[Final] 3072 The Insane Tower

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Re: [WIP] 3072 The Insane Tower

Post by papercoffee »

Barbie wrote:
papercoffee wrote:Where can I set this up?
Properties > Advanced > bNoDelete = True
But this results in a firework of fan fragments if someone shoots at it. This can be avoided by creating a sub class with changed behaviour.
papercoffee wrote:Or is there a better solution to create rotating hands for a Clock?
What about Movers?
I changed the Clock entirely. And I took From stud metal the cogwheel (because I used it for the clock-gear) and managed to get it to rotate. As far as I know are the stud metal meshes indestructible. Or do I remember wrong.
Right now I'm building the warp-zones and hope to get it to work as planned.

I have to change the renderer to make nice screenshots from the clock ...because meshes don't look good in software render mode. I really should fix my graphic card asap. :?
Sooo... Next time some shots.

Warpzones are working flawless :highfive:
Now I have to add pathnodes, inventory, lights and my custom music. :omfg:
But the main corpus of the map works and that's important.
When you play this map you'll get insane ...or at least you think the mapper was. :ironic:
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Re: [WIP] 3072 The Insane Tower

Post by Pileyrei »

Oh wow!

Looks amazing.

I really really really really need to sit down and practice making simple but beautiful maps. Proper arches in doorways for example, not just lots of cubes stuck together :ironic:

Cant wait to play it.

This map will be like DM-Falling I guess, if you have seen that one. :D

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Re: [WIP] 3072 The Insane Tower

Post by papercoffee »

Pileyrei wrote:Looks amazing.
Thanks pal.

I play-tested it and nearly forgot that there are warp-zones connecting the segments. I'm astonished that it worked as planned.
Decided to place only projectile weapons in this map. But how can I change the start weapon into something projectile based?
And has someone a suggestion for a good low damage weapon?
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Re: [WIP] 3072 The Insane Tower

Post by Eviltom »

Love it! I think it will melt my eyes and brain but i it looks great :tu:
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Re: [WIP] 3072 The Insane Tower

Post by papercoffee »

  • Item placement
    lighting (not entirely final)
    deleting useless brushes.
Now is bot pathing, sounds and play-testing in the pipeline.
Yeah I know it's not an eye candy but I hoped to use more meshes ...self-made weapon racks and other stuff like bookshelves. But Meshmaker and UEd2.1 bailed out on me and produced porous models ...and I'm not great with real 3D tools.
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Re: [WIP] 3072 The Insane Tower

Post by papercoffee »

I need help ...somehow are the non-solid windows broken and create HOMs or don't show the fake backdrop ingame.
Maybe I have to redo the windows and make subtracted brushes. :( Darn it.
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Re: [WIP] 3072 The Insane Tower

Post by Barbie »

If you want, I could have a look at it, I'll keep it private. Just send it to known mail address.
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Re: [WIP] 3072 The Insane Tower

Post by papercoffee »

Barbie wrote:If you want, I could have a look at it, I'll keep it private. Just send it to known mail address.
Thanks, but I decided to make the windows simpler and hopefully avoid any BSP holes.

The whole window, frame and glas part was a complete prefab set to non-solid (like a deco mesh would be) as you can see on the moon&boobs picture viewtopic.php?p=92231#p92231 I thought this would be a good idea to reduce BSP cuts. It was but at the end was this prefab unstable and got cut/broken in the game. In the editor I noticed no errors. :noidea
Well ...now I simplify it.
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Re: [WIP] 3072 The Insane Tower

Post by papercoffee »

What is the meaning of those warnings?

Code: Select all

Warning: bspAddNode: Infinitesimal polygon 2 (3)
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::SplitWithPlane: Ignored back sliver
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: bspAddNode: Infinitesimal polygon 2 (3)
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::SplitWithPlane: Ignored front sliver
Warning: bspAddNode: Infinitesimal polygon 2 (3)
Warning: bspAddNode: Infinitesimal polygon 2 (4)
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::SplitWithPlane: Ignored front sliver
Warning: FPoly::Fix: Collapsed a point
Warning: FPoly::SplitWithPlane: Ignored front sliver
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Re: [WIP] 3072 The Insane Tower

Post by papercoffee »

The Insane Tower.

A place, lost in insanity...
Three Goddesses want you to sacrifice blood in their sacred realm.

The Goddess of War.

The Goddess of Wisdom.

The Goddess of Time.

You have to survive ins this twisted space... Don't try to escape ...there is no place to run ...You are in this Tower for all eternity.


Map is ready ...I have only to write the Readme file.

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Re: [Final] 3072 The Insane Tower

Post by EvilGrins »

Don't have time for a full review (with screenshots) but I've got 2 quick things.

1) Your music selection is decent, but you didn't include it in the .zip file. Apparently I already had it so I didn't have any issues but I suspect not everyone will.

2) The bots don't move around that much. Don't have time to open it up in UnrealEd to see why, but I had 9 bots on the map and only 1 of them moved away from where it spawned in.
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Re: [Final] 3072 The Insane Tower

Post by papercoffee »

EvilGrins wrote:Don't have time for a full review (with screenshots) but I've got 2 quick things.
1)The music is in MyLevel but I put the original mod file in the zip. So... why should I stuff also the umx into the upload?

2)Bots don't move? I played it many times and they kicked my butt. I'll see what's happening when I spectate.
Have to fix this for the map-pack.
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Re: [Final] 3072 The Insane Tower

Post by EvilGrins »

papercoffee wrote:1)The music is in MyLevel but I put the original mod file in the zip. So... why should I stuff also the umx into the upload?
Well, to be fair I didn't know you did that... or was even aware anyone could do that.

My bad.
papercoffee wrote:2)Bots don't move? I'll see what's happening when I spectate.
I've been reviewing the maps from spectator mode, so I can see how the pathing is handling pure.
papercoffee wrote:I played it many times and they kicked my butt.
Naturally if you walk up to a bot with a loaded weapon, it's probably gonna kill you rather than start a fun conversation.
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Re: [Final] 3072 The Insane Tower

Post by papercoffee »

EvilGrins wrote:
papercoffee wrote:1)The music is in MyLevel but I put the original mod file in the zip. So... why should I stuff also the umx into the upload?
Well, to be fair I didn't know you did that... or was even aware anyone could do that.

My bad.
papercoffee wrote:2)Bots don't move? I'll see what's happening when I spectate.
I've been reviewing the maps from spectator mode, so I can see how the pathing is handling pure.
papercoffee wrote:I played it many times and they kicked my butt.
Naturally if you walk up to a bot with a loaded weapon, it's probably gonna kill you rather than start a fun conversation.
1) don't sweat it.

2) Yes those areas are the warp-zone portals and bots don't like to use them ...they can't see each other through a portal or anything else. :( Have to fix this after the contest.

3) What do you think about the map at all?
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Re: [Final] 3072 The Insane Tower

Post by Aldebaran »

Last edited by Aldebaran on Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.