The animation will be done with only a folder "commandLineOption1" and the files "commandLineOption2_FrameNumber" (e.g. "Lorrobasanti_00001", "Lorrobasanti_00002" files inside "LorrobasantiAnim" folder, etc.), since the animations in a Unreal model are simply ranges that determine the frames that will be the animation. Yes, animations doesn't contain frames -- a model does. It contains these frames and THEN assign them to animations.
This way, we won't need to autogenerate a .uc file. This program is not to be used by noobs that want to create annoying crap, for example some guys that made a Monster Hunt level and put a lot of BlockAll's, dickies, BSP errors and such. (Monster Hunt is the gametype where the most mappers are actually crappers!) Without a template we discourage people that don't make something decent or even understandable. We avoid crap. We assure quality of output. (I'm sure sektor will agree, he is "at war with noobs"

The parser I made outputs one AnimationFrame object per file, which itself contains a list of Polygons, which are a list of Vertice objects (just X, Y and Z coordinates plus a bunch of functions) and in the future a list of texture vertexes/coordinates as well).
However, I have one little question, are normal vertexes used in Unreal models? By "normal" I don't mean the standard (geometry) vertex, but THE normal or something like that... Understand me?
Oh... last note: this was built with Blender-exported Wavefront models in mind. If you use some other modeller, then don't ask for support "my obj model is not working in your parser and it not being parsed coz i didn't use blender"!