My skin is not working

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My skin is not working

Post by Tater »

I've taken the HaloMasterChief and redid the textures through Photoshop and it looks awesome. The problem is that it won't show on my server right. If I wear the "normal" color Other people see me in the red team color. If I stand in front of them and cycle through the team colors they see them all and when I get back to the normal color they now see it. Then when I'm shot they see the neon green unsupported green. I put it on my test server and reskinned one of the bots with it. Then I signed onto it with all references of it removed from my game directory so that I downloaded it all. I got in and spectated and it looked correct. I entered the game and approached the bot and it was red. Any ideas?
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by papercoffee »

How does the content of the .int file look like?
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by Tater »

This is the .int for the skins

Object=(Name=HaloMasterChiefSkins.chef1,Class=Texture,Description="HaloMasterChief") (I've tried various numbers here, chef, chef0,chef1).

This is the .int for the .u


There was only 4 files with the package;
The advanced model support is also needed.
I loaded the original package, the one that I dressed up, onto our test server and it behaved the same way. If I was spectating the bot with that skin on it was one color but then when I ran up to it it was another. Those 2 colors being red and normal.
Let me know if I can send you anything else.
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by EvilGrins »

There's an existing Halo MasterChief model, which has perfectly fine team colors, but regarding yours... do you have a screenshot of it?

From the looks of this...

...other than team colors, your model is only using 2 texture bases. Typical skin textures on a model for ut99 has (to use your chef as example) chef1 - chef5; chef4 & chef5 would incorporate textures for the face/hands/bottom of feet & the talk texture.

I need to see a screenshot of your skin, and also a screenshot of the textures for it in UnrealEd, if you can post them.

For example:
Here's a Male Soldier skin I did · viewtopic.php?f=13&t=3485

That's this:
Object=(Name=Soldier_Cyborg.Cybo1,Class=Texture,Description="Cyborg Superman")
To further break that down:
Cybo1 is the front torso and back.
Cybo2 is the legs and boots.
Cybo3 is the arms, shoulders down to the wrists.

...and so on and so forth. There's slight variations depending on the player model you're working on, but it mostly breaks down the same way.

You don't necessarily want it to say "face" where you have the face... just a mild thing I wanted to point out.
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by Tater »

Image Image Image Image Image Image

There is only one texture base and it covers the whole model so this is the whole texture package. I didn't "make" this, only retextured it. I got it from the FUN download repository, where it came from before that is beyond me.

I stood in front of a mirror and took a screenshot while in 3rd person view, here's the pic for that;
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by EvilGrins »

The model already came with a skins file which seems to be exactly the same filename as your edited skins.

Did you overwrite the existing skins file?

What was the skins .int file originally? Do you still have that??
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by OjitroC »

EvilGrins wrote:There's an existing Halo MasterChief model, which has perfectly fine team colors, but regarding yours... do you have a screenshot of it?

From the looks of this...

...other than team colors, your model is only using 2 texture bases. Typical skin textures on a model for ut99 has (to use your chef as example) chef1 - chef5; chef4 & chef5 would incorporate textures for the face/hands/bottom of feet & the talk texture.
EvilGrins wrote:What was the skins .int file originally?
That is the original Halo MasterChief skins .int and the model only has two texture bases - the only difference is that Object=(Name=HaloMasterChiefSkins.chef1,Class=Texture,Description="HaloMasterChief") is Object=(Name=HaloMasterChiefSkins.chef0,Class=Texture,Description="HaloMasterChief") in the original.

Do you have two, two halomasterchiefskins.utx or two files with the same name?
Is that skin included in the ServerPackages in your UT.ini?
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by Tater »

All names are identical.All I did was to retexture and those names are all the same. INT, UTX, U are all the same names In order to rename everything I'd have to rewrite the script in the U file.
serverpackage=halomasterchief for the U
serverpackage=halomasterchiefskins for the UTX

This is the original INT;
Object=(Name=HaloMasterChiefSkins.chef0,Class=Texture,Description="HaloMasterChief") I've also tried this as chef1 and chef0
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by EvilGrins »

Tater wrote:All names are identical.All I did was to retexture and those names are all the same. INT, UTX, U are all the same names In order to rename everything I'd have to rewrite the script in the U file.
serverpackage=halomasterchief for the U
serverpackage=halomasterchiefskins for the UTX
1) Serverpackages doesn't register .utx files, it looks for .int & .u files only.
2) You would not need to alter the script of the .u in order to make a new skin for your retextures.
You'd simply need to make new .int & .utx with something the .u would recognize for a new skin set.

3) The problem you get from altering the original files is that if you play online and someone has the original on their server, it will cause a file conflict and you won't be able to join their games.

I think I've still got the original HaloMasterChief on my system at home. I'll take a look at it tonight, see what is necessary to make a different skin for it.
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by Tater »

The script inside of the U file references the HaloMasterChief. I run this from Linux, I found something here. If I removed the 4 files having to do with HMC from my game directory and logged onto the server, sometimes it didn't seem to download the files that it should. I got to thinking that this might be why he sometimes showed as neon green. I looked in my unrealtournament.ini, (server's) and found that instead of having ServerPackages=HaloMasterChiefSkins I had serverPackages=HaloMasterChiefSkins. Could this do it?
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by Barbie »

Tater wrote:ServerPackages=HaloMasterChiefSkins
The letter case of key names in INI files should not make a difference.
EvilGrins wrote:1) Serverpackages doesn't register .utx files, it looks for .int & .u files only.
IMO not true, see Wiki -> Package_map. Files listed in Serverpackages are downloaded by clients and should be used for files that are not referenced by any other package (map) and therefore are not downloaded automatically.
EvilGrins wrote:file conflict
That's right, if you modify any file that exists outside your box also, you should give it a new, unique name.
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by Tater »

After screwing with this all day it's amounted to nothing. I brought someone onto the test server hoping that all would be well but here's what happened. I was wearing the skin but was seen as neon green. I stood in front of him and changed team color to red and he saw that fine and when I changed back to neutral he saw that as it should be. He shot me and I turned neon and when I respawned he saw me as neon but with the same effects as before after color changes. I gave him the 3 system files and told him to switch to the skin but it wouldn't stay chosen. We then checked and he didn't have the advanced model support files. I don't know if he needed them in his folder or not but I sent those to him and he was able to switch to the skin. I still showed as neon to him but now I he was neon to me also. We did do 1 TDM and were both on the red team. He saw me as red where he would've seen me as neon before.
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by EvilGrins »

The neon green thing often happens with advanced models when something's not quite right.

Okay, so I'm home now and I opened up my copy. First off, the textures are freaking HUGE. 1024x1024? Geez!

So the files for it are, as you said:

In order to properly make a new skin set for this I'm gonna go for a tester: halomasterchieftest.

Let's see how this goes...

One quick thing, I don't see a texture for the face in there anywhere... though it may just be in the .u file.

Please keep in mind, this was a rush job. I've gotten like 3 hours sleep in the past 2 days and I'm gonna collapse shortly after I post this:
Back when was still around they pointed out the 3 colors skinners use the least often were pink, orange, & purple.

Team colors are ridiculous, just accept this as it is for testing purposes... I did this in about 15 minutes:
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by Tater »

I stepped mine down a notch to 512x512, thanks and enjoy your sleep.
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by Tater »
I'm not sure if you meant to post all of them or just 2 but there were only 2 there. HaloMasterChiefSkinsTest and HaloMasterChiefSkinsTest.utx In Game under player setup there is "Class HaloMasterChief" I assume this is from the U, then "Skin HaloMasterTest". They show but they want to keep going back to the "Skins HaloMasterChief". I saw the reference for the "face" in my INT and put it in the UTX in mine and that's the face that showed up. But I've also tried it with and without so that's not it. Could you send me your U and the INT for it, I'd like to check them against mine.

P.S. The chef2face is only the talk texture, nothing to do with the model's face.
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Last edited by Tater on Sun Apr 03, 2016 7:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.