Exactly correct Mr.Grins.
That horrible technique is indeed just a texture slapped onto a model and not a proper skin.
(The OP is referring to any texture as a "skin" and I think this is confusing some of you.....)
The method I outlined above is pretty much exactly what I did long ago with my wacky Cow and Nali skins.
http://www.ecoop.tk/load/loathsomes_cow ... k/1-1-0-50
It is mostly just a whole bunch of default textures that I thought would look cool on a NaliCow and slammed all together
into a utx file and wrote a int file for.
It does throw a handful of warnings in the log file when used on bots, but if I recall that was due to issues with the cow model itself.
Other than the warnings, that works on and offline just fine. It is sort of an ugly hack but it works.
And if you do it the correct way you should be able to pick the skin right from the player configuration menus
without running the risk of attempting to play as a scorchmark or barrel or something and pissing Sector off.
(I know why this sort of thing pisses him off. I am constantly pissed off myself.

**Edit. Damnit. Think I just found a typo in the int file for the nali stuff in that download.
In the unlikely event that anybody tries it with the nali model, you should edit the tnalimeshskinsmoocow2.int file
and change the last 8 lines.
Name=tnalimeshskinsmoocow should be
Now I am mad at myself..... **EndEdit
*** Edit 2. A bit more info, after some poking around....
Actually when you use the skin=BotPack.bloodsplat you are still pointing the User.ini file at a scorchmark class and not a real texture.
The bloodsplat decal just defaults to a texture it has as default, which is Botpack.bloodsplat.bloodsplat1.
It contains 10 different splats with slightly different patterns.
You can easily use any of them by editing your User.ini file and changing just that 1 skin= line.
Code: Select all
By doing it this way it actually works when you join a server.
(But who cares about that anyway?)
And, it should make Sector happier.
****Edit 3. Epic is pissing me off now.
After more screwing around, it turns out that for the commando model (Class=BotPack.TMale1) the above method
does NOT work on or off line. You have to use skin=BotPack.bloodsplat. And it will only work offline.
I switched to the Nalicow model half-way thru my testing on this this evening...
With the Nalicow (and the cowfix version), using skin=BotPack.bloodsplat.bloodsplat8 will work offline and
online. (Depending upon the server config...)
I now recall why I stopped trying to mess around with skins.