I changed the Clock entirely. And I took From stud metal the cogwheel (because I used it for the clock-gear) and managed to get it to rotate. As far as I know are the stud metal meshes indestructible. Or do I remember wrong.Barbie wrote:Properties > Advanced > bNoDelete = Truepapercoffee wrote:Where can I set this up?
But this results in a firework of fan fragments if someone shoots at it. This can be avoided by creating a sub class with changed behaviour.What about Movers?papercoffee wrote:Or is there a better solution to create rotating hands for a Clock?
Right now I'm building the warp-zones and hope to get it to work as planned.
I have to change the renderer to make nice screenshots from the clock ...because meshes don't look good in software render mode. I really should fix my graphic card asap.

Sooo... Next time some shots.
Warpzones are working flawless

But the main corpus of the map works and that's important.
When you play this map you'll get insane ...or at least you think the mapper was.