KillThemAll [Mod]

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Re: KillThemAll [Mod]

Post by Dr.Flay »

I believe all capitals 'PAWN' is used in the example, to show that here is where you put your choice of Pawn, not literally the word.
It really should say somewhere (...where 'PAWN' = Your creature)
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Re: KillThemAll [Mod]

Post by sektor2111 »

Back in anti-spam features. I was thinking at monsters instructed, but I'm guessing it doesn't worth efforts. In maps with 1000-2000 creatures I'm doubt to see monsters operating a mission or something before to put down even stronger machines. Pawns paths seekers in a big number will ruin Level completely. But if I'm recalling some Levels I think now might be perfect to see some of them with paths and the rest of goodies... 300 is not a harmful load if are spread out of sight. Beside I could count on a single hand's how many tricky setup I could figure in MH.

One map (with less creatures - more normal one) has a sort of Skaarj (non stock making replacement harder) able to run away locking the ammo door. Player would be supposed to team well and killing that freak unless they were unable to load properly weaponry.
Issues (as well):
- monster was closer enough to a door making it to "see" players ON-LINE, much before door opening so it was locking door easily - to not forget their superior running speed which MH gives to monster;
- trigger used was addressing that class - messing replacement proximity (happily solved later) + class'UnrealShare.ScriptedPawn' used into such 'ClassProximity' does the same thing - only monster instructed will trigger that door after all;
- Bot Support - doable (read again doable) but... I cannot solve the puzzle related to this hate against Bot.
I have a version of that with Bot Support and that's why I have confirmation.

And the problem still unseen about Bot and MH ("which nobody uses"), look back at some screenshot posted right in this thread. Nobody uses Bot in MH were you saying ? Look again then... I think 60% are asking in their mind if "that Map" works with Bot, LOL, even they don't speak and ask this in forums, louder. Yes, I know, is a "veeryyy haaard" job, sure...
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Re: KillThemAll [Mod]

Post by JackGriffin »

How about you fuckers start you own thread and get out of my release? (meant in jest ;) )
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Re: KillThemAll [Mod]

Post by sektor2111 »

:mrgreen: "KillThemAll" needs a bit of love... and a tutorial for sure.
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Re: KillThemAll [Mod]

Post by JackGriffin »

I tested different compiles of this mod on my server last night, using visiblecollidingactors, visibleactors, allactors, etc. I just did not like the performance hit that anything besides AllActors gave especially in very high monster count maps. In doing further research I found this time test at the bottom of: that confirms what I saw.

I'm going to leave this mod the way it is for my own use. If you guys want to change it please feel free to use however. It works the way I need it well enough and with the speed required. It could very well be that my old server laptop is the problem and a more robust system can handle the backend strain iterating the actor list/fast tracing can bring. I just don't like the laggy feel it gave me when I tried it so I'm not going to change this mod myself.
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Re: KillThemAll [Mod]

Post by sektor2111 »

Iterators are slow but are good as replacement for PawnList in very loaded levels. VisibleCollidingActors seems faster but looks with random spikes... RadiusActors I don't like at all for more than a few units radius.

This is a need after all in MH, we can't avoid everything, but cleaning a bit things at beginning I was surprised to see how better is the game with less crap loaded. At 300 pawns even Pawnlist is good.

I used default clocking with Tick and Level time and results are closer somehow to XC_Core's native clocking stuff.

Edit - Cough:
1360 killed in a moment delivered a crash - this operation suffered too much time to execute. By simply removal I figured a little lag and game was good. 1600+ one morphed into a cute SP like Level with monsters spread around with a sudden attack - pretty smoother and nice. Combined with "multiplier" I can get 10 Pupae with 500 health as replacement for 100 useless ones with 70 health or lower easy to be killed as many as they are and less challenging.
I've added a delay feature: this will occur after starting game (excepting Leader from attack) and will be broadcasted number of removed spammers or I think I will avoid lag by removing them earlier and keeping broadcast in memory until game gets started.
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Re: KillThemAll [Mod]

Post by MrLoathsome »

JackGriffin wrote:How about you fuckers start you own thread and get out of my release? (meant in jest ;) )
Yeah! :mad2: What he said! :mrgreen: Screw MH anyways. HA! :satan:

Back on topic. :ironic2:

Could this thing be tweaked so that it would remove all the scripted pawns EXCEPT any who might be triggers for
things that happen in the map?

Perhaps also add an optional variable to cap where the thing stops killing them all. i.e. leave X number of SP's on the map.

That would make it able to run unattended on dedicated coop type servers. Just sayin.... :confused2:

Edit: Back off-topic. :loool:
*I haven't looked at the source yet. Been distracted by lots of things last few months.
Lasers, fish, tentacles etc.... I still need to tweak them more. They will work on ANY server when I am done. (UT or U1)
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Re: KillThemAll [Mod]

Post by sektor2111 »

MrLoathsome wrote:Could this thing be tweaked so that it would remove all the scripted pawns EXCEPT any who might be triggers for
things that happen in the map?
The way how it do works this inventory makes pawns from maps to do their events properly. The Spam-Guard which I did also takes in account those linked, too. However killing many at once must be done with care, else at 1800 - 2000 you'll have some... refresh - depending on server's Run-line.
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Re: KillThemAll [Mod]

Post by sektor2111 »

Related to first post - stupid spam MH types - I think is time for a revision toward "MapAdjuster". That was first tool done for adjusting later spawned creatures in spam style in a decent limit and somehow taking in account Counters. The rest of "experts" doing custom counters were still happily making spam Levels.
Reminder: Doing a server-side tool for adjusting Factories, including Custom Counters and sending them at bottom of sea. It might include Special counter broadcasting kills for every player.
Part 2) Desire for garbage
If people wants a sort of "development" - some lousy trash. We might add new creatures and/or develop factories and counters with 10 times normal values in order to launch 15000 creatures at once. All these might be "improved" with a ton of Accessed None created on purpose, and then any such "awesome" admin can refresh server each 10 minutes or by keep crashing it 20 times/day - looks like this is the way for a MH over-doze loved by 0 skill "teams" using "big-gunz". Yes, read again - if you need a mess for happily ruin your server in a 0 game-play ground, this is very doable as well, no problem. We can go over engine boundaries and I'll "help" your tick-rate to go bellow 2 fps lagging and ruining even an I25 machine. Perhaps game-server rented by you would need new coolers each week. Just "Don't Be So Shy" and ask help for bringing garbage into your yard.
Then tech comes as follows: When your GIANT bomb will kill 3000 creatures at once... just enjoy the Restart :rock: (iterations limits goes breached :highfive: ) - it will clean things properly for a new mess, and so on... :tu:
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Re: KillThemAll [Mod]

Post by Red_Fist »

If you set it to true, you can still stop touching by only having X amount of pawns that come from the factory. (thinking as a mapping problem) even though the touch is still activated.

All I can say, not sure what this one does, BUT !,,, why in the hell isn't there a setting for , reset counter, built in to the damned creature factory in the first place. Seems so easy to remedy and should have been built-in from day 1, by Epic.
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Re: KillThemAll [Mod]

Post by sektor2111 »

Map in its pure original format is only mapper's dream or thought in now days. Barbie knows what I'm saying. Admin owning a server which wants a smoother action with less borks can deploy in map certain actors which are capable to do a "remapping" or deletions/add-ons/etc. All I have to say (as said before) I can even get rid of a door if it's annoying by simply moving it away from common playable area somewhere into void far from audible range at once with the trigger causing it to open. A Mutator/Actor/Patch-Plugin can be a real bad-ass if admin wants... Have you seen that Assault thing for Guardia Cannon ? I can remove doors from CTF-Niven or CTF-Coret as well... even randomly...
CreatureFactories are not an exception. We can spawn another E_Counter, changing count data, adjusting factory, or even spawning another factory and disabling Original by sending it into state Finished and Disabling "Trigger" and removing TAG and... Yay, let's ruin Factories :lol2: .

As a matter of fact toward Queen VS Factory VS Triggering game breaking. We don't need to open doors because not only doors can be screwed, we can adjust that factory to MaxItems = 1. Being a single Queen at time in game, it won't get vanished breaking counters or doors or teleporters or... to hell with "state Teleporting", they disabled "Died" which is a completely WRONG MOVE of Epic. And... queen killed by another Queen during teleporting will ignore all dying protocol and not doing required Event - Why in hell was needed to disable "Died" for pawn having an Event ? Let me see... from now on Queen which I'm using won't kill anybody by telefraging because it won't encroach and... won't loop like crazy teleporting to nowhere...
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