You already have halomasterchief.u & so you didn't need the rest. When you do any skinning for any model, you don't need to include the base setup for the model with each skin. Otherwise that'd get confusing.Tater wrote:Could you send me your U and the INT for it, I'd like to check them against mine.
Wait... you didn't change those too, did you?
Oh crap, you did. I double checked against mine, this model was created in 2008 but all your files are dated 2016.Tater wrote:I'm not sure if you meant to post all of them or just 2 but there were only 2 there. HaloMasterChiefSkinsTest and HaloMasterChiefSkinsTest.utx In Game under player setup there is "Class HaloMasterChief" I assume this is from the U, then "Skin HaloMasterTest".
When you get a model you wanna make skins for, you NEVER change the base files for the model unless you're gonna rename them to something else. That causes file conflicts if you host games or try to join the games of others.
All skins do that... sort of. Skins are listed alphabetically, my "test" skin would come after the original skin... unless I named the skin something else that would go higher on the alphabetical scale than the default skin.Tater wrote:They show but they want to keep going back to the "Skins HaloMasterChief".