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UT99 War (New gametype) - [ON HOLD]

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 9:27 am
by Feralidragon
Well, it's like this, I am thinking (yes, thinking, didn't started nothing yet) to do a whole new gametype for UT99, a war gametype, as it always was my gametype dream for the old UT, and it involves a whole new set of vehicles, some weapons and big open maps.

OBJECTIVES: Well, do you know Siege? Well, the objective is the same, destroy the core or maybe multiple enemy base points (I will think about that).

GAMEPLAY: Siege like again, you will have some sort of money like Siege, so you can buy weapons, defenses, pawns, vehicles, some sort of containers and other stuff, just like Siege. You will cast airstrikes, launching big nukes, buy some pawns to help your team out, driving all sort of vehicles.
There will be one thing new: the Tech level, it's like your technology level, the highest level, more advanced stuff, like weapons and vehicles (maybe max level 4 or 5).

So, what I want: I want that the interested people that has the skill to model/skin to help me out with vehicle models, some weapons if you like too.
What kind of vehicles: every type possible on your mind, just be sure that isn't very big, due to the UT99 mesh system bug (disappearing meshes), and by pieces: seperate models for wheels, body and gun turrets and stuff; and with a max poly count of 1500-2000 each, but the less polys the better, but of course good quality.

The maps, a big open space is needed, in Z axis too (sky), due to the air strikes.

I can't do all alone (even when I thought to do it like that), so to this gametype to be developed faster and with better quality, I need your help.

You ask: "Then about the vehicles, are your scripting them?" - Partially, as I will use the Dots' vehicle system, and subclass and add my fixes and addons, any sugestion in this field is very apreciated too.

Any questions, just ask here.

P.S.: Don't worry about nukes, those I do entirelly myself :)


Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:22 am
by basics
sound pritty good :)
im already working on new weapons for my extreme server so cant help u buddy.
yesterday i finist a new slv ufo with bether weapons and faster slv laucher.

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:11 pm
by GenMoKai
hmmm, sounds really good Feralidragon. I'd like to help, but i cant script stuff. I'm just a mapper :(

But if you want i can help you with some maps, never tried big or massive terrains/open space maps. I would like to give it a try, we will discuss later i gues ;) first we need to know more and who is able to help you with scripting

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 2:28 pm
by Feralidragon
@basics: No problem :tu:

@GenMoKai: No, no, I don't need scripters for now, just vehicle models and other objects you find usefull to the gametype. Scripting, maybe a few new weapons and pawns. But I think you are one of the best men to do the mapping :mrgreen: Thanks

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:11 pm
by GenMoKai
Feralidragon wrote:@GenMoKai: But I think you are one of the best men to do the mapping :mrgreen: Thanks
Ain't that good :roll: but what kind of maps you have in mind then? Canyon/city/ruined landscape? Maybe underground passage (no airstrike possible then, but its more a cave fight then or something) just a idea

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 3:52 pm
by Feralidragon
GenMoKai wrote:
Feralidragon wrote:@GenMoKai: But I think you are one of the best men to do the mapping :mrgreen: Thanks
Ain't that good :roll: but what kind of maps you have in mind then? Canyon/city/ruined landscape? Maybe underground passage (no airstrike possible then, but its more a cave fight then or something) just a idea
Just anything you want, and the airstrike is an option, as not all games the players will want the possible airstrikes. Even that you start to build a map now, later some additional actors have to be added to the map, like the airstrike perimeter points and the objective.

Air strikes are possible in a underground passage as well, as long you make the ceiling a little high (not to much high, just the enough).

I have some ideas for the maps, but I have to script everything first, and finish some of the new weapons.

P.S.: I forgot to add the objectives and gameplay style, first post updated.

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:34 pm
by Myth
Sounds like another ambitious project. I might make a few models and maps if I can find the time for it.

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:43 pm
by Creavion
I would wait for a testmap to see how this all works.

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:50 pm
by Feralidragon
Creavion wrote:I would wait for a testmap to see how this all works.
Yeah, you're right. So, I just need models (which I prefer already with skins) for vehicles. Maybe some more weapons were good, but I only will script 10 new nali weapons for the game, so any package out there to place here in this gametype, with online support, would be apreciated (I am thinking to add some Chaos UT weapons as well).

The rest, the gametype itself, the vehicles scripting, airstrikes, nukes, other stuff I do myself.
When I finish the gametype, I will build a test map (like Creavion said), so you know exactly how everything works so you can have a base for your map (which actors will you have to add and so on).

I don't know how to script a new gametype for now, but as always, I will find out how it's done by studying the other ones, specially CTF and Siege.

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 4:55 pm
by GenMoKai
@Feralidragon: You've got mail :mrgreen: (PM)

Hmm you mean like thos proxi mines and crossbow ? (i love crossbow :D) but i think you need to ask permission to use them for your own mod, or are you keeping the original file from UTchaos in your mod?

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:05 pm
by Feralidragon
GenMoKai wrote:@Feralidragon: You've got mail :mrgreen: (PM)

Hmm you mean like thos proxi mines and crossbow ? (i love crossbow :D) but i think you need to ask permission to use them for your own mod, or are you keeping the original file from UTchaos in your mod?
Read it :mrgreen:

I am going to keep the original files, if I use them, I am not quite sure if I am going to use them or not.

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 5:09 pm
by Creavion
Feralidragon wrote:(I am thinking to add some Chaos UT weapons as well)..
I could really need the crossbow (you know this weapon with the 3 different ammo types) for my huge map, too. :mrgreen:

BTW: Saw the crossbow in an other ut mod with "real" weapons and something like this.

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:05 pm
by basics
hey for special weapons check this....
look at the part i wrote....
lots of stuff in there...

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 4:40 am
by Lee_Stricklin
lol Didn't I warn you that if you announce a project this big that the community was going to be on you like flies on sh!t like we all were on Shadow and his Extension Pack?

Re: UT99 War (New gametype)

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 9:05 am
by Feralidragon
Lee_Stricklin wrote:lol Didn't I warn you that if you announce a project this big that the community was going to be on you like flies on sh!t like we all were on Shadow and his Extension Pack?
Yeah, I know, but I started the thread because I want that the community help me out with models and stuff, because I don't have the time and skill to model/skin everything in time to have a ready gametype until the end of the year, and this gametype will have it's own maps with his own gametype extension (don't know how I am calling the gametype now, so the custom extension is something to be decided too).

If I hadn't announced this, how could I get some help with maps and models? Or I would have to send a PM to everybody I know that map/mod/model/skin stuff, and that's almost the same the announce it lol

And I was waiting Shadow's SDK to develop all this gametype, to develop a kickass gametype with almost his new features (like lensflares, coronas, the new mesh system for big vehicles, vehicle support), but I have to move on and get better on scripting too, even that I still need some resources, like Distance Fog for the maps, I don't know how I will get it, but with so many SP packages almost ready with these kinda features, maybe I can ask something out about this.