Dinoblast [UIT] onethousand_1_EDIT-remastered_V5.8--(fix)--Deemer_version_2.utx
...Yeah I made this map name up but it's exactly like this ...and after the download, are you playing in a 3-7 rooms map with no game play but a bazillion monsters running at you in crazy colors and 1,5 million health.

I prefer Server with hand selected maps with great game play ... a handful maps but fun till the end.

Keep your project up and make it as comfortable as possible. Maybe will this change a little bit the server scenery.

I did that for our rocket x server took me months and months to find and remove proper maps. it was a pain but well worth it. Rujnning about 500 maps. the mass amount of maps is for Bt specifically. I can promise you any bt admin or player will want all the maps they can put on one mapvote. there are hundreds of quality BT maps.

Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:54 pm
medor wrote:I do not see the problem with the number of maps.Know that there is almost no limit is reassuring.
Nobody forced filling server of maps.

What you should remember is the ability to have a lot CustomGameConfig.
I always missed CustomGameConfig for mixe "tournament on" mod and my multi mode server.

Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 9:37 am
by Wises
the only gametypes which are not fully supported by this system would be those which have maps in excess of 500 maps.. why i say this is because this mapvote is more so targeted at multi-server type setups where each individual gametype has maybe a few hundred maps or so..

also note that mvla13 has a few issues when it comes to segregating maps between gametypes.. and often needs to double-up on maps unfortunately.

requiring manual input of maps for certain gametypes.
also note that it does not size well on lower screen resolutions. if you run ProASM's UTLogit mod you maybe enlightened to find ... that many players use resolutions <1024x768 and these players could be considered mostly 'Elite' ..

anyway that being said.. MVX Allows admins to configure easily 3-4 fully customizable Gametypes.. with the ability to only send the required files / packages required for these gametypes to clients.. this system would be suited to power admins & developers.

developers for example .. lets say 'Security Test Systems' could setup 5-10 different configurations using all the current systems without conflicts..

for power admins , MVX Offers a bit more.. do you want a point of difference?.. do you want to only load actors/packages/mutators/settings .. for the current Gametype only?...

do you have a creative aspect and customised graphics for not only the entry hud (splash logo) but also Welcome Windows... this is where you can market your servers allowing also your players to be able to 'add to favorites' open your websites/forums or contact you via email.. there is even [1] fully customizable button.. for whatever you want to 'name' and link to.

if however you don't want players to be presented with this Welcome window (only pops up during matches btw) not at the end... it goes straight to the votemenu ;)
you can disable it.. so that it does not appear at all..

the add to favorites moves simply to the [info] tab instead.

added to all of this we have also incorporated an advanced 'Maintenance mode' which will put the server into password protected mode during testing and will 'auto revert' back into play mode if you forget to logout / switch off this mode. (needs testing)

next would be the private Admin contact ability which the admin can check when online through the [admin] tab.. this comes in handy.. for example when retards are online .. or a bug is discovered or for requesting of mods/maps ;)

very useful.. we did discus at some point of the development a fully fledged chat system where players could leave messages for each other in similar fashion
however we never really pursued this avenue.

another thing we thought about was implementing a similar system to nexgens match controller..

some basic things were added like add bots / end round and such.. but a bit more could have been added to cater for servers which do not use the nexgen system.

one minor addition i would have liked to have implemented would be.. an auto admin detect based on IP address.. (static).. configurable for maybe 5-10 admin IP's .. seeming as these days static IP's are more the norm.. due to ISP's and other Prism type agencies to be able to track-n-trace everyone more easily i guess...

anyways this would be good fir multiple server admins which use different passwords for each server .. and/or admin servers for other admins.

being able to just connect and bring up the [admin] tab would be quick and save remembering which pwd was needed for which server and so forth.

finally the APL (Actor Package Loader).. this system is different to the one by Cr@tos.. and it caters speciffically for actors and packages whoch need to be loaded in a particular order.

for example IPTOCOUNTRY / ACE / ETC

how the APL works is... it consists of 3 sections for both Actors & Packages. (therefore 6 in total)

these are .. TopServerPackages followed by CustomServerPackages followed by BottomSeverPackages..

same with ServerActors.. same principal.

there is a limit of I think 50 Packages + 20 Custom Packages + 20 custom Actors + 50 Actors.. ProASM Be able to clarify this... but that is of course per GameType.

GameTypes seem tricky in that admins don't seem to understand fully how it works and/or see the advantages of a system like this over .. the oldschool method of map/gametype selection.

this concept encourages players to all vote for a particular GameType.. then the server will switch / load that Gametype with a map predetermined by the admin.. hopefully a popular map.. ie; Dm-Deck16][ , from here players can either play that map or if want to.. open MVX instantly (no need for 15 sec delay at all imo) ..

and any/all maps listed will pertain to.. that game type.

what would be good to see is certain players .. playing certain gametypes at different times.. for example Dmers 8-10pm ... CTFers 6-8 and so forth.. i also had thoughts of implementing a booking system which could allow for players to lock a server between certain times to a specific GameType for either a preset timeframe or until all players left.. however we never really put muh more thought into this.

this is where that creatibe aspect could be utilized and you could have a slideshow type SplashWindow which could advertise Tournaments and events etc..

anyways .. We're kean to see who's using this atm.. as there's really no.. aay of telling how many servers currently use it.. so if anyone is actually usong it and would'nt mind us dropping in to see your setup's live please don't hesitate to post IP's here..

or.. add to your server name somewhere the word 'mvx' perhaps.

then we can find it through hopefully ;)

as always , any all feedback is appreciated.. however probably more so from people who actually have installed it and used it .. instead of those who.. Think they know how it works.. but fail to test it..


Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 1:08 am
I mentioned this to Wise a while back..I am all about improving, evolving and keeping UT alive.
And I think you are moving in the right direction with this mod...however...I really think the flipping back and forth (revoting) is going to frustrate some players.
Going from one a default map to get to another map and mod we want to play (no matter how little time it takes) is to long and can be confusing/frustrating for some/most players.
In my gaming experience players don't want to have long downloads or wait time between games. And if the wrong map comes up (default) I feel that some players will leave.
Again, it's just my opinion and I could be wrong.
But on a second
Has there been any thought to giving a higher percentage (when voting) to those that win or maybe to those that have played more games in a row?
Just hate it when an odd ball players shows up, picks an odd ball map and mapvote goes with it.
And then to top it off...the odd ball player
Maybe you can setup MapVoteX to ban this odd ball player a couple games for doing something like this?

Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 1:01 pm
by Wises
yo meat :)

hmm ... okies , first off.. ProASM and I have had many intimate discussions on the first point.. of.. voting GameType/Map...
to the point that the Mod has nearly been Canceled in fact.. :\

in short .. this is ProASM's Mapvote.. (with my beseeches / twists thrown into it).. it was right from get-go.. supposed to be just a simple private MapVote system for ProASM's Server.. Fullstop. Until of course I jumped on my Virtual pony (after working with him on another semi-finished project SmartDM) and said well how about we do this... and this .. and nek-minute you will notice that it is no longer just a simple system.. but a full on Mapvote/Server Controller.. of sorts.

It is in a sense a Lamborghini in that it's Doors open differently to any other vehicle.... and therefore different.

however.. It-Is-WHAT-IT-IS , and Iam powerless through Threat of revocation :P to have the doors open like other vehicles (mapvotes) in a sense.

so .. in short that's how it work's and from I understand will work fullstop as fortunate / unfortunate as it may seem...

on the side of voting .. yes very interesting .. and understand what you are saying there..

in fact Chamberly raised a unique system request which I thought was very good .. in that... player's get a flag set ++1 each round vote.. which increases the chances of their Map being played through persistance.. of sorts.

therefore if say there are 3 players

player1 = map1 +1 vote
player2 = map1 +1 vote
player3 = map2 +1 vote

map1 wins.

next round round 2...

player1 = map3 +1 vote (because last round vote won)
player2 = map4 +1 vote (because last round vote won)
player3 = map2 +2 votes ... (because persistance)

next round player3 WINs because 2:1

now.. if players (1 & 2) both vote map3 and the system selects their votes.. then player3 gets +3 for the next vote.
which in essence .. he/she/it should win.. by 3 rounds ;)

or something like this.

see what ProASM thinks overall..

good idea's and thanks for the feedback..

have you actually tested the system Meat?

Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 4:01 pm
Wises wrote:yo meat :)
have you actually tested the system Meat?
Yes, a couple times.
Hence the idea for change... :mrgreen:

Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 5:44 pm
by ProAsm
Someone mentioned something about the lack of kick voting, maybe it was in another forum but I'll answer that here.
I do not approve of kick voting as often certain players will come onto a server and kick you off so they can have the server to themselves.
Kick voting does more harm to good players than the bad.
Going from one a default map to get to another map and mod we want to play (no matter how little time it takes) is to long and can be confusing/frustrating for some/most players.
In my gaming experience players don't want to have long downloads or wait time between games. And if the wrong map comes up (default) I feel that some players will leave.
Ok, if you read the readme on how MapVoteX works you'll see quite clearly why it is not possible to vote for a map when selecting another game.
MVX works with Paths that point to different Map folders for it's games, this is how we managed to have several different sets of say DM- maps for several different Botpack.DeathMatchPlus games for arguments sake.
Now you are playing Rocket Arena DeathMatch, and when the server switched to this game, it set a path in the Server.ini file to Paths=../Maps/RA/*.unr for instance.
Now ONLY the maps in that folder can be read, other folders for other games do not exists and cannot be read, simply because they are not in the Path at all.
So now you want to vote for Capture the Flag which has CTF- maps.
How is MVX going to read those maps which are in the Maps/CTF folder so that you can vote for them....not possible as UT cannot switch Paths midgame and cannot see folders.
UT can only go by the Paths= in the Server.ini file.
So you if think about it, it is very logic in why MVX cannot give you maps to vote in another game and only give maps for the current game :)
Has there been any thought to giving a higher percentage (when voting) to those that win or maybe to those that have played more games in a row?
Here and with the permission of BDB I have used his standard TallyVotes system with a few minor changes.
Game end voting is the same with the exception of a bMajorityVote option and if set to True, MVX will make a decision if say 6 out of 10 players have voted, otherwise the game end voting system is identical to BDBMapVote304.
The Midgame voting however has changed in that never will there be a random map choice like in LA13 or BDB.
If a clear majority vote cannot be achieved midgame, then the votes just times out and the game continues.

Re: MapvoteX ~ Coming Soon

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 11:23 pm
by Wises
re: tallyvotes

i think having bPersistantVote=True will be refreshing.. and could balance the voting table a little.
^ see last post how i propose this system

re: kickvote.. never had that problem and it is always a good option to allow for players to get rid of annoyances esp on our servers.

having the option allows admins to enable/disable the system like in MVLA13... ONLY PROBLRM IS . Jerks resetting routers and rexonnecting with different IP's ... these guys need to be reported to admin via the [info] tab atm. and can be range banned trough other mods. but still manage to kill the games in progress.. hence the need for this system.

if such a system was integrated or externally made then.. blocks via range be best to keep Router Resetters out.. also.. a small message to admin.ini would be good as well.. so the admin can decide wether to van the problem adolence for a longer time frame

also as i wrote somewhere else.. doing a persistant ban .. be ideal.. whereby. each time the trouble maker is banned , the number of rounds / matches they are banned for doubles.. ie; 1,2,4,8,16 etc. this i feel would teach the troublemaker a lesson or 2.. and the more they persist the more matches they are banned from. of course there could be a setting optional .. which resets kickbans once server is empty ;)

^ just a thought or 3