My skin is not working

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Re: My skin is not working

Post by EvilGrins »

Tater wrote:Could you send me your U and the INT for it, I'd like to check them against mine.
You already have halomasterchief.u & so you didn't need the rest. When you do any skinning for any model, you don't need to include the base setup for the model with each skin. Otherwise that'd get confusing.

Wait... you didn't change those too, did you?
Tater wrote:I'm not sure if you meant to post all of them or just 2 but there were only 2 there. HaloMasterChiefSkinsTest and HaloMasterChiefSkinsTest.utx In Game under player setup there is "Class HaloMasterChief" I assume this is from the U, then "Skin HaloMasterTest".
Oh crap, you did. I double checked against mine, this model was created in 2008 but all your files are dated 2016.

When you get a model you wanna make skins for, you NEVER change the base files for the model unless you're gonna rename them to something else. That causes file conflicts if you host games or try to join the games of others.
Tater wrote:They show but they want to keep going back to the "Skins HaloMasterChief".
All skins do that... sort of. Skins are listed alphabetically, my "test" skin would come after the original skin... unless I named the skin something else that would go higher on the alphabetical scale than the default skin.
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by Tater »

No I didn't change those 2 files. I would like to check those and make sure that they weren't changed before I got them. The problem does not lie in the texture, it did the same thing with the original set. I would like to have a package that works to compare them. Try the package that I uploaded. It won't do it running on your machine alone, it has to be on a server in order to occur. I've done it on 2 different servers and it's happened on both.
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by EvilGrins »

I've noticed this neon green thing you describe happening, and heard others complain about it before, with any models requiring advanced model support. Dunno why, but maybe look into it from that aspect?
Tater wrote:No I didn't change those 2 files.
Gotta be some reason all the files you got for that model are dated to last month of this year.
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by OjitroC »

Tater wrote:No I didn't change those 2 files. I would like to check those and make sure that they weren't changed before I got them.
I've compared the original HaloMasterChief.u (dated 28/01/2008) with your HaloMasterChief.u (dated 26/03/2016) using UTPT.exe and they are exactly the same.
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by EvilGrins »

For what it's worth · ...
OjitroC wrote:I've compared the original HaloMasterChief.u (dated 28/01/2008) with your HaloMasterChief.u (dated 26/03/2016) using UTPT.exe and they are exactly the same.
I dunno what UTPT is, but you might wanna re-check that.

Original HaloMasterChief.u is 448kb
His is 443kb

Original .utx is 4,014kb
His is 1,414kb

Seems different to me, using just my eyeballs.
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by Tater »

The UTX will definitely be different. I've changed that. The originals were 1024x1024 and I reduced them down to 512x512 plus I "redid" all of the textures. So it will show smaller undoubtedly. I never touched any of the other files though, when I changed the UTX I left the names the same so that nothing else would have to be changed. Everything and all names were all referenced the same. I realize the problem that would arise with version mismatches, that's why I've done most of this on a test server. I wanted to change the names once it got working right.

I would still like to have the original U file so that I could look at the script and be sure that nothing has been changed.

Is there a way to change this into a SKMM so that I could just run it through skinmaker? (cheat)
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by OjitroC »

EvilGrins wrote:
I dunno what UTPT is, but you might wanna re-check that.
UTPT = UT Package Tool Version 2. It looks at the internals of .u and .utx - including import and export tables and trees, name table etc. It will show textures, scripts etc; play sounds and export all these.

I used it and compared the internals of both .u files and could see no differences in what was in the tables and trees nor in the scripts. I don't know how relevant comparing file size per se is as on my (mac) disc both .u files are the same size but larger than the sizes you quote.

I don't know how relevant the following is or even what it means BUT looking at your HaloMasterChief.utx and the original (plus a couple of other skin utxs as a comparison), I see that
  • 1 Your .utx does not have a property LODSet (in the name table generated by UTPT.exe) - other skin .utx have this
    2 Your .utx has a property bMasked which other skin .utxs do not
    3 Your .utx does not seem to be packaged - in the export table and export tree, other skin .utxs have the textures and palettes shown under a (named) Package
Hope this is of some help.
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by Tater »

The skin that I downloaded originally did the exact same thing. The bmasked is most likely because the talk texture is set to "masked" when the texture was imported. But it's done this with and without the talk texture.
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by EvilGrins »

Tater wrote:I would still like to have the original U file so that I could look at the script and be sure that nothing has been changed.
Skim up the thread for where I typed "For what it's worth" as that's where the link to the original is.

lol PM'd me, told me there's a female version of this Halo model... somewhere.
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by Tater »

Thanks. Unfortunately that's the same place that I got it from. I did manage to convert this to a 3ds and compile it through skinmaker but it still turns red.
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by Chamberly »

Have you tried saving it in a different name and use that to not have file mismatch?
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by OjitroC »

If you look at the script in the .u file you will find unnecessary SetSkinElement calls to SkinNames 2T_*, 3T_* and 4T_* which don't of course exist - don't know if this could cause your problem. It certainly generates a lot of garbage in the log. Maybe the .u file is screwed in some way?
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by Tater »

That's kind of why I wanted one to compare. I've tried the "original" files straight from download, files that I reskinned, files put together through SkinMaker and they all resulted in the same thing. Using the files compiled in skinmaker really points toward something wrong in the U because that used to files that were put together in a program that normally works well but it still used the same U and still resulted in the same errors.
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Re: My skin is not working

Post by OjitroC »

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Re: My skin is not working

Post by Tater »

Thanks for the downloads. I'll look at them and let you know.

They're all the same. Every file size is exact.