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Seeking download of CTF-DarkVSLight

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 3:53 am
by EvilGrins
One of Ferali's projects, the only threads for it I can find are here and UnrealSP, but the download links no longer work.

CTF-DarkVSLight looks very tight · viewtopic.php?f=5&t=867




It has a lot of Ferali's earliest mutators incorporated into it.

Anybody got a clue where I can find it?

Re: Seeking download of CTF-DarkVSLight

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:22 am
by Barbie
Is it this?

Code: Select all[fix_m].7z
(The forum parser gets confused by the brackets in the file name, so I put it into CODE tags.)

Re: Seeking download of CTF-DarkVSLight

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:38 am
by Aldebaran

Re: Seeking download of CTF-DarkVSLight

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:06 am
by sektor2111
Is great in how do looks like - no comments at design part because it's pretty nice.

A bunch of Redeemers in bases - :noidea
FlakCannon versus the rest of insane weapons - "great" balance or question is: WHAT balance are we talking about ?

I'm still waiting enemy Bots to get into my Base... actually I see my Team Bots what were doing - default CTF, default Bot... (to not suspect that my CTF and my Bots are not compatible with map)
I think you can remove PathNodes because are useless, excuse me but Bots are totally missing in action here or this PC of mine need major fixes :ironic: .

Re: Seeking download of CTF-DarkVSLight

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 4:09 pm
by Aldebaran
I think this map is designed for SLV and RocketX. All the redeemers are replaced then. And afaik bots don't work under these mutators so they won't needed.

Re: Seeking download of CTF-DarkVSLight

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 7:35 pm
by OjitroC
From the Readme - note in particular first and last lines:
This package contains custom spell weaponry named Dark and a Capture the Flag map called CTF-DarkVSLight, specially for SLV, Rocket-X or Nemesis.

There are 4 new weapons and 3 mutators in the Dark package:
- SoulTaker (modified instagib, which has zoom and it “steals” the soul of your opponent, so you can have more health from him)
- The Punisher (the same thing as above, but Blue version)
- Dark Master Stone (has 9 Spells to cast, as a dark master)
- Light Master Stone (the same as above, but Blue version)

- Dark Master Stones – Replaces the Redeemers by the Master Stones, team wisely
- Dark Rifles – Replaces all shockrifles and instagibs by the Soul Taker and The Punisher, team wisely
Dark Energy – Adds random energy spots in the map (the map has to have some pathnodes, so this mutator can work)

Re: Seeking download of CTF-DarkVSLight

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 7:41 pm
by sektor2111
So it needs added Bot Support after all...
Figured problem. Area around Bases have link so they are Navigable to Each-Other but not Flags locations - those stairs need some cheap hack or translocator route - no, wrong, carrier won't translocate so path hacking will be needed, then map will have some action. For the rest it needs checked in those high spots if exist a down-way navigation... .

Re: Seeking download of CTF-DarkVSLight

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:06 am
by EvilGrins
Okay, I'm gonna hold off downloading until sektor fixes it... but thanks for the quick find, guys!

Re: Seeking download of CTF-DarkVSLight

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:12 am
by Dr.Flay
The version in UT-Files is the final version.
I have now attached it to the release post in its thread, so it is easy to find :highfive:

Re: Seeking download of CTF-DarkVSLight

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 4:55 pm
by sektor2111
After one night spent at wiring a fire alarm I went to sleep because I thought that I'm dreaming lousy things. The reality is that map has noobish broken spots. Simple test after putting back FLAGBASES in reachable location (DEFAULT ONLY) I went to call my templates for repathing Level. Actually I deleted many useless ramp nodes around bases but I went to some nasty issue (default Bot). Enemy got flag and defender got stuck in a higher spot being in love by some whatever SoulTaker11 or such whatever. After researching points around I found UNLINKED TRANSLOCATION COMBOS causing Bot to remain without path for freelancing - Of course I did not see this first time getting mad why it does crap. Finally I realized that very simple things like pathing is very Rocket Science for EVERYONE (except Higor which... is wiping floor with All in any moment). I don't need to mention 0 Navigability through Teleporters - or one-way only for being stuck in room.
BAH... LiftExit/TranslocStart has a next Point LiftCenter/TranslocDest/PainPath/JumpSPot and ALL these are Finished with the same LiftExit/TranslocStart AND THEY HAVE an UNIQUE STUPID LIFTTAG Even if they Are Not part of a LIFT/MOVER/ETC... MOVER.
Of course this is a very big problem and it needs 2 universities, 2 highschools, and 10 years of physics combined with 5 years of chemistry, swimming in bottles or whatever underwater science in a gas room :mad2: :mad2: :mad2: else it cannot be done. Are you kidding me ? Map doesn't have Bot Support not because of SLV destination but because of LIFT problems, Pawn.ActorReachable unidentified term, and default PathNode properties problems, misunderstanding of too closer nodes - THAT'S the problem(s) not cheap excuses with SLV. I have simply pathed map without messing with other hacks, by only using my default templates and cleaning useless reachspecs stored - I couldn't fix some light problems at doors which I see in original but... heck, I have to study lightning myself because I'm not sure if I won't find other tutorial lying crap for believers.

EDIT: See PM, EG, maybe you got something needed...

Re: Seeking download of CTF-DarkVSLight

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:51 pm
by OjitroC
sektor2111 wrote: Map doesn't have Bot Support not because of SLV destination but because of LIFT problems, Pawn.ActorReachable unidentified term, and default PathNode properties problems, misunderstanding of too closer nodes - THAT'S the problem(s) not cheap excuses with SLV.
I think you'll find from reading through the initial release thread for the map (and through the readme) that it doesn't have bot support because it was intended to be played on-line by (human) players on Nemisis servers or on servers running SLV or Rocket-X (as noted by Aldebaran earlier in this thread it works well using these). Not only is there no suggestion in the thread or readme of bot support but also the entire design of the map is directed towards the use of SLV etc - in addition of course, one suspects that bots, despite all their admirable qualities, would not be able to cope too well with the spell casting stones. In short, it is just a bit OTT to criticise someone for problems with pathing/navigation points, etc when the map was clearly intended to be played by humans only.

Having said that, I look forward with anticipation to your pathed version.

Re: Seeking download of CTF-DarkVSLight

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:42 pm
by sektor2111
I'm not sure what you think, but if you look well and you know Bot Pathing you'll find Bases linked, project was probably started but abandoned. With or WITHOUT BOT, TranslocStart and TranslocDest ONLY are WRONG and YES due to my experience, I can see when an attempt to Bot failed or was desperated or was not on purpose, and when map is not for BOT because these are different things - else there are no reasons by wasting time for adding those things. Believe me or Not, here Bot support is FAILED because is 80%-85% done so to speak, Bot might cover you at a moment. There were around 3000+ ReachSpecs proving that Paths were rebuild multiple times so as you see I have more than one evidences about what I'm saying. ( In other map by another guy I saw "Desperation" 11000+ Reachspecs and remaining 1500+ after cleaning it... it was coder of course, try to imagine how many times he tried pathing, LOL :omfg: only increasing Trash specs useless).
Document written is an excuse for failure (- people as EG and me Might play OFF-Line, and empty cubes are annoying as hell -) you know it's not for that, it's addressing servers - WHO Play Now days ? Maybe my mother when will have 70 years old.
For relics from any type 20 Nodes were suffice without mooing at Flags Pyramids. I sent to EG one in private for checking if I could do pathing after one night full of work at job and doing checks around 1-2 hours. Mainly I fixed a few issues and for the rest of time was testing spectating and adjusting it (weaponry placement, completing jump links, reducing useless paths, adding smarty AlternatePaths, adjusting ramp Nodes, etc) I got an issue ON-Line Bot getting ShockRifle attempted to hunt an enemy falling in mid area and remaining stuck there, I boosted it to death because already unbalancing team was noticeable, so I guess I'll do paths down there too... And yes I can do paths even in any ZOMBI state because is a piece of cake.
My lucky tool is my NsCTF able to speak instantly, even without Bot if EnemyFlag has a route or not - faster debugging. Route was only at enemy Base - Very CLOSER to target, so what are we talking about ? Geometry ? It overrides "Side Node Limit" multiple times, and YES, FeraliD failed Bot Pathing here, what is so unbelievable ? All of us have to learn stuff, no worries.

As for me I'm very unskilled with lights, I simply have to figure where and/or how do lights start to get messy (dark holes on walls, movers darked, etc) In some 3072 which I do, I did not see problems yet..., or course I'm still under "Side Node Limit" - simple geometry...

Re: Seeking download of CTF-DarkVSLight

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:51 am
by Dr.Flay
I think that as Feralidragon was in his early days of mapping, you should forget the included map.
Only look at it as an example to test the weapons, as that is what it was made for.
These weapons need better maps made by experienced CTF mappers.

Re: Seeking download of CTF-DarkVSLight

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:38 am
by sektor2111
Yes, DOC, it was year 2008 when knowledge was not in a higher Level for people in those times, because of missing serious documentation - even what I have is pretty incomplete and even false in some points. Master-Blaster in this map are those main weapons (sorta Insta).

Re: Seeking download of CTF-DarkVSLight

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 3:58 am
by EvilGrins
sektor2111 wrote:it was year 2008 when knowledge was not in a higher Level for people in those times
Says the master time traveler. "Look at these primitive yokels... they are like ants to me."
*insert evil anime laugh here*
Dr.Flay wrote:I think that as Feralidragon was in his early days of mapping
By the time I learned of Ferali he was like a freaking UT-GOD... but sometimes when it's slow I go back to the very first posts on this forum · portal.php?np=5820#n · and skim through them (for fun stuffs and forgotten mutators) and I see Ferali when he first joined. A virtual novice in all ways, made a little moreso from some arrogant players lording over him.

Myth seemed to love to pick on him.