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Server settings - questions about some ini values

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:52 am
by Pileyrei
Hi server guru's

Can you explain these ini settings for a server and what they should be set to for best server performance? Or if they are not significant,etc.


Should I change it to 64 or higher?


Some people have said the internet speed blank. Change anything here?

Are there any other UnrealTournament.ini settings for servers that should have certain values/config for best performance?


Re: Server settings - questions about some ini values

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 9:40 am
by Wormbo
CacheSizeMegs has no performance-relevant function within the game. Leave it at the default value, anything higher is just a waste of memory.

The LAN and internet speed settings apply to LAN mode and "normal" server mode, respectively. They specify the approximate number of bytes your client wants to received from the server. I'm pretty sure they have no effect in the server's own configuration. The server's only influence here is the [IpDrv.TcpNetDriver] MaxClientRate value, which limits the maximum net speed a client can request. That value needs to be chosen such that your server's network connection does not get saturated when it sends at maximum speed to the maximum allowed number of connected clients (players+spectators) or receives data from those clients at maximum speed.

Let's say you have a server with 8 polayer slots that also allows 2 spectators. That would mean your server allows 10 clients to be connected at the same time. If your server's MaxClientRate is set to 10000, you must expect a maximum incoming and outgoing data rate of 100kB/s each. Each individual client can take up 10kB/s of that. That's not much by today's standards. Clients can easily live with higher netspeeds. However, for a home server available on the internet you will need to limit the MaxClientRate to the smaller of your upstream and downstream bandwidth, divided by the number of simultaneously connected clients you want to allow.
Let's say you have an ADSL connection with 6MBit/s downstream bandwidth and 640kBit/s upstream. Your limiting factor is the upstream bandwidth, which corresponds to 640/8=80kByte/s. That's only the raw bitrate, so it's probably more realistic to expect about 64kB/s actual data rate. Of that you will likely leave some margin for other network traffic, so your UT server can probably serve at most about 60kB/s. At a MaxClientRate of 10000 that would be at most 60000/10000=6 slots for players and spectators combined. If you want to host 8 players and don't care about spectators, a MaxClientRate of 60000/8=7500 will ensure you won't max out your available upstream bandwidth.

Re: Server settings - questions about some ini values

Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 1:25 pm
by Pileyrei
Thanks Wormbo

The servers in question are from Multiplay, a gaming provider so I want to ensure I'm not missing some good tweaks to give best all round performance.
EDIT: BTW, I see our netspeed is set to 20 000