stock skins

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stock skins

Post by rjmno1 »

How many stock skins are there avaleble for ut 99?
Me for myself i wanna use the bloodsplat skin wich i did use years ago in the ut348 version also.
Now the question is what must i edit for that skin,is that the ut.ini or another file.
Question number 2 how much stock skins are avaleble for ut 99 goty edition?
And what is there names?
much greetz:rjmno1 :help:
Now i did edit both and there is no skin selection so ut does not start when i clik on icon please help
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Re: stock skins

Post by EvilGrins »

If you have the textures for the skins but no .utx or .int files for them, then you can't use them. So, yeah, you'd have to configure them into a skin just like any other.

Do you have these textures?

What model are we talking here? I've only ever seen a bloodspat texture for the SkaarjTrooper.
Last edited by EvilGrins on Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: stock skins

Post by rjmno1 »

EvilGrins wrote:If you have the textures for the skins but no .utx or .ini files for them, then you can't use them. So, yeah, you'd have to configure them into a skin just like any other.

Do you have these textures?

What model are we talking here? I've only ever seen a bloodspat texture for the SkaarjTrooper.
I,m talking about the stok skins wich are already withing ut99.
I just don't know where to edit them,i,m not adding a skin.
I just wanna edit a stok skin example botpack.blodsplat.
But where can i edit that is that in ut.ini or user.ini?

Now i did fill out two blanks with no text or wathever so mine ut 99 does not boot anymore.

user.ini section:example:


ut.ini example:

ProtocolDescription=Unreal Protocol

its about the class section and the class and skin=section.
There are more skins built into ut 99 but i don,t know the names annymore.
Is there a list on the internet from the built in skins names?
If so where is that website?
hopefuly u understand mine question.

Otherwise new install of ut 99 i did save the textures from the patched s3tc and the highend textures .
Install again override the textures and install opengl again with the good settings and everything will run like a charm again. :tu:

i wanted to use the botpack.bloodsplat skin wich is builtin into ut99.
This skin looks like you are white with red dots all over the place.
In the past with the 348 demo i did use the same skin wich was or is also built in into the demo 348 version.
so mine question is then wich file must i edit fore using this skin the user.ini or the ut.ini?
And in what section? see above examples?

hope this help.

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Re: stock skins

Post by MrLoathsome »

You are changing the wrong line in User.ini
Won't need any changes to the UT.ini for this.

Try this for the result I think you are looking for:

Code: Select all

Class=BotPack.TMale1              // or whatever valid player class you want
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Re: stock skins

Post by sektor2111 »

Okay, enough with coffee, looks like it does damage at brain.

Code: Select all

class BloodSplat expands Scorch;
Presuming you don't know what's next...

Code: Select all

class Scorch expands Decal;
So you wanna play as decal. I advice you to try playing as a Barrel or even a PlayerStart, perhaps as a Brush (might be textured).
In that stupid INI the string "Skin=" seems to not be enough self explanatory. Here community seems to not have basic explanations about this game how do things work... :loool: THESE ARE ACTOR CLASSES NOT TEXTURES for BEING SKINS.
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Re: stock skins

Post by rjmno1 »

thanks guys thats what i mented.
a ton of thank you for that
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Re: stock skins

Post by OjitroC »

rjmno1 wrote: i wanted to use the botpack.bloodsplat skin wich is builtin into ut99.
This skin looks like you are white with red dots all over the place.
You must be remembering an actual skin from the demo? Because, since the Botpack.bloodsplat is not a skin (as has been pointed out) the engine won't find it when it attempts to load the skin and so it will revert to the basic default male commando or soldier skin - out of interest I just tried and that is what happened.
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Re: stock skins

Post by rjmno1 »

OjitroC wrote:
rjmno1 wrote: i wanted to use the botpack.bloodsplat skin wich is builtin into ut99.
This skin looks like you are white with red dots all over the place.
You must be remembering an actual skin from the demo? Because, since the Botpack.bloodsplat is not a skin (as has been pointed out) the engine won't find it when it attempts to load the skin and so it will revert to the basic default male commando or soldier skin - out of interest I just tried and that is what happened.
Well i did find it maby its a part of a textures.
I made a picture from that take a look.

this is the skin.
There was no mirror on this level so you can't see the front.
I did save the ini,s first before i must install ut again.
btw mine user.ini front section looks like this:


thanks alot guys. :gj:
edit :typo
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Re: stock skins

Post by MrLoathsome »

It will not work with Class set to Botpack.bloodsplat because as Sector pointed out a decal is not a player class.
I bet there is a warning in your log file and it is just defaulting to one of the default soldier or commando classes.

My example will work, but you need to make the changes with a text editor and then NOT go to player setup before playing.
If you go into the Player config menus, they will overwrite the changes you just made to the User.ini file.

That hack will only function offline. (Although who cares about that? Netcodes are hard. :mrgreen: )

The correct way to do it, would be to get into UED and just import just the the texture used by botpack.bloodsplat into
a new texture there in the texture editor.

Then save your "new" texture as a UTX file and write up an int file for it. (I think EvilGrins already said something like that....)

If you do it that way, it could even work online if you made it a serverpackage. (But why bother? Nobody cares about servers anyway....)
Last edited by MrLoathsome on Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: stock skins

Post by EvilGrins »

Okay, for the record...
...that doesn't make any sense.

"Class" indicates what model you're using... and your screenshot has the Male Commando model being used.

Can't believe that works... and it probably only does because the Male Commando is the default UT model, UT's engine is compensating for the bad setup in the .ini file.

Also, that's not a skin... it's a texture mapped over a model. The bloodsplat skins I've seen look like an actual detailed skin which just happens to be very bloody.
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Re: stock skins

Post by MrLoathsome »

Exactly correct Mr.Grins.

That horrible technique is indeed just a texture slapped onto a model and not a proper skin.
(The OP is referring to any texture as a "skin" and I think this is confusing some of you.....)

The method I outlined above is pretty much exactly what I did long ago with my wacky Cow and Nali skins. ... k/1-1-0-50

It is mostly just a whole bunch of default textures that I thought would look cool on a NaliCow and slammed all together
into a utx file and wrote a int file for.

It does throw a handful of warnings in the log file when used on bots, but if I recall that was due to issues with the cow model itself.
Other than the warnings, that works on and offline just fine. It is sort of an ugly hack but it works.

And if you do it the correct way you should be able to pick the skin right from the player configuration menus
without running the risk of attempting to play as a scorchmark or barrel or something and pissing Sector off. :tu: :tongue: :highfive:

(I know why this sort of thing pisses him off. I am constantly pissed off myself. :mad2: :lol2: :wth: :satan: )

**Edit. Damnit. Think I just found a typo in the int file for the nali stuff in that download.
In the unlikely event that anybody tries it with the nali model, you should edit the file
and change the last 8 lines. Name=tnalimeshskinsmoocow should be Name=tnalimeshskinsmoocow2
Now I am mad at myself..... **EndEdit

*** Edit 2. A bit more info, after some poking around....

Actually when you use the skin=BotPack.bloodsplat you are still pointing the User.ini file at a scorchmark class and not a real texture.
The bloodsplat decal just defaults to a texture it has as default, which is Botpack.bloodsplat.bloodsplat1.
It contains 10 different splats with slightly different patterns.
You can easily use any of them by editing your User.ini file and changing just that 1 skin= line.

Code: Select all

By doing it this way it actually works when you join a server.
(But who cares about that anyway?)

And, it should make Sector happier.

****Edit 3. Epic is pissing me off now.

After more screwing around, it turns out that for the commando model (Class=BotPack.TMale1) the above method
does NOT work on or off line. You have to use skin=BotPack.bloodsplat. And it will only work offline.
I switched to the Nalicow model half-way thru my testing on this this evening...

With the Nalicow (and the cowfix version), using skin=BotPack.bloodsplat.bloodsplat8 will work offline and
online. (Depending upon the server config...)

I now recall why I stopped trying to mess around with skins. :ironic2: :what:
Last edited by MrLoathsome on Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: stock skins

Post by sektor2111 »

I'm not happy until you play as a Mover and crash a default Linux 436 server because someone was too busy to mock with "" system file.

Oh look "A Door has entered the game" :ironic: What nice skin has that door, can I be a Lift ? No I wanna be a Sound, yes I get it, a sound it sounds cool.
Those decal classes from BotPack are not skins as you can dream after too much coffee, Regards:Rjmno1, Textures have the meaning of being skins. Textures can be found in some headers from these files.

Code: Select all

Names BloodSplat1 to BloodSplat10 are "skins-like". Class means player model used to join, this one has to be UNDER Pawn > PlayerPawn > TournamentPlayer >>> and not the rest of crap which you do browsing. Capisch ? YOU might CRASH some servers and you'll see what nice ban you might get with getting "cool" SKINS.
I'm happy to run Under Windows and to slap down bullshit classes entered by using a default - I gotta admit I'll do my fist skin for this purpose. Player model will be default with some ASS Skin if tried to mess things, at least will see that he need to read manuals and perhaps next time will find a S3TC link which a KID can manage better and which I find in less than 1 minute.
This SKIN madness was never a good thing. I could see servers with some textures having a nasty behavior because of wrong skins used.
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Re: stock skins

Post by MrLoathsome »

Sector. I don't think that could ever happen.

I am almost certain that if you have that Class set wrong it defaults to the Commando as Evilgrins pointed out.
Would be amazed if you could actually change the actual player actor class via messing with User.ini.
Pretty sure that if you are running around and shooting stuff and have a score, you are not playing as a door or barrel or decal.... :what:

Please correct me if I am wrong about that. (And I know that you will. :tu: )

It is almost an accident/bug that these skin hacks even work. (When they do...)
Most servers with any sort of cheat protection block this sort of thing as step 1 I would guess.
I was testing them out on my own servers, none of them crashed.
If I recall, this sort of thing worked better online if the server had the ValAvatar mutator running.
(Took that off my servers a while back. Forget why.)

Would have been nice if Epic had managed to combine the good parts of
Multimesh with the other default model/skins so that they all worked the same.

But it is what it is.

*Note in those #exec lines Sector posted. bloodsplat1 and bloodsplat8 are the same freaking splat. Yay Epic!

Manager: "I asked for 10 textures, and we only have 9. What the hell?"
IT Grunt: "Hang on a sec....."
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Re: stock skins

Post by rjmno1 »

sektor2111 wrote:Okay, enough with coffee, looks like it does damage at brain.

Code: Select all

class BloodSplat expands Scorch;
Presuming you don't know what's next...

Code: Select all

class Scorch expands Decal;
So you wanna play as decal. I advice you to try playing as a Barrel or even a PlayerStart, perhaps as a Brush (might be textured).
In that stupid INI the string "Skin=" seems to not be enough self explanatory. Here community seems to not have basic explanations about this game how do things work... :loool: THESE ARE ACTOR CLASSES NOT TEXTURES for BEING SKINS.
Thats why its only working offline.
When i login into a server ut 99 loads the default skins.
I remember i was realy playing online with this skin ,but forget the settings for this texture skin,
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Re: stock skins

Post by sektor2111 »

Then let's see what we have.
DEFAULT UT habit is to setup a TMALE for class ignoring guys like rjmno1 who think they are BloodSplat. EVEN OFF-LINE - LOOK AT LOGS. I think I'll setup a pawn reporter mutator in purpose to gain WHAT PAWNS are in game in an empty map OFF-LINE. And then you can let me know if you are BloodSplat or other crap. I'll bet on 100$ that you are a child of TournamentPlayer - end of bullshitting.

Code: Select all

	else if ( !ClassIsChildOf(SpawnClass, class'TournamentPlayer') )
		SpawnClass = DefaultPlayerClass;
   DefaultPlayerClass=Class'Botpack.TMale1' //Very Interesting I don't see who else can be owned by player and/or moved using movement functions
Said Mr. TournamentGameInfo.uc root from BotPack and which has a call from DeathMatchPlus after all. So what are we talking about ? I'm not curious to see what's happens if we try to posses actors which are not done for that having 0 functions from playerpawn and 0 states needed.

Else, a friend has contacted me a few months ago - I think even one year passed if I'm not mistaking, because some "Smart-Ass" was joining as a "Predator.Predator" class. We have 2 things: ONE is Monster, and other one is PLAYER MODEL. This sort of player made server having ScriptedPawn file to crash, 436 Linux NGZ game services. Of course a ticket has been advanced to Administration for allowing changes in System Stuff ( so he could replace default trash with a new It was not about "" patching, Botpack problems as much as Native stuff was crashing - go figure it, And yes, here UTPG indeed solved this problem, but bringing others in exchange.

The truth: Setup a 436 default Linux Server - give me IP and I'm gonna be there as a PathNode. Perhaps Predator was due to some Pawn conflicting but I have many doubts. We have been testing these in Win environments. Never crashed giving a default player model In exchange. So, flush the toilette, Loki...

Aside for skin love the target location in sorting trash is the mostly Textures Folder - UTX files.

Now let's see what happens with NON-Players entered in server.

Code: Select all

DevNet: Join request: Index.unr?Name=Sektor2111?Class=Engine.PathNode?Team=1?skin=FCommandoSkins.daco?Face=FCommandoSkins.Tanya?Voice=BotPack.VoiceFemaleOne?OverrideClass=
Warning: Class Engine.PathNode is not a child class of Class Engine.PlayerPawn
ScriptLog: Team 1
ScriptLog: Login: Sektor2111
Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: TFemale1 CTF-300K-Starfishy.TFemale0 //Oops, suddenly PathNode became "Wonder Woman"
DevNet: Join succeeded: Sektor2111
I'm a TFemale class automatically as long as my "Core.dll" won't crash :P .

Code: Select all

Log: Bound to UWeb.dll
Warning: Class Engine.PathNode is not a child class of Class Engine.PlayerPawn.
Warning: Class Engine.PathNode is not a child class of Class Engine.PlayerPawn.
ScriptLog: Team 1
ScriptLog: Login: Sektor2111
Warning: Failed to load 'Texture FCommandoSkins.daco2Tanya': Failed to find object 'Texture FCommandoSkins.daco2Tanya'
ScriptLog: Failed to load FCommandoSkins.daco2Tanya so load FCommandoSkins.daco2
Warning: Failed to load 'Texture FCommandoSkins.daco3T_1': Failed to find object 'Texture FCommandoSkins.daco3T_1'
ScriptLog: Failed to load FCommandoSkins.daco3T_1 so load FCommandoSkins.daco3
Warning: Failed to load 'Texture FCommandoSkins.daco3': Failed to find object 'Texture FCommandoSkins.daco3'
Warning: Failed to load 'Texture FCommandoSkins.daco4T_1': Failed to find object 'Texture FCommandoSkins.daco4T_1'
ScriptLog: Failed to load FCommandoSkins.daco4T_1 so load FCommandoSkins.daco4
Log: Possessed PlayerPawn: TMale1 Entry.TMale0
Oh, well... I don't see other class than TournamentPlayer and/or other sort of PlayerPawn. See ? SKIN is SKIN and CLASS refers to player you cannot be decal or other crap joined in server OR LOCAL.